XRP 2019 vs BTC 2019 vs BTC2015

From left to right we have, XRPUSD 2019, BTCUSD 2019 and BTC 2015 weekly charts, respectively. The common pattern we notice is a strong daily downward trend marked by the red line. On the opposite side, we have a support line forming on XRP and BTC 2019. The similarities are marked and if 2019 plays out like 2015, we will breakout of this downward trend followed by the resting of the daily downward red trend line. This is marked by the up, green arrow in the BTC 2015 chart. This retractory period is important, and will confirm the support we are seeing note by the blue shaded boxes.

Side note: By using the 200 period Volume Weighted Moving average on the DAILY chart, this will be confirmation that the trend line is broken.
Trend Analysis

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