26 dic 2023 13:03

RAVENCOIN / BTC (by trojabile , looks same x10 ? )  Long

Ravencoin / BitcoinBinance


Ravencoin is a blockchain and cryptocurrency that aims to facilitate the transfer of assets from one party to another. It was launched in January 2018 and was designed to enable the creation and transfer of real-world assets, such as tokens representing physical or digital goods, in a secure and decentralized manner. Its protocol is based on a fork of the Bitcoin code.

As for its founders, Ravencoin was proposed by Bruce Fenton, a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency space and the founder and managing director of Atlantic Financial, a financial advisory firm. However, the actual development of Ravencoin was led by a team of developers, with no specific individuals or centralized entity claiming ownership or control over the project. The project was set up to be community-driven and decentralized in nature.