Bitcoin Bull Market Ends Dec. 28 at $350k?

Di shelby3
Please watch Games of Trades latest video about Bitcoin.

If 2013 is repeating, then Bitcoin should peak on Dec. 28 at 350k. 😲

An alternative interpretation is 221k by Dec. 28.

Whereas if I compute the total days from first top in 2013 to the final capitulation bottom before the parabolic rocket to second day, as 175 days and then the length of the rocket as 59 to 63 days, then proportionally this projects the top to be Feb 12 to 27, which is what I have been expecting for the timing.

So 221k by February?
This idea of 2013’s second bull phase after the initial top in April 2013 is not a new concept to me. I have been positing it since 2019! Here follows my Oct 23 idea about it.

2013 Repeating?
Another confirmation is that 2.72 Fibonacci extensions have predicted the prior two major tops and is aligned with the prediction for the incoming major top.

Economic CyclesFractal

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