$126K Bitcoin by January 1st, 2022

The last time bitcoin put out a golden cross on the monthly MACD (January 1st, 2016), there was a 14,819% return before the death cross (on June 1st, 2018). Bitcoin started at $430.89 and ended its run at $6385.71 with highs and lows between the two. The same return at our current golden cross would put us at $126,667.92 on January 1st, 2022.

This is if history were to completely repeat itself and as we all know, it doesn't work like that. Let me know what your price predictions for January 1st, 2022 are below! Would love to hear if you are #short or #long and the reason for your position.
banksBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCUSDdeathcrossEconomic CyclesgoldencrosshistoryhistoryrepeatsitselfmoonSeasonality

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