EUR.CAD - Multiple Trade Opportunities

Currency pair - EUR.CAD
Chart timeframe - 1hr
Chart pattern - Bullish Bat ( x3 )

Bullish Bat ( Blue )
D leg completion - 1.4654
Target 1 - 1.4726
Target 2 - 1.4769


Bullish Bat ( Grey )
D leg completion - 1.4663
Target 1 - 1.4730
Target 2 - 1.4771


Bullish Bat ( White )
D leg completion - 1.4687
Target 1 - 1.4744
Target 2 - 1.4780
Price approaching 1st bullish Bat, i would advise running your own technicals as we approach multiple pattern completions.
Bullish Bat ( White )
D leg completed at 1.4687
If you entered at 1.4687 your target 1 should now be attained.

I did not personally take this setup full disclosure.
If you entered at 1.4687 your target 2 & extended target should now be attained.

I did not personally take this setup full disclosure.
EURCADHarmonic Patternsukforexsignals

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