Bearish Flag on GBP/USD @ D1

Following a retracement inside a long-term downtrend, the GBP/USD daily chart has formed a bearish flag pattern. It offers a bearish trading opportunity on a definite breakout. The flag and its pole are shown with the yellow lines. My potential take-profit level is marked with the green line (1.14737). My potential stop-loss level is marked with the red line (1.18999). I will wait for the price to close significantly below the flag's lower border to open a sell position.
Sell position opened at 00:00 UTC today with entry at 1.16876.
Trade attivo
Sell position opened at 00:00 UTC August 29 with entry at 1.16876.
Trade chiuso: obiettivo raggiunto
Take-profit reached today at day's opening.
Bearish FlagbreakoutChart PatternschartpatterntradingFlag

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