Banco Santander bearish scenario:

The technical figure Triangle can be found in the Spanish company Banco Santander, S.A ( at daily chart. Banco Santander, S.A., doing business as Santander Group, is a Spanish multinational financial services company based in Madrid and Santander in Spain. Additionally, Santander maintains a presence in all global financial centres as the 16th-largest banking institution in the world. Although known for its European banking operations, it has extended operations across North and South America, and more recently in continental Asia. It is considered a systemically important bank by Financial Stability Board. The Triangle has broken through the support line on 14/06/2022, if the price holds below this level you can have a possible bearish price movement with a forecast for the next 22 days towards 2.3990 EUR. Your stop loss order according to experts should be placed at 3.0510 EUR if you decide to enter this position.

Banco Santander has a leadership position in loan and commercial services in Spain, Italy, and other countries. Additionally, it also has a considerable market share in terms of deposits in the U.K. It recently made inroads in the U.S. market with the acquisition of Sovereign Bancorp. Furthermore, it has a healthy exposure to Latin America and some of the top emerging markets. Its business has been booming in the past year, with double-digit growth in its top-line results. Also, its free cash flows are at a spectacular 45.3 billion euro, with an eye-catching dividend yield of 13.27%.

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