618 Fibonacci

Perfect 0.618 Fibonacci retracement at 0.64995 seen where there are clear reactions to that level. My analysis is to see the AUD go bullish from here in the medium-long term.

I would also like to mention something about the positive correlation of XAG USD to the AUD USD pair. At the end of last week saw a big positive candle in XAG USD, which may continue.

If the AUD and XAG USD post gains in the following days then it may lead on to continued bullish sentiment.

I would like to open a long trade as of now and monitor the progress of the trade. A trade invalidation notice will be amended to this idea if the trade does not work out.
Trade attivo
Open long trade
This trade is valid and is expected to continue to rise.
Trade chiuso manualmente
TAKE PROFIT at 0.65827

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