BTCUSD - Harmony Pattern - Bat

Di MrSpasybo
Comparing with the standards of the Bat pattern, we see many matches (in %):
AB/XA = 38.2, the min boundary of the range 38.2 - 50
BC/AB = 88.6 max boundary of the range 38.2 - 88.6 (not very nice, min >< max)
Expect a D at 43K to match the Bat pattern:
CD/BC = 261.8 max boundary of the range 161.8 - 261.8
CD/XA = 88.6 to be exact.
DE can be expected at the 38.2 ~ 31K or 61.8 ~ 25K retracement levels.
BatBTCChart PatternsHarmonic PatternsMSAPpatternWave Analysis

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