BTC Uber Bullish

The chart says it all. Beautiful consolidation under a huge key resistance. Approaching our fifth touch of major support with higher lows after each. Expect a face melting pop.
10 mins after posting it breaks... but not face melting and lots of sell orders on mex and finex. Hmmm. They'll be crushed.
Not face melting yet. Until the squeeze.
Looking for 10250 first target but think we really could run to 10.8ish over the next 12 hours. Not saying we will, just think it's in the cards.
If you missed it, here's your chance to rebuy on support. High risk reward. If it falls much below the broken support, cut your losses and take pride in a small loss on a very well placed bet. If it doesn't, which it probably won't I always am open to commissions ;) lol totalllly kidding
Dream long. HUGE reward. TINY risk. Major major resistance broken and now turned resistance. Get ready for a mewn shot today.
Trend Analysis

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