BTC-USDT 11k (?)

Trend tracked since 26th April or so, might as well publish it so it stops being right. Sentiment outside of crypto with regards to crypto shows extremely low positive interest, within crypto... it's the same conversation on repeat post-2013 and post-2017; which likely equates to "not bottom" at 20k, but who knows. Tomorrow Tim Cook can launch AppleCoin claiming that iPhone usage can be used to earn AppleCoin ushering a new era of currency as they pretend to have invented it, I digress. 11k is an easy range to see if BTC can't get back to a solid 4h close at/above 23K before end of month. By mid-July if still sub 23K, the probability of BTC behaving like mid-2018 elevates to favor shorts to at least sub 15k.

Trad Markets & Crypto Markets all look about the same right now; so if looking for confirmation of some kind of reversal signal for the bulls... look to the boring stuff before hopping back into trash coins & BTC.
CryptocurrencyTrend Analysis

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