S&P / ES - Long, Short, Long...huh?

Di Tr8dingN3rd
After price broke out of the L-MLH, there is a high chance for test/retest - which in essence is nothing more then a pullback, but just with slanted lines...

The white fork is a "Pullback-Fork" to mesure, how far price will go down 80% of time...to the centerline.

Up there, we have confluence with the L-MLH (blue) and U-MLH (white) AND the prior resistance where buyers gave up.

To me, this looks like a counter-trend short.

I don't really expect price to hit the white centerline (as a target), but I can see a broken Sine-Wave center instead.

Let's see...

Nice - Market picked me up for a ride.
Trade chiuso: stop raggiunto
I got toasted.
Here are the problems with this trade:

a) ultra strong uptrend = ultra bad counter-trend trade (...must have be my ego...)
b) I was impatient. I know, that the L-MLH gets tested most of the time. It looked to perfect, so I entered too early.

It would not surprise me if the market now turns south but...who knows hehe...

60ESshortS&P 500 (SPX500)

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