USD - Market Barometer Update

Di riffster21
Hi guys, I am posting from one of my layouts (and I've never done that before), so I'm sure what or how many of the charts will get posted? If you see what I see, we have my standard short term (15 min) above my standard long term (4 hour).

You can see how the short term shows the details of the last long term USD push up. We should see USD weakness moving forward for the next couple of the trading sessions unless the USD make one more push up (which would be nice, because our reversal would be larger). Either way, USD weakness is coming. Keep that mind if you are currently shorting the USD.

The JPY is getting close to over extending on the long term, but has a lot of room to run.

This is not investment advice, just my opinion(s). Please trade accordingly.

Trade safe and keep an eye on news.

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