GME break out in 15 trading days

Di cgriff2292
Based on DD going back to the last squeeze, when compared side by side with AMC/VIX we appear to be right on schedule. The vertical lines represent the lows and highs on RSI going through this pattern/cycle of events with a side by side comparison for visual reference W/ AMC of 2021. If we continue on mirroring the sequence of events that began the 2021 squeeze, we are apx 15 trading days away from MOASS.

My strategy is to ride these calls to past resistance levels (23/24/25/30) until we see the pull back, sell the top, buy again at support, then ride these puppy's into MOASS.

I wish you all good luck, NFA.
pretty straight forward.

Trade attivo

Re test of the downward trend lined formed by the last reversal from 24.75 ish.
Trade attivo

We are on track, don't lose focus here.
Monday or Tuesday should begin the leg up to $25-$28-$30-$40-$68
I'm seeing worse case scenario we pull back to $21 Monday before running Tuesday-Wed.

Looking at the Gamma profile of the next 3 expirations, Were 100% ready for a leg up this week.
(Link below to Gamma profile for next 3 expir.)
Chart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis

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