GOOGL: Rich valuation, long term uptrend time ran out

Di IvanLabrie
I'm flat GOOGL, but seeing the valuation up here makes you wonder: How long can this momentum last?
There was a long term 6-month timeframe signal that expired recently, and we now have a daily uptrend that lasts until March 22nd, with a potential target at 884 give or take.

I would find it hard to short this, but I would definitely not want to own this stock up here. Some risks include the possibility that the long term uptrend signal expiration drags price back down to the mode (a lower probability event), or that after the daily time at mode signal time and price target is met, price falls back down to support, which is likely after the end of Q1.

Wikileaks recently published information that puts many tech giants in the spotlight, as part of a nasty violation of privacy, and surveillance (and recklesness) worthy of an Orwellian police state...with far reaching implications, like, for instance completely nullifying 'digital evidence' in any court case. This makes me wonder: will this affect the companies involved? or will people continue to not care about their rights and security?
Any agent could hide their identity, while perpetrating attacks over the internet, if they use the CIA toolset. Everything connected to the internet, is at risk of being tapped.
Will this boost Bitcoin and Ethereum further? Curious to see what happens next.

Let's see how this evolves...

Good luck,

Ivan Labrie.
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