No idea why I didn't log in this trade.
40% winrate = breakeven.
Even if my actual winrate is below 40%, let's say, 30%, or 25%, I am still making something back. Even though I am making below breakeven. I will be getting something back. Even with losses, I could have some useul information to work with.
I am thinking of trading like my stocks portfolio which I buy and forget. Price went up and down but eventually I came out in the green just by buying good reputable strong and relevant companies.
40% - 25% = -15% loss. it's just 15R loss. Just anchor on the 40% breakeven need.
Above, is profit. Below is data. Everything will be fine. I never learned to trust the process, but now I am older and my prefrontal cortex has developed, I see things more accurately between the lines. On similar levels to my peers around my age.
Previously, I tend to over-extend or under-extend. Now, I am able to hold myself, give a flat face before I make a decision.
Making decisions on the spot require the guts to move away without buying the fixie bike you want. or getting the face paint you want at your primary school carnival due to your extremely sensitive skin issue which you didn't understand back then.
Your parents also do not know how to communicate the options, and teach you how to negotiate. But all is fine. You am able to do it now on your own, even though you are a late bloomer.
Wear it if it fits.
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