
LABS GROUP has a very big potential. NFT real estate.

LABS Group is the first end to end Real Estate focused investment ecosystems with a real estate focused securities exchange.

Market Cap $26,433,280

A list of upcoming events.

WIN Development with an Introduction into Chainlinks VRF system.
UI WIN Completed
WIN Backend / Frontend Completed
Bridge Feature Integration
Crowdfunding Platform Release with two live crowdfunding projects

Testing WIN with BETA Users
WIN Platform Release
NFT Marketplace Platform Development
Third live crowdfunding project
NFT Marketplace Platform Completed
Testing Transactions on Polygon Mainnet
NFT Marketplace Platform Release

About LABS Group
LABS Group is a digital investment platform that provides access to fractionalized property ownership and enables the continuous trading of real estate assets-backed tokenized shares on a regulated security exchange. LABS Group’s platform uses blockchain technology and smart contracts to ensure complete transparency over a borderless ecosystem where property developers and investors can interact seamlessly and with unprecedented efficiency.
Real estate and blockchain professionals have brought together their expertise to devise an ecosystem of services that make property investment more accessible, more secure, and more liquid.
Beyond Technical Analysislabsnftrealestate

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