6 Years and zero % market growth...

Let's say Makerdao disapoints me a little. After 6 years the market cap didn't growth at all, bouncing the 2018 levels like for ever.
Each person that owned some MKR during the last bullrun took an instant exit., Like most people knew that market wasn't going anywhere. I mean look at this sh*t...

I have coins released last year and doing a 1000 times better already then makerdao in 6 years time........
Let's not deny it, Makerdao has some problems. It's concerning. This chart levels in the fastest growing industry in the world doens't match a bit!

The projects with strong fundations are easy to pick out today, every project in plus with +500%, +1000% sinds the crash are the strongest. If you compaire those against something like this, a lot if things starts to make more sense that for sure...

I really wonder what kind of people are involved in that makerdao protocol.

Manipulating basterds!
makerdaoMKRTrend Analysis

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