So here we are. Buy area visited.

Di MrRenev
Following my Gold & Stocks idea linked below, Gold has made a new low and tech stocks have visited my buying area.

Gold & Stocks what's in store for the next year



I never really made an idea about that (there are so many subjects) but one of the biggest thing with investing is mental flexibility: being able to unlearn what you learned. I plan making an idea about all the nonsense society & school teach people have it somewhere laying around for the past year.
I think you are either born with it or you are not. It can be trained but personal opinion it's 90% from birth + young childhood.

Assuming we have no hit the top, and with all the tiktok investors (they never sell remember) there is a good chance we have not, the uptrend would continue, strongly (since most of the buyers are tiktokers that never sell when the price goes against them), until we run out of buyers or buyers start getting exhausted AND big whales (hi softbank) need to dump for whatever reason.

US elections are 6 weeks away only. Maybe buyers are waiting on the side for the election to resume buying (not sure what they expect).



It will be lots of fun I hope. Risking 8% to make over 100% over the next 12 months or less. That's a risk to reward of over 13 to 1. And add dividends too depending on how you are buying this (I'm not getting more dividends they are pushing my stop further away instead I think).

There are so many skeptics still. I wonder how many of them are left when the price goes past 20000. Peter Schiff will be the only bear alive, but he is the immortal king of the permabears so it does not count he'd be bearish at nasdaq 10 million points.

I am looking forward to the price going up but honestly even more to it finding a top and trapping all of the social media and gen Z and millienial mostly murican "investors", and then crashing super hard and rekting everyone. "The greatest economy ever" haha. Silicon Valley is going to crash and burn with such intensity we will see it from space. Will capitalism be blamed? Or socialist 75% foreign born employees traitorous big tech that ignores the law?

Trade attivo
nasdaqNASDAQ 100 E-MINI FUTUREStechstocksTrend Analysisusstocks

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