
OTIV potential, APPLE wallet, the future of money transaction

Recent Apple keynote featuring the new Apple Wallet is going to revolutionize the way we shop, for those of who didn't have a chance to watch the keynote, and worry about the security issue with personal financial identity being exposed in the virtual world, Apple partnered with major banks around the US such as Chase, Citi and American express to ensure that the virtual vulnerability is not only resolved, but evolved to a newer and better level of security, Apple wallet is not going to store credit card information, it's not going to see your transaction, it simply store a encrypted code of your credit card, when you pay with your fingerprint recognition iphone or apple watch. the cashier is not going to see your card number or your name, the transaction go straight to your credit card company.

OTIV provides the trio reader at the counter which is required when using apple wallet, many major department store has already started to implement the trio reader at their counter to improved transaction process and adapting the new way we shop with Apple wallet

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