Starbucks (SBUX) bullish scenario:

The technical figure Triangle can be found in the US company Starbucks Corporation (SBUX) at daily chart. Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roastery reserves headquartered in Seattle, Washington. It is the world's largest coffeehouse chain. As of November 2021, the company had 33,833 stores in 80 countries, 15,444 of which were located in the United States. Out of Starbucks' U.S.-based stores, over 8,900 are company-operated, while the remainder are licensed. The Triangle has broken through the resistance line on 21/05/2022, if the price holds above this level you can have a possible bullish price movement with a forecast for the next 4 days towards 79.10 USD. Your stop loss order according to experts should be placed at 70.36 USD if you decide to enter this position.

After 15 years in the country, Starbucks announced it was exiting Russia. Starbucks to close 130 stores in Russia, unionization push expands to over 260 U.S. stores. n addition, as a result of its exit from Russia, the fast food giant said it expected to record a charge of approximately $1.2 to 1.4 billion to write off its net investment in the market and recognize significant foreign currency translation losses.

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