Ten Thousand Foot View of how I'm currently perceiving the US Stock Market.
The implication of finishing up a Grand Supercycle Wave 'III that started back in 1974 is that a Grand Supercycle Wave IV will then follow it. With Wave II in the 1960's being a triangle, the implication is that this Wave IV will either be a flat or a sharp. The A-B-C pattern would be a potential trading pattern and timing based on the potential ends of the current 18-year cycle and the greater 90-year cycle. Looking at how Mega-Bullish everyone is today, the psychology in the markets would imply that this possibility should be given serious consideration...
Buy and Hold may not be the best of ideas for the next couple years. Maybe a few safe havens like treasuries and PM's would be a good addition to one's portfolio. Now, not suggesting one should go looking for a remote Mountain hideaway, with some land for a garden, in order to avoid some sort of Zombie Apocalypse... ;-]