Someone asked me to do a work up on this SUN Token. I had some time and curiosity about it.
I will not have any money on the token.
This chart can provide insight for future references about volatility.
I have written notes right on the chart.
IF...if I had money on this, I would definitely had taken some money off the table already, because it is an alt token. In fact when I take money off the table, I take 150%. Initial money returned & profit for paying taxes, then ride out the remaining "free" leftovers.
If...if that was the case I would ride this thing to 4 cents and get out with a bag full.
If...if I did not take money out yet, I would take my 150% at the 2.5 cent range and then ride out the rest to 3.3 cents and 4 cents selling half of the remaining at each profit target.
Good Luck ~