TBL - treet batteries should be considered for investment

Di tradingswift
Treet Batteries Limited (TBL) manufactures and supplies a variety of batteries including lead-acid, lithium and nickel-based batteries. The company is a subsidiary of Treet Corporation Limited (TCL) and operates both locally and internationally.

Key Financial Ratios

Gross Profit Margin: 19.9%
Operating Profit Margin: 9.2%
Net Profit Margin: -5.5%


High Financing Costs - 70% increase in financial expenses impacting net profit.
Market Conditions - Economic and political instability affecting consumer spending and sales volume.


The financing cost should go down with lower interest rate environment and rescheduling of debt. Such a scenario would increase the attractiveness for long term investment.

Despite the challenges of high financing costs and a net loss, the significant increase in gross and operating profits indicates effective management and operational efficiency. However, the high debt levels and cash flow challenges need to be closely monitored.


Support zone is 22.5
Mistake correction: Support zone is 19.12
batterieselectricvehiclesPSXTrend Analysis

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