In the day 44 of the current daily cycle, wti is well placed in the timing zone to bring Daily Cycle High and start its journey towards Daily cycle Low. I believe June 18-20 is the time for the bottom of this cycle but it may go a week beyond that because of fundamental forces that can extend this cycle.
I am sure you have noticed the negative div. and other cross-overs, overbought conditions and ...
But what shall we expect from OPEC+ today (Monday)?
1- low probability that UAE won't agree with the extension deal. So, no production expansion and price shoots up
2- medium probability that UAE joins the cattle and they plan the increase all trough 2022. price shall fall
3- medium to high probability that the expansion is dealt only till December 2021. Price will be confused
another important factor is Iran. As an Iranian I might be more familiar with the situation so let me say that I believe there will be a deal in less that a month from now and the dictators can survive a few more days(I have many factors to consider here). All in all, passing the August consumption high, I can't agree with many fellas on $100 oil
time will judge