TTS Triple Threat SMA10-30-200 TL

TTS Triple Threat SMA10-30-200 TL is a crossover and crossunder trading system that is based on three simple moving averages (SMA).

The default settings are optimized for 4-hour charts.

The TTS Triple Threat trading system works as follows:

1. Enters BULLISH trade when LE Trade & LONG signals are shown on the chart.
2. Enters BEARISH trade when SE Trade & SHORT signals are shown on the chart.
3. LONG and SHORT signals are shown based on SMA crosses for visual inspection but doesn't mean they are trades. Either LE Trade or SE Trade signals need to be present for a trade to take place.
4. TTS Triple Threat SMA10-30-200 TL uses trailing stop loss settings. The ratios between the profit taking settings and trailing loss stops are important to the strategy. Trailing stop loss exits are shown on the chart as XL STOP LOSS or XS STOP LOSS. Profit exits are shown as XL PROFIT EXIT and XS PROFIT EXIT.
crossMoving AveragesprofitabletradingSimple Moving Average (SMA)sma

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