GoldenCO Aie2

Use of GoldenCO Aie2
This market price movement trend analysis uses exponential moving average which is ema5/20/50. The purpose of using this EMA is to find out the effect of price changes that occur and the current trend of the market whether bullish or bearish.
It is suitable for short-term or long-term trading.

for short term trading, the trader uses ema5-ema20 and for long term trading the trader can use ema5-ema50 as analysis.

This indicator serves as a guide to traders in trading activities.

we hope that, by recognizing and knowing the trend of this price movement it can help traders in trading activities well and can reduce risk. May it benefit the trader.

DISCLAIMER : This is not Buy/Sell call, just sharing idea analysis for education. Trade at your own risk.

Note di rilascio

1) Bar colored- to define a trend whether bullish(green) or bearish(red). Gray bars refer to the possibility of reversal.
2) Background- blue color=price above ema20, red color=price below ema20.
3) The B lime signal has been updated with parameters that are ema5 cross over ema50. it is to get a strong signal for the trend.

Now traders can create alerts for conditions in the setting. You can select the types of conditions and where notifications will be sent.

*Please refresh or close goldenco2 before and re-apply GCO2-2023 (name of the new update) for a new display on the chart.
Note di rilascio
Change to v5 scripts
Addition pullback signal and price action emas channel addition
Bar coloured with rsi variables
some previous displays have been hidden/change

Characteristic of update

How to trade with pullback
Note di rilascio
short signal added
Note di rilascio
fix some text error
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)indicatorsMoving Averagespullbacktradingrelative-strength-indexrsi-emascalpingTrend Analysis

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