Modified CCI for Heiken Ashi charts

The CCI usually falls in a channel of -100 to 100. The conventional CCI trading system works as follows. When it rises above 100, buy and hold until CCI falls back below 100. When CCI falls below -100, sell short and cover the short when it rises above the -100 line. Some trading systems cover on a rise above minus 85. The following scans represent this strategy.

Buy Signal CCI > 100 AND CCI.1 <= 100

Sell Signal CCI < -100 AND CCI.1 >= -100

A more aggressive use of the CCI indicator dictates entering positions when the index crosses the 0 line. This method helps incorporate the early part of a new move. When the CCI crosses above the 0 line from negative territory, this is a bullish signal. When the CCI crosses below the 0 line from positive territory, this is a bearish signal.

Buy Signal CCI > 0 AND CCI.1 <= 0

Sell Signal CCI < 0 AND CCI.1 >= 0

Modified CCI When "Modified CCI" is checked, the Typical Price is calculated differently, as seen below. Otherwise, the calculations are identical.

TP = (Max(HI,n) + Min(LO,n) + CL) / 3 n = CCI Period TP stands for Typical Price

Also long trades should be supported in combination with RSI going above 40 for Forex and above 50 for Crypto
Same for short trades 40/30 correlated
Centered Oscillators

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