- set descriptions
- add alerts
Holds the visual elements or the zone.
Boxes (array<box>): All the visual boxes.
Lines (array<line>): All the visual lines.
Labels (array<label>): All the visual labels.
Holds the values for visuals for the zone and to handle interactions (retests, false breakouts and breakouts).
Time (series int): The start time of the zone creation.
TimeClose (series int): The end time of zone creation.
High (series float): The maximimum price of the zone.
Low (series float): The minimum price of the zone.
ReactionLimit (series float): Set a factor (%) of the Average True Range (of length 14) that the total reaction must have.
TouchedZone (Zone type from mickes/Touched/14): Zone object that will be created and sent to the library 'Touched'.
Visual (Visual): An object that holds the visual elements for the zone.
Type (series int): Defines if the found zone is bullish (1) or bearish (-1).
Holds the values for the charts zones.
Index (series int): The current index to use when a new zone appears. This is changed when a new zone appears.
Maximum (series int): The maximum number of zones to show.
Zones (array<Zone>): The currently active zones.
Remove (Zone): Reprsents the zone that will be replaced.
The settings for the creation of order blocks. You will need to set all the containing values in here.
TakeOut (series bool): Set to true if you want the base candle of the order block to have to be highet or lower (take out) then the previous candle.
ReactionFactor (series float): Set the factor (%) of the Average True Range (of length 14) that the total reaction must have.
Type (series string): The type of the order block. Can be "Both", "Bullish" or "Bearish".
ConsecutiveRisingOrFalling (series bool): Set to true if you want the 3 candles in the reaction to be consecutivly rising or falling.
FairValueGap (series bool): Set to true if the last and the 3rd (base) candles wicks to don't overlap and create a so called fair value gap or an imbalance.
MaximumZones (series int): Define the maximum of active order blocks.
KeepHistoryZones (series bool): Set to true if you want removed (replaced or broken) zones to be drawn.
NewZonesColor (series color): The color of new order blocks.
ReplacedZonesColor (series color): The color of replaced order blocks.
BrokenZonesColor (series color): The color of broken order blocks.
ShowReaction (series bool): Set if a line should be drawn at the reaction limit.
RemoveBrokenZones (series bool): Enable to remove broken order blocks.
CreateCreationZone (series bool): Set to true if you want a box with a border to be drawn at the creation of the zone. This is usefull when the order blocks come from a higher timeframe, but not from a lower.
AlertRetests (series bool): Enable if you want alerts to fire when the 'Touched' library signals that a retest of the order block has occured.
AlertFalseBreakouts (series bool): Enable if you want alerts to fire when the 'Touched' library signals that a false breakout of the order block has occured.
AlertBreakouts (series bool): Enable if you want alerts to fire when the 'Touched' library signals that a breakout of the order block has occured.
AlertMessageFormat (series string): Set the format of the fired alert uppon 'Touched' library signals. Need to be in the format of '{0} on order block from ...' where '{0}' is replaced with 'retest', 'false breakout' or 'breakout'.