Planetary Alignment & Longitude [JeeSauce]

A planet's position in its orbit around the Sun can be measured using something called planetary longitude, which is expressed as a number of degrees of arc along the plane of the planet's orbit. It is one of the primary coordinates that are utilized in the field of astronomy to describe the location of a planet or other object in the cosmos.
In astrology, determining the location of the planets relative to the zodiac requires the application of the idea of planetary longitude, which is a very important concept. In this scenario, the longitude is determined by following the ecliptic, which can be thought of as the apparent path that the Sun takes across the celestial sphere. Astrologers base their forecasts and interpretations of various aspects of human experience, including personality traits, life events, earthquakes, market events, and other occurrences, on the positions of the planets in the zodiac.

This indicator shows all of the planets current longitude except earth and it also includes Heliocentric and Geometric Longitudes.

Note: Moon will have 0 degree when Ephemeris is set to Heliocentric.

Planetary aspects are the angles that are created in an astrological horoscope or birth chart when two or more planets are juxtaposed with one another. It is believed that these angles, which are produced as a result of the positions of the planets in the sky, represent a particular energy or influence that can have an effect on events that take place on Earth.
The conjunction, which occurs when two planets occupy the same place in the zodiac, is the most common type of planetary aspect. Other common types of planetary aspects include the opposition, which occurs when two planets are directly opposite each other in the zodiac, the trine, which occurs when two planets are 120 degrees apart in the zodiac, and the square. (when two planets are 90 degrees apart in the zodiac).

The indicator also shows planetary aspects with an option to choose which planets to take their transits with.
For example these are the transits between Mercury and Saturn.

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