
TMS By TradeINski

TMS (Trade Management System) By TradeINski

First Things First
- Disclaimer: This indicator will not give any buy or sell signal this is just a supporting tool to improve efficiency in my trading.
- Apply Indicators and then open indicator settings and read the following simultaneously to understand better.
- Default color settings are best suited for light themes. Which is also my personal preference.
Users can change most of the default options in settings according to their personal preference in settings.
- When we open settings we can see 3 tabs that are {Inputs tab} {Style tab} {Visibility tab} each tab have its own options, Understand and use it accordingly.
- Background Color grading that is “Green” background means parameter favorable, “Red” not favorable for my trading, “Nah” and black means no sufficient data for calculation especially IPO stocks and other colors are not just for color grading but also have some significance.
Indicator will be only visible in the intraday time frame as its primary TF is lower time frame.

Table - Trade Management System
  1. Capital
  2. Risk (%)
  3. Stop Loss (%)
  4. RQBC - Real Time Quantity Based On PDC
  5. %DC - Distance From PDC
  6. RQBL - Real Time Quantity Based On LOD
  7. %DL / %DH - Distance From LOD/ HOD
  8. R_VOL

Markers - Intraday levels
  1. Q - Quantity Based on SL
  2. QL - Quantity Based On LOD
  3. E @ - Entry % Distance From PDC
  4. L1 - Line 1 % Distance From PDC
  5. L2 - Line 2 % Distance From PDC
  6. Low of the Day

Table - Trade Management System
- Capital is nothing but your account size in number. Default value is 1000000.
- Eg. Capital is 10L then enter 1000000.
{Input Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide from the table.
- “Capital” Default “1000000”.
- Color Code of the cell is the default Blue color.
- Note - If Currency is INR then output is in Cr’s and other currency is in thousands K & M for millions.
Risk (%)
- Risk in percentage is the percentage of risk per trade you're willing to take from the deployed capital. Default 0.50%.
- Eg. 10L capital 0.5% Risk (%) ie. 5000 is the risk per trade.
{Input Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide from the table.
- “Risk (%)” Default “0.50”.
- Color Code of the cell is the default Blue color.
Stop Loss (%)
- Percentage stop loss willing to take or decided for each specific trade from enter level. Default value is 2%
- Eg. Planned SL for specific trade is 2%.
{Input Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide intraday markers.
- “Stop Loss (%)” Default “2%”.
- “Color” Users can change as per their preference. Default color is Red.
RQBC - Real Time Quantity Based On PDC (Previous Day Close)
- Here quantity is calculated real time based on four factors i.e account size, risk (%) and current close and with respect to previous day close. This helps in deciding ideal position size quickly.
- Eg. RQBC is 10 as per Account size, Risk (%), Current close and with respect to Previous day close.
{Input Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide from the table.
- “RQBC - Real Time Quantity Based On PDC”. Color code of the cell changes as per % change of the stock i.e Green & Red accordingly.
%DC - Distance From PDC (Previous Day Close)
- This is exact same logic as % change ie. based on two factors which are the previous day close and current close and then % change or move is calculated.
- Eg. Stock has moved 3.5% ie. % change is 3.5%
{Input Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide from the table.
- “%DC - Distance from PDC”. Color code of the cell changes as per % change of the stock i.e Green & Red accordingly.
RQBL - Real Time Quantity Based On LOD (Low of the Day)
- Here quantity is calculated realtime based on four factors i.e account size, risk (%) and current close with respect to the low of the day that is today's low. This helps in deciding ideal position size based on the current low of the day quickly.
- Eg. Stock has moved 2.7% from the low of the day which most of the time differs from %DC that is % change.
{Input Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide from the table.
- “RQBL - Real Time Quantity Based On LOD”. Color code of the cell changes as per %Change of the stock i.e Green & Red accordingly.
%DL / %DH - Distance From LOD (Low Of The Day) / HOD (High Of The Day)
- This is similar to % change but based on two factors which are the low of the day and current close for %DL that is when %change is positive and when % change is negative %DH is calculated based on current close and high of the day. In both cases, % move is calculated.
- Eg. Stock has moved 3.5% from low of the day then its %DL and for %DH vice versa considering high of the day.
{Input Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide from the table.
- “%DL / %DH - Distance from LOD / HOD”. Color code of the cell changes as per % change of the stock i.e Green & Red accordingly.
R_VOL - Relative Volume
- Value shown in terms of percentage, Is how much volume is present today with respect to average volume and average volume period is 50.
- Eg. If R_VOL is less than 100% that means specific day volume is less than average volume and if RVOL is more than average volume then specific day volume is more than average volume.
{Inputs Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide from the table.
- “R_VOL” Period “50” - Users have the option to choose accordingly.
- “Op” Means output “Drop down” User can choose between complete & Percentage only Play around to notice the difference.
- The Following settings for the complete table.
- Position “Drop Down”. Users can choose accordingly.
- Size “Drop Down”. Users can choose accordingly.

- The Following settings are for all the intraday markers .
- “Line Type” “Drop Down”. Users can choose accordingly.
- Width ”↕” “1”. Mini = 1 & Max = 4. Users can choose accordingly.
- Label Size “Drop Down”. Users can choose accordingly.
Q - Quantity Based On SL (Stop Loss)
- Here Quantity is calculated based on four factors and marked on an intraday time frame and those factors are capital, Risk (%), Stop loss (%) and E @ ie. Entry level. Objective is based on different factors determining ideal position size quickly.
- Eg. Q is 25 based on capital, Risk(%), Stop loss (%) & Entry (%) Ie E .
{Inputs Tab}
“Check Mark” Users can show or hide intraday markers.
“Q - Quantity Based On SL”. Color of the marker can be changed from the color settings of E .
- “Q - 25” is marked on E @ - Entry % Distance From PDC.
- Marker is colored green by default.
QL - Quantity Based On LOD (Low Of The Day)
- Here Quantity is calculated based on four factors and marked on an intraday time frame and those factors are capital, Risk (%), LOD ie. low of the day and E @ ie. Entry level. Objective is based on different factors determining ideal position size.
- Eg. Q is 25 based on capital, Risk(%), LOD & Entry (%) Ie E .
{Inputs Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide intraday markers.
- “Q - Quantity Based On LOD”. Color of the marker can be changed from the color settings of E .
- “QL - 25” is marked on E @ - Entry %Distance From PDC.
- Marker is colored green by default.
E @ - Entry % Distance From PDC (Previous Day Close)
- Here Entry Price Level is determined and marked, that is how far from previous day close in percentage that is nothing but saying after how much % change you're willing to enter.
- Eg. Enter after 2% Move then the marker shows its price along with “Q” & “QL”.
{Inputs Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide intraday markers.
- E - Entry % Distance From PDC.
- “E @ - Entry (%)” Default “2”. Users have the option to change accordingly.
- “Green Color”. Users can choose as per their preference.
- “E @ ” “Default 2%” : “Price” / “Q - ” Calculated Quantity based on SL / “QL - “ Calculated quantity based on LOD. Green Color Label.
L1 - Line 1 % DIstance from PDC (Previous Day Close)
- Here Line 1 is the level which is determined by how far from previous day close in percentage that is nothing but saying at what % change the marker should be shown. This acts as a visual support level. Logic is in the live market the price is nearing the entry level and be vigilant to take action.
- Eg. Support level is 1.5% that is 1.5% away from PDC.
{Inputs Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide intraday markers.
- L1 - Line 1 % Distance From PDC.
- “L1 - Line 1 (%)” Default “1.5”. Users have the option to change accordingly.
- “Gray Color”. Users can choose as per their preference.
- “L1” “Default 1.5%” : “Price”. Gray Color label.
L2 - Line 2 % Distance from PDC (Previous Day Close)
- Here Line 2 is the level which is determined by how far from previous day close in percentage that is nothing but saying at what % change the marker should be shown. This acts as a visual support level. Logic is in the live market the price is nearing the entry level and be vigilant to take action.
- Eg. Support level is 1% that is 1% away from PDC.
{Inputs Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide intraday markers.
- L2 - Line 2 % Distance From PDC.
- “L2 - Line 2 (%)” Default “1.5”. Users have the option to change accordingly.
- “Gray Color”. Users can choose as per their preference.
- “L2” “Default 1%” : “Price”. Gray Color label.
Low Of The Day
- Here the current low of the day is marked and its price is shown in the intraday label.
Eg. Stock low of the day is 100 then it marks 100.
{Inputs Tab}
- “Check Mark” Users can show or hide intraday markers.
- Low Of the Day
- “Fuchsia Color”. Users can choose as per their preference.
- “LOD” : “Price”. Fuchsia Color label.
Note di rilascio
1. Added PQC Marker in intraday that is Price & Quantity Based On COD (Close of the Day)
Here price is marked 2% away from todays close that is Entry (%) This helps in placing GTT order.
Quantity is based on 4 Factors Capital, Risk (%), Entry (%) and Stoploss (%)
By default QBT market is turned off.
2. Removed RQBC Renamed RQBL to RQL
3. Changed the table format
4. Changed Default setting of Capital.
5. Fixed QTY rounding off. Matches exactly as per LONG and SHORT tool.
Note di rilascio
Added LP - Limit Price (%) & TP - Trigger Price (%)
LP is Percentage above PQC level and TP is percentage below PQC this helps in placing GTT.
By Default its turned OFF. Users have option to change accordingly.
Note di rilascio
Minor Changes in Default settings.
Note di rilascio
Added TP - Trigger Price & LP - Limit Price for Entry Line.
Changed Default Styles of markers.
Note di rilascio
Removed Table and all its contents.
Note di rilascio
Minor changes made and display chart updated.

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