
Auto Swing Trading Indicator

Auto Swing Trading Indicator is based on 5 different technical indicators. This indicator uses these different indicators to determine the best time to BUY and SELL. This Indicator will not Repaint and signal at candle close is final.
This Indicator is best used on 4 hrs timeframe. But can be used on any timeframe.

Targets (T1) are displayed when there is a BUY signal. Targets are based on the combination of previous High and Low.

The strategy is to sell 50% at T1 and ride until the SELL signal posted.

Buy and Sell Alerts are added for this indicator. In the Alerts window, please choose the option "Once the candle closes" for best results.

More features are going to be added to this indicator.

This is an invite-only script. Please message me for access
Note di rilascio
Updated the script to reduce false BUY and SELL.

Removed targets option for now. Planning to improve the target feature. So working on it.
Note di rilascio
Note di rilascio
BUY and Sell Strategy
Note di rilascio
update on SELL strategy
Note di rilascio
Note di rilascio
update on SELL Strategy

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