Trend Optimizer

Di galerisaham
What is this?
This horizontal trend color and vertical trend bar is a trend identification to optimize your positioning in the market. Colors helps you to understand the trend easily, spontaneously.

The indicators & Strategies?
1. A horizontal trend color which represents the medium term trend. The color change is based on the price position towards moving average. We exclude the moving averaged from chart area so the chart area will be clean and you'll have an easier interpretation. This trend color helps you to understand the major trend as simple as you see navigation maps in your smartphone. When the trend color changed from the long red into white, then green, then blue, it indicates a bottom reversal. This module will work best with out other module: Trend Optimizer Module and Momentum line Module.

2. A vertical trend bar represents long term trend. Bars that above the axis is an uptrend bar. If it occurs, the long term bullish trend is exists. Bars below the axis is a downtrend bar. If it occurs, the long term bearish trend is exists. If there is no bars (empty), means the long term trend is weakened but the trend still as same as the last bars occurrence.

Benefit for you:
You'll have a guidance the existing trend and the trend progress from time to time.
If you combine this script with our other two module: Profit Trader module & Momentum Line Module, You'll have a complete template to analyze both trend and swing strategies.
galerisahamHigh-Low IndexMoving Averagesprofittradertrendoptimizer
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