Layout Padrao_HULL Version

This layout was inspired by the Andre Machado´s Tabajara set of rules.
The adaptation are the following:

-Usage of Hull Average instead of simple moving average
-Usage of 2 Averages instead of just one
-Implementation of a "transition zone"

Average Candle Color
p1 // p2 // Prior
> // > // > Set Color 1
> // > // < Set in your layout settings color (down candle)
> // < // > Set Color A1
> // < // < Set Color A2
< // > // > Set Color A1
< // > // < Set Color A2
< // < // > Set in your layout settings color (up candle)
< // < // < Set Color 2

The A1 // A2 colors are for the transition zone.

Either the average 1 or the average 2 will be lower than the previous average.

This is a way to show how both averages are developing without having to look at 2 additional lines, making the layout more clear (at least, for me).

Feel free to comment

PS: Thank you for all the people who have implemented Machado´s work in pine editor

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