Trend Strength Indicator - "Tren"

The Tren indicator is a combination of Trend Strength Indicators that I combined in an attempt to better aid position taking. It utilizes certain conditions amongst trend strength indicators and plots numbers 0-12 above (if bullish) or below (if bearish) depending on the conditions. The higher the number, the stronger the Trend Strength is. If one wanted to go long or short, but the trend strength was weak - a trader might want to reconsider their position. If a trader was currently in a position and experienced a retrace, but the trend strength was high and in their favor, a trader might use this indicator to reconsider exiting a trade - therefore maximzing profits.

This indicator is not currently for sale, and is in its beta stages. Follow me for more updates and indicators.
BTCUSDCryptocurrencyTrend Analysis

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