Thange VaultLibrary "ThangeVault"
Thange Vault is a collection of utility functions required by the Thange Woodwind Playbook.
debug(msg) Print debug information
msg : message to be logged on console
Returns: nothing
tickFormat() Create a string template to restrict stop-loss, take-profit level precision to ticks.
Returns: A string format template
benchLibrary "bench"
A simple banchmark library to analyse script performance and bottlenecks.
Very useful if you are developing an overly complex application in Pine Script, or trying to optimise a library / function / algorithm...
Supports artificial looping benchmarks (of fast functions)
Supports integrated linear benchmarks (of expensive scripts)
One important thing to note is that the Pine Script compiler will completely ignore any calculations that do not eventually produce chart output. Therefore, if you are performing an artificial benchmark you will need to use the bench.reference(value) function to ensure the calculations are executed.
Please check the examples towards the bottom of the script.
Quick Reference
(Be warned this uses non-standard space characters to get the line indentation to work in the description!)
// Looping benchmark style
benchmark = = 500, loops = 5000)
data = array.new_int()
if bench.start(benchmark)
while bench.loop(benchmark)
array.unshift(data, timenow)
while bench.loop(benchmark)
array.unshift(data, timenow)
while bench.loop(benchmark)
array.unshift(data, timenow)
bench.reference(array.get(data, 0)), '1x array.unshift()')
// Linear benchmark style
benchmark =
data = array.new_int()
for i = 0 to 1000
array.unshift(data, timenow)
for i = 0 to 1000
array.unshift(data, timenow)
bench.reference(array.get(data, 0)),'1000x array.unshift()')
Detailed Interface
new(samples, loops) Initialises a new benchmark array
samples : int, the number of bars in which to collect samples
loops : int, the number of loops to execute within each sample
Returns: int , the benchmark array
active(benchmark) Determing if the benchmarks state is active
benchmark : int , the benchmark array
Returns: bool, true only if the state is active
start(benchmark) Start recording a benchmark from this point
benchmark : int , the benchmark array
Returns: bool, true only if the benchmark is unfinished
loop(benchmark) Returns true until call count exceeds variable
benchmark : int , the benchmark array
Returns: bool, true while looping
reference(number, string) Add a compiler reference to the chart so the calculations don't get optimised away
number : float, a numeric value to reference
string : string, a string value to reference
mark(benchmark, number, string) Marks the end of one recorded interval and the start of the next
benchmark : int , the benchmark array
number : float, a numeric value to reference
string : string, a string value to reference
stop(benchmark, number, string) Stop the benchmark, ending the final interval
benchmark : int , the benchmark array
number : float, a numeric value to reference
string : string, a string value to reference
report(Prints, benchmark, title, text_size, position)
Prints : the benchmarks results to the screen
benchmark : int , the benchmark array
title : string, add a custom title to the report
text_size : string, the text size of the log console (global size vars)
position : string, the position of the log console (global position vars)
unittest_bench(case) Cache module unit tests, for inclusion in parent script test suite. Usage: bench.unittest_bench(__ASSERTS)
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
unittest(verbose) Run the bench module unit tests as a stand alone. Usage: bench.unittest()
verbose : bool, optionally disable the full report to only display failures
debuggerDEBUGGER is a library to help print debug messages to a console.
This library provides an easy-to-use interface to print your debugging messages to a console in the chart. Special attention has been given to printing series and arrays easily.
A debugger is a valuable tool when working on scripts and getting into trouble. Unfortunately, TradingView does not provide an interactive debugger, and does not provide a console to use the oldest trick in the debugging book: print statements. This library provides you with the latter tool, print statements.
As a bonus, the library also provides a way to show labels in the chart next to the pricing action.
For more information and examples of usage, check the description in the header comments.
logLibrary "log"
A Library to log and display messages in a table, with different colours.
The log consists of 3 columns:
Bar Index / Message / Log
QuantNomad - for his idea on logging messages as Error/Warnings and displaying the color based on the type of the message
setHeader(_t, _location, _header1, _header2, _header3, _halign, _valign, _size) Sets the header for the table to be used for displaying the logs.
_t : table, table to be used for printing
_location : string, Location of the table.
_header1 : string, the name to put into the Index Queue Header. Default is 'Bar #'
_header2 : string, the name to put into the Message Queue Header. Default is 'Message'
_header3 : string, the name to put into the Log Queue Header. Default is 'Log'
_halign : string, the horizontal alignment of header. Options - Left/Right/Center
_valign : string, the vertical alignment of header. Options - Top/Bottom/Center
_size : string, the size of text of header. Options - Tiny/Small/Normal/Large/Huge/Auto
Returns: Void
initHeader(_location, _rows, _header1, _header2, _header3, _halign, _valign, _size, _frameBorder, _cellBorder) Creates the table for logging.
3 columns will be displayed.
Bar Index Q / Message Q / Log Q
_location : string, Location of the table.
_rows : int, table size, excluding the header. Default value is 40.
_header1 : string, the name to put into the Index Queue Header. Default is 'Bar #'
_header2 : string, the name to put into the Message Queue Header. Default is 'Message'
_header3 : string, the name to put into the Log Queue Header. Default is 'Log'
_halign : string, the horizontal alignment of header. Options - Left/Right/Center
_valign : string, the vertical alignment of header. Options - Top/Bottom/Center
_size : string, the size of text of header. Options - Tiny/Small/Normal/Large/Huge/Auto
_frameBorder : int, table Frame BorderWidth. Default value is 1.
_cellBorder : int, table Cell Borders Width, Default value is 2.
Returns: table
init(_rows) Initiate array variables for logging.
_rows : int, table size, excluding the header. Default value is 40.
Returns: tuple, arrays - > error code Q, bar_index Q, Message Q, Log Q
log(_ec, _idx, _1, _2, _m1, _m2, _code, _prefix, _suffix) logs a message to logging queue.
_ec : int , Error/Codes (1-7) for colouring.
Default Colour Code is 1 - Gray, 2 - Orange, 3 - Red, 4 - Blue, 5 - Green, 6 - Cream, 7 - Offwhite
_idx : int , bar index Q. The index of current bar is logged automatically
you can add before and after this index value, whatever you choose to, via the _prefix and _suffix variables.
_1 : string , Message Q.
_2 : string , Log Q
_m1 : string, message needed to be logged to Message Q
_m2 : string, detailed log needed to be logged to Log Q
_code : int, Error/Code to be assigned. Default code is 1.
_prefix : string, prefix to Bar State Q message
_suffix : string, suffix to Bar State Q message
Order of logging would be Bar Index Q / Message Q / Log Q
Returns: void
resize(_ec, _idx, _1, _2, _rows) Resizes the all messaging queues.
a resize will delete the existing table, so a new header/table has to be initiated after the resize.
This is because pine doesnt allow changing the table dimensions once they have been recreated.
If size is decreased then removes the oldest messages
_ec : int , Error/Codes (1-7) for colouring.
_idx : int , bar index Q.
_1 : string , Message Q.
_2 : string , Log Q
_rows : int, the new size needed for the queue. Default value is 40.
Returns: void
print(_t, _ec, _idx, _1, _2, halign, halign, _size) Prints Bar Index Q / Message Q / Log Q
_t : table, table to be used for printing
_ec : int , Error/Codes (1-7) for colouring.
Default Colour Code is 1 - Gray, 2 - Orange, 3 - Red, 4 - Blue, 5 - Green, 6 - Cream, 7 - Offwhite
_idx : int , for bar index Q.
_1 : string , Message Q.
_2 : string , Log Q
halign : string, the horizontal alignment of all message column. Options - Left/Right/Center
halign : string, the vertical alignment of all message column. Options - Top/Bottom/Center
_size : string, the size of text across the table, excepr the headers. Options - Tiny/Small/Normal/Large/Huge/Auto
Returns: void
printx(_t, _idx, _1, _2, _ec, _fg, _bg, _halign, _valign, _size) Prints Bar Index Q / Message Q / Log Q, but with custom options to format the table and colours
_t : table, table to be used for printing
_idx : int , for bar index Q.
_1 : string , Message Q.
_2 : string , Log Q
_ec : int , Error/Codes (1-7) for colouring.
_fg : color , Color array specifying colours for foreground. Maximum length is seven. Need not provide all seven, but atleast one. If not enough provided then last colour in the array is used for missing codes
_bg : color , Same as fg.
_halign : string, the horizontal alignment of all message column. Options - Left/Right/Center
_valign : string, the vertical alignment of all message column. Options - Top/Bottom/Center
_size : string, the size of text across the table, excepr the headers. Options - Tiny/Small/Normal/Large/Huge/Auto
Returns: void
flush(_t, _idx, _1, _2, _ec) Clears queues of existing messages, filling with blanks and 0
_t : table, table to be flushed
_idx : int , for bar index Q.
_1 : string , Message Q.
_2 : string , Log Q
_ec : int , Error/Codes (1-7) for colouring.
Returns: void.
erase(_idx, _1, _2, _ec) Deletes message queue and the table used for displaying the queue
_idx : int , for bar index Q.
_1 : string , Message Q.
_2 : string , Log Q
_ec : int , Error/Codes (1-7) for colouring.
Returns: void
cacheLibrary "cache"
A simple cache library to store key value pairs.
Fed up of injecting and returning so many values all the time?
Want to separate your code and keep it clean?
Need to make an expensive calculation and use the results in numerous places?
Want to throttle calculations or persist random values across bars or ticks?
Then you've come to the right place. Or not! Up to you, I don't mind either way... ;)
Check the helpers and unit tests in the script for further detail.
Detailed Interface
init(persistant) Initialises the syncronised cache key and value arrays
persistant : bool, toggles data persistance between bars and ticks
Returns: [string , float ], a tuple of both arrays
set(keys, values, key, value) Sets a value into the cache
keys : string , the array of cache keys
values : float , the array of cache values
key : string, the cache key to create or update
value : float, the value to set
has(keys, values, key) Checks if the cache has a key
keys : string , the array of cache keys
values : float , the array of cache values
key : string, the cache key to check
Returns: bool, true only if the key is found
get(keys, values, key) Gets a keys value from the cache
keys : string , the array of cache keys
values : float , the array of cache values
key : string, the cache key to get
Returns: float, the stored value
remove(keys, values, key) Removes a key and value from the cache
keys : string , the array of cache keys
values : float , the array of cache values
key : string, the cache key to remove
count() Counts how many key value pairs in the cache
Returns: int, the total number of pairs
loop(keys, values) Returns true for each value in the cache (use as the while loop expression)
keys : string , the array of cache keys
values : float , the array of cache values
next(keys, values) Returns each key value pair on successive calls (use in the while loop)
keys : string , the array of cache keys
values : float , the array of cache values
Returns: , tuple of each key value pair
clear(keys, values) Clears all key value pairs from the cache
keys : string , the array of cache keys
values : float , the array of cache values
unittest_cache(case) Cache module unit tests, for inclusion in parent script test suite. Usage: log.unittest_cache(__ASSERTS)
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
unittest(verbose) Run the cache module unit tests as a stand alone. Usage: cache.unittest()
verbose : bool, optionally disable the full report to only display failures
logLibrary "log"
Logging library for easily displaying debug, info, warn, error and critical messages.
No real need to explain why you might want to use this library! I'm sure you've all experienced the frustration of trying to understand the data state of your scripts... so, enjoy! More on it's way...
(Don't forget to check the helpers in the script and the useful tips below)
Some Useful Tips
By default the log console persists between bars (for history) and bars and ticks (for realtime).
Sometimes it is useful to clear the log after each candle or tick (assuming we are using the above helpers):
log_print(clear = true) // starts afresh on every bar and tick (excludes historical bars but good realtime tick analysis)
log_print(clear = barstate.isnew) // clears the log at the start of each bar (again, excludes historical but good realtime candle analysis)
It is also useful to be able to selectively understand the state of data at specific points or times within a script:
if log.once()
debug('useful variable', my_var) // this log only gets written once, upon first execution of this statement
if log.only(5)
debug3(a, b, c) // these variables are only logged the first five times this statement is executed
log_print(clear = false) // clear must be false and you should not write other logs on every bar, or the above will be lost
Final tip. If you want to view ONLY log entries of a particular level, then negate the constant:
log_print(level = -LOG_DEBUG)
Detailed Interface
once() Restrict execution to only happen once. Usage: if assert.once() happens_once()
Returns: bool, true on first execution within scope, false subsequently
only(repeat) Restrict execution to happen a set number of times. Usage: if assert.only(5) happens_five_times()
repeat : int, the number of times to return true
Returns: bool, true for the set number of times within scope, false subsequently
init() Initialises the log array
Returns: string , tuple based array to contain all pending log entries (__LOG)
clear(msgs) Clears the log array
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
trace(msgs, msg) Writes a trace message to the log console
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
msg : string, the trace message to write to the log
debug(msgs, msg) Writes a debug message to the log console
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
msg : string, the debug message to write to the log
info(msgs, msg) Writes an info message to the log console
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
msg : string, the info message to write to the log
warn(msgs, msg) Writes a warning message to the log console
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
msg : string, the warn message to write to the log
error(msgs, msg) Writes an error message to the log console
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
msg : string, the error message to write to the log
fatal(msgs, msg) Writes a critical message to the log console
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
msg : string, the fatal message to write to the log
log(msgs, level, msg) Write a log message to the log console with a custom level
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
level : ing, the logging level to assign to the message
msg : string, the log message to write to the log
severity(msgs) Checks the unprocessed log messages and returns the highest present level
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
Returns: int, the highest level found within the unfiltered logs
print(msgs, level, clear, rows, text_size, position) Prints all log messages to the screen
msgs : string , the current collection of unfiltered and unprocessed logs (__LOG)
level : int, the minimum required log level of each message to be displayed
clear : bool, clear the printed log console after each render (useful with realtime when set to barstate.isconfirmed)
rows : int, the number of rows to display in the log console
text_size : string, the text size of the log console (global size vars)
position : string, the position of the log console (global position vars)
unittest_log(case) Log module unit tests, for inclusion in parent script test suite. Usage: log.unittest_log(__ASSERTS)
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
unittest(verbose) Run the log module unit tests as a stand alone. Usage: log.unittest()
verbose : bool, optionally disable the full report to only display failures
assertLibrary "assert"
Production ready assertions and auto-reporting for unit testing pine scripts.
This library was born from the need to maintain production level stability and catch regressions / bugs early and fast. I hope this help you trust your pine scripts too. More libraries and tools on their way... please follow for more.
Please see the script for helpers to copy into your own scripts as well as examples at the bottom of the library unit testing itself.
Quick Reference
case = assert.init()
new_case(case, 'Asserts for floats and ints')
assert.equal(a, b, case, 'a == b')
assert.not_equal(a, b, case, 'a != b')
assert.nan(a, case, 'a == na')
assert.not_nan(a, case, 'a != na')
assert.is_in(a, b, case, 'a in b ')
assert.is_not_in(a, b, case, 'a not in b ')
assert.array_equal(a, b, case, 'a == b ')
new_case(case, 'Asserts for ints only')
assert.int_in(a, b, case, 'a in b ')
assert.int_not_in(a, b, case, 'a not in b ')
assert.int_array_equal(a, b, case, 'a == b ')
new_case(case, 'Asserts for bools only')
assert.is_true(a, case, 'a == true')
assert.is_false(a, case, 'a == false')
assert.bool_equal(a, b, case, 'a == b')
assert.bool_not_equal(a, b, case, 'a != b')
assert.bool_nan(a, case, 'a == na')
assert.bool_not_nan(a, case, 'a != na')
assert.bool_array_equal(a, b, case, 'a == b ')
new_case(case, 'Asserts for strings only')
assert.str_equal(a, b, case, 'a == b')
assert.str_not_equal(a, b, case, 'a != b')
assert.str_nan(a, case, 'a == na')
assert.str_not_nan(a, case, 'a != na')
assert.str_in(a, b, case, 'a in b ')
assert.str_not_in(a, b, case, 'a not in b ')
assert.str_array_equal(a, b, case, 'a == b ')
Detailed Interface
once() Restrict execution to only happen once. Usage: if assert.once() happens_once()
Returns: bool, true on first execution within scope, false subsequently
init() Initialises the asserts array
Returns: string , tuple based array containing all unit test results and current case details (__ASSERTS)
equal(a, b, case, name) Numeric assert equal. Usage: assert.equal(1, 1, case, 'one == one')
a : float, numeric value "a" to compare equal to "b"
b : float, numeric value "b" to compare equal to "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
not_equal(a, b, case, name) Numeric assert not equal. Usage: assert.not_equal(1, 2, case, 'one != two')
a : float, numeric value "a" to compare not equal "b"
b : float, numeric value "b" to compare not equal "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
nan(a, case, name) Numeric assert is NaN. Usage: assert.nan(float(na), case, 'number is NaN')
a : float, numeric value "a" to check is NaN
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
not_nan(a, case, name) Numeric assert is not NaN. Usage: assert.not_nan(1, case, 'number is not NaN')
a : float, numeric value "a" to check is not NaN
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
is_in(a, b, case, name) Numeric assert value in float array. Usage: assert.is_in(1, array.from(1.0), case, '1 is in ')
a : float, numeric value "a" to check is in array "b"
b : float , array "b" to check contains "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
is_not_in(a, b, case, name) Numeric assert value not in float array. Usage: assert.is_not_in(2, array.from(1.0), case, '2 is not in ')
a : float, numeric value "a" to check is not in array "b"
b : float , array "b" to check does not contain "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
array_equal(a, b, case, name) Float assert arrays are equal. Usage: assert.array_equal(array.from(1.0), array.from(1.0), case, ' == ')
a : float , array "a" to check is identical to array "b"
b : float , array "b" to check is identical to array "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
int_in(a, b, case, name) Integer assert value in integer array. Usage: assert.int_in(1, array.from(1), case, '1 is in ')
a : int, value "a" to check is in array "b"
b : int , array "b" to check contains "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
int_not_in(a, b, case, name) Integer assert value not in integer array. Usage: assert.int_not_in(2, array.from(1), case, '2 is not in ')
a : int, value "a" to check is not in array "b"
b : int , array "b" to check does not contain "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
int_array_equal(a, b, case, name) Integer assert arrays are equal. Usage: assert.int_array_equal(array.from(1), array.from(1), case, ' == ')
a : int , array "a" to check is identical to array "b"
b : int , array "b" to check is identical to array "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
is_true(a, case, name) Boolean assert is true. Usage: assert.is_true(true, case, 'is true')
a : bool, value "a" to check is true
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
is_false(a, case, name) Boolean assert is false. Usage: assert.is_false(false, case, 'is false')
a : bool, value "a" to check is false
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
bool_equal(a, b, case, name) Boolean assert equal. Usage: assert.bool_equal(true, true, case, 'true == true')
a : bool, value "a" to compare equal to "b"
b : bool, value "b" to compare equal to "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
bool_not_equal(a, b, case, name) Boolean assert not equal. Usage: assert.bool_not_equal(true, false, case, 'true != false')
a : bool, value "a" to compare not equal "b"
b : bool, value "b" to compare not equal "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
bool_nan(a, case, name) Boolean assert is NaN. Usage: assert.bool_nan(bool(na), case, 'bool is NaN')
a : bool, value "a" to check is NaN
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
bool_not_nan(a, case, name) Boolean assert is not NaN. Usage: assert.bool_not_nan(true, case, 'bool is not NaN')
a : bool, value "a" to check is not NaN
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
bool_array_equal(a, b, case, name) Boolean assert arrays are equal. Usage: assert.bool_array_equal(array.from(true), array.from(true), case, ' == ')
a : bool , array "a" to check is identical to array "b"
b : bool , array "b" to check is identical to array "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
str_equal(a, b, case, name) String assert equal. Usage: assert.str_equal('hi', 'hi', case, '"hi" == "hi"')
a : string, value "a" to compare equal to "b"
b : string, value "b" to compare equal to "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
str_not_equal(a, b, case, name) String assert not equal. Usage: assert.str_not_equal('hi', 'bye', case, '"hi" != "bye"')
a : string, value "a" to compare not equal "b"
b : string, value "b" to compare not equal "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
str_nan(a, case, name) String assert is NaN. Usage: assert.str_nan(string(na), case, 'string is NaN')
a : string, value "a" to check is NaN
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
str_not_nan(a, case, name) String assert is not NaN. Usage: assert.str_not_nan('hi', case', 'string is not NaN')
a : string, value "a" to check is not NaN
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
str_in(a, b, case, name) String assert value in string array. Usage: assert.str_in('hi', array.from('hi'), case, '"hi" in ')
a : string, value "a" to check is in array "b"
b : string , array "b" to check contains "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
str_not_in(a, b, case, name) String assert value not in string array. Usage: assert.str_in('hi', array.from('bye'), case, '"hi" in ')
a : string, value "a" to check is not in array "b"
b : string , array "b" to check does not contain "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
str_array_equal(a, b, case, name) String assert arrays are equal. Usage: assert.str_array_equal(array.from('hi'), array.from('hi'), case, ' == ')
a : string , array "a" to check is identical to array "b"
b : string , array "b" to check is identical to array "a"
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the current unit test name, if undefined the test index of the current case is used
Returns: bool, true if the assertion passes, false otherwise
new_case(case, name) Assign a new test case name, for the next set of unit tests. Usage: assert.new_case(case, 'My tests')
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
name : string, the case name for the next suite of tests
clear(case) Clear all stored unit tests from all cases. Usage: assert.clear(case)
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
revert(case) Revert the previous unit test. Usage: = assert.revert(case)
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
Returns: , tuple containing the msg and result of the reverted test
passed(case, revert) Check if the last unit test has passed. Usage: bool success = assert.passed(case)
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
revert : bool, optionally revert the test
Returns: bool, true only if the test passed
failed(case, revert) Check if the last unit test has failed. Usage: bool failure = assert.failed(case)
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
revert : bool, optionally revert the test
Returns: bool, true only if the test failed
report(case, verbose) Report the outcome of unit tests that fail. Usage: bool passed =
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
verbose : bool, optionally display full report that includes the outcome of all tests
Returns: bool, true only if all tests passed
unittest_assert(case) Assert module unit tests, for inclusion in parent script test suite. Usage: assert.unittest_assert(__ASSERTS)
case : string , the current test case and array of previous unit tests (__ASSERTS)
unittest(verbose) Run the assert module unit tests as a stand alone. Usage: assert.unittest()
verbose : bool, optionally toggle report to display the outcome of all unit tests
LibraryStopwatchLibrary "LibraryStopwatch"
Provides functions to time the execution of a script.
When timing scripts, keep in mind that the runtime environment is fluid on TradingView. Different servers or server loads will impact execution time.
Look first. Then leap.
stopwatchStats() Times the execution of a script.
Returns: A tuple of four values: timePerBarInMs, totalTimeInMs, barsTimed, barsNotTimed
stopwatch() Times the execution of a script.
Returns: A single value: The time elapsed since the beginning of the script, in ms.
DebugConsoleLibrary "DebugConsole"
Methods for debuging/output into a table, console like style.
init(size) initiate property variables.
size : int, console line size.
Returns: tuple, table and string array.
queue(console_id, new_line) Regular Queue, will be called once every bar its called.
console_id : string array, console configuration array.
new_line : string, with contents for new line.
Returns: void.
queue_one(console_id, new_line) Queue only one time, will not repeat itself.
console_id : string array, console configuration array.
new_line : string, with contents for new line.
Returns: void.
update(table_id, console_id) Update method for the console screen.
table_id : table, table to update console text.
console_id : string array, console configuration array.
Returns: void.
Simple debug functionSimple method I used to debug problem in my script.
For loop generates 5 numbers from the given depth. At present, depth is 9
Rules for generating the combinations are as follows:
First number is always 1
Two even numbers should not be adjacent to each other and two odd numbers should not be adjacent to each other
Numbers should be ordered in incremental order.
Print all possible combinations
While the logic above is just a random one. Debug method can be reused for any program.