CreateAndShowZigzagLibrary "CreateAndShowZigzag"
Functions in this library creates/updates zigzag array and shows the zigzag
getZigzag(zigzag, prd, max_array_size) calculates zigzag using period
zigzag : is the float array for the zigzag (should be defined like "var zigzag = array.new_float(0)"). each zigzag points contains 2 element: 1. price level of the zz point 2. bar_index of the zz point
prd : is the length to calculate zigzag waves by highest(prd)/lowest(prd)
max_array_size : is the maximum number of elements in zigzag, keep in mind each zigzag point contains 2 elements, so for example if it's 10 then zigzag has 10/2 => 5 zigzag points
Returns: dir that is the current direction of the zigzag
showZigzag(zigzag, oldzigzag, dir, upcol, dncol) this function shows zigzag
zigzag : is the float array for the zigzag (should be defined like "var zigzag = array.new_float(0)"). each zigzag points contains 2 element: 1. price level of the zz point 2. bar_index of the zz point
oldzigzag : is the float array for the zigzag, you get copy the zigzag array to oldzigzag by "oldzigzag = array.copy(zigzay)" before calling get_zigzag() function
dir : is the direction of the zigzag wave
upcol : is the color of the line if zigzag direction is up
dncol : is the color of the line if zigzag direction is down
Returns: null
LineGetPriceOnLogScaleLibrary "LineGetPriceOnLogScale"
This library provides a way to calculate the y-coordinate of a line on a specified bar when the chart scale is Log.
The built-in `line.get_price()` function only works with linear scale and gives incorrect results when the chart is in Log scale.
The library only works with `bar_index` values and `xloc.bar_index`-based lines, `time`-based lines will cause errors to appear.
coordGetPriceLog(x1, y1, x2, y2, xi) Calculates the y-coordinate on the specified bar on the logarithmic scale.
Only coordinates based on bar index are applicable, bar time will throw an error.
x1 : First X coordinate of a line, index of the bar where the line starts.
y1 : First Y coordinate of a line, price on the price scale.
x2 : Second X coordinate of a line, index of the bar where the line ends.
y2 : Second Y coordinate of a line, price on the price scale.
xi : Index of the bar for which the price should be calculated.
Returns: Price of the line on the bar specified in `xi`, on the logarithmic scale.
lineGetPriceLog(_line, xi) Calculates the y-coordinate on the specified bar for the logarithmic scale. Takes a line.
Only lines drawn based on `xloc.bar_index` are applicable, `xloc.bar_time` will throw and error.
_line : The line for which the price is calculated.
xi : Index of the bar for which the bar should calculate the price.
Returns: Price of the line on the bar specified in `xi`, on the logarithmic scale.
SignificantFiguresLibrary "SignificantFigures"
sigFig(float _float, int _figures)
@description Takes a floating-point number - one that can, but doesn't have to, include a decimal point - and converts it to a floating-point number with only a certain number of digits left. For example, say you want to display a variable from your script to the user and it comes out to something like 45.366666666666666666666667 or whatever. That looks awful when you, for example, print it in a label. Now you could round it up to the nearest integer easily using a built-in function, or even to a certain number of decimal places using a reasonably simple custom function. But that's a bit arbitrary. Suppose you don't know what asset the script will be used on, and so you can't predict what the price is, and what the value will turn out to be. It could be 0.00045366666666666666666666667 instead. Now if you round it up to 3 decimal places it comes out as 0.000, which is useless. My function will round that number to 0.0004536 instead, if told to do it to 4 significant digits.
I think this is more friendly.
@function Converts float with arbitrary number of digits to one with a specified number of significant figures.
@param float _float is the floating-point number to manipulate.
@param int _figures is the number of significant figures you want.
@returns Returns a float with the specified number of significant figures
FunctionDatestringLibrary "FunctionDatestring"
Methods to stringify date/time, altho there is already builtin support for it.
datetime(unixtime) a stringified date stamp at specified unix time.
unixtime : int unix timestamp.
Returns: string
date_(unixtime) a stringified date stamp at specified unix time.
unixtime : int unix timestamp.
Returns: string
time_(unixtime) a stringified date stamp at specified unix time.
unixtime : int unix timestamp.
Returns: string
STRATEGY TESTER ENGINE - ON CHART DISPLAY - PLUG & PLAYSo i had this idea while ago when @alexgrover published a script and dropped a nugget in between which replicates the result of strategy tester on chart as an indicator.
So it seemed fair to use one of his strategy to display the results.
This strategy tester can now be used in replay mode like an indicator and you can see what happen at a particular section of the chart which was is not possible in default strategy tester results of TV.
Please read how each result is calculated so you will know what you are using.
This engine shows most common results of strategy tester in a single screen, which are as follows:
1. Starting Capital
2. Current Profit Percentage
3. Max Profit Percentage
4. Gross Profit
5. Gross Loss
6. Total Closed Trades
7. Total Trades Won
8. Total Trades Lost
9. Percentage Profitable
10. Profit Factor
11. Current Drawdown
12. Max Drawdown
13. Liquidation
So elaborating on what is what:
1. Starting Capital - This stays 0, which signifies your starting balance as 0%. It is set to 0 so we can compare all other results without any change in variables. If set to 100, then all the results will be increased by 100. Some users might find it useful to set it to 100, then they can change code on line 41 from to and it should show starting balance as 100%.
2. Current Profit Percentage - This shows your current profit adjusted to current price of the candle, not like TV which shows after candle is close. There is a comment on the line 38 which can be removed and your can see unrealized profit as well in this section. Please note that this will affect Draw-down calculations later in this section.
3. Max Profit Percentage - This will show you your max profit achieved during your strategy run, which was not possible yet to see via strategy tester. So, now you can see how much profit was achieved by your strategy during the run and you can compare it with chart to see what happens during bull-run or bear-run, so you can further optimize your strategy to best suit your desired results.
4. Gross Profit - This is total percentage of profit your strategy achieved during entire run as if you never had any losses.
5. Gross Loss - This is total percentage of loss your strategy achieved during entire run as if you never had any profits.
6. Total Closed Trades - This is total number of trades that your strategy has executed so far.
7. Total Trades Won - This is the total number of trades that your strategy has executed that resulted in positive increase in equity.
8. Totals Trades Lost - This is the total number of trades that your strategy has executed that resulted in decrease in equity.
9. Percentage Profitable - This is the ratio between your current total winning trades divided by total closed trades, and finally multiplied by 100 to get percentage results.
10. Profit Factor - This is the ratio between Gross Profit and Gross Loss, so if profit factor is 2, then it indicates that you are set to gain 2 times per your risk per trade on average when total trades are executed.
11. Current Drawdown - This is important section and i want you to read this carefully. Here draw-down is calculated very differently than what TV shows. TV has access to candle data and calculates draw-down accordingly as per number of trades closed, but here DD is calculated as difference between max profit achieved and current profit. This way you can see how much percentage you are down from max peak of equity at current point in time. You can do back-test of the data and see when peak was achieved and how much your strategy did a draw-down candle by candle.
12. Max Drawdown - This is also calculated differently same as above, current draw-down. Here you can see how much max DD your strategy did from a peak profit of equity. This is not set as max profit percentage is set because you will see single number on display, while idea is to keep it custom. I will explain.
So lets say, your max DD on TV is 30%. Here this is of no use to see Max DD , as some people might want to see what was there max DD 1000 candles back or 10 candle back. So this will show you your max DD from the data you select. TV shows 25000 candle data in a chart if you go back, you can set the counter to 24999 and it will show you max DD as shown on TV, but if you want custom section to show max DD , it is now possible which was not possible before.
Also, now let's say you put DD as 24999 and open a chart of an asset that was listed 1 week ago, now on 1H chart max DD will never show up until you reach 24999 candle in data history, but with this you can now enter a manual number and see the data.
13. Liquidation - This is an interesting feature, so now when your equity balance is less than 0 and your draw-down goes to -100, it will show you where and at what point in time you got liquidated by adding a red background color in the entire section. This is the most fun part of this script, while you can only see max DD on TV.
How to Use -
1 word, plug and play. Yes. Actual codes start from line 33.
select overlay=false or remove it from the title in your strategy on first line,
Just copy the codes from line 33 to 103,
then go to end section of your strategy and paste the entire code from line 33 to line 103,
see if you have any duplicate variable, edit it,
Add to chart.
What you see above is very contracted view. Here is how it looks when zoomed in.
Feel free to edit and share and use. If you use it in your scripts, drop me tag. Cheers.
Label Display DemoA label function for display an arbitrary value above or below the chart.
There is no convenient way to display the value of a variable in pinescript. This is most convenient way I found.
It will follow the current bar (the position is calculated with highest/lowest and atr value, as such it will never display over the chart)
In this script we display ATR for the example
Price above/below EMAThis script will give you red/green columns to indicate if price is above or below a certain EMA. With Candlestick charting, we are looking for price in relation to the 8 ema Trigger Line (T-Line). You can adjust this indicator to fit your need. Simple, but nice to quickly see.
Oops. Last line's title should be "Sell". Doesn't affect display though.