Introduction: This strategy is a modification of the “3-day Mean Reversion Strategy” from the book "High Probability ETF Trading" by Larry Connors and Cesar Alvarez. In the book, the authors discuss a high-probability ETF mean reversion strategy for a 1-day time-frame with these simple rules: The price must be above the 200 day SMA and below the 5 day SMA. ...
Simple "benchmark" strategy for ETFs, Stocks and Crypto! Super-easy to implement for beginners, a DCA (dollar-cost-averaging) strategy means that you buy a fixed amount of an ETF / Stock / Crypto every several months. For instance, to DCA the S&P 500 (SPY), you could purchase $10,000 USD every 12 months, irrespective of the market price. Assuming the...
50/150 moving average, index (ETF) trend following robot. Coded for people who cannot psychologically handle dollar-cost-averaging through bear markets and extreme drawdowns (although DCA can produce better results eventually), this robot helps you to avoid bear markets. Be a fair-weathered friend of Mr Market, and only take up his offer when the sun is shining!...