Antares_messages_publicLibrary "Antares_messages_public"
This library add messages for yours strategy for use in Antares trading system for binance and bybit exchanges.
Данная библиотека позволяет формировать сообщения в алертах стратегий для Antares в более упрощенном для пользователя режиме, включая всплывающие подсказки и т.д.
set_leverage(token, market, ticker_id, leverage)
Set leverage for ticker on specified market.
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
leverage (float) : (float) leverage level. Устанавливаемое плечо.
Returns: 'Set leverage message'.
Set pause in message. '::' -left and '::' -right included.
time_pause (int)
LongLimit(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, price, orderId, leverageforqty)
Buy order with limit price and quantity.
Лимитный ордер на покупку(в лонг).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
price (float) : (float) price for limit order. Цена по которой должен быть установлен лимитный ордер.
orderId (string) : (string) if use order id you may change or cancel your order after or set it ''. Используйте OrderId если хотите изменить или отменить ордер в будущем.
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Limit Buy order'. Лимитный ордер на покупку (лонг).
LongMarket(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, leverageforqty)
Market Buy order with quantity.
Рыночный ордер на покупку (в лонг).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
leverageforqty (int) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Market Buy order'. Маркетный ордер на покупку (лонг).
ShortLimit(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, price, leverageforqty, orderId)
Sell order with limit price and quantity.
Лимитный ордер на продажу(в шорт).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
price (float) : (float) price for limit order. Цена по которой должен быть установлен лимитный ордер.
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
orderId (string) : (string) if use order id you may change or cancel your order after or set it ''. Используйте OrderId если хотите изменить или отменить ордер в будущем.
Returns: 'Limit Sell order'. Лимитный ордер на продажу (шорт).
ShortMarket(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, leverageforqty)
Sell by market price and quantity.
Рыночный ордер на продажу(в шорт).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
leverageforqty (int) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Market Sell order'. Маркетный ордер на продажу (шорт).
Cancel_by_ticker(token, market, ticker_id)
Cancel all orders for market and ticker in setups. Отменяет все ордера на заданной бирже и заданном токене(паре).
token (string)
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
Returns: 'Cancel all orders'. Отмена всех ордеров на заданной бирже и заданном токене(паре).
Cancel_by_id(token, market, ticker_id, orderId)
Cancel order by Id for market and ticker in setups. Отменяет ордер по Id на заданной бирже и заданном токене(паре).
token (string)
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
orderId (string)
Returns: 'Cancel order'. Отмена ордера по Id на заданной бирже и заданном токене(паре).
Close_positions(token, market, ticker_id)
Close all positions for market and ticker in setups. Закрывает все позиции на заданной бирже и заданном токене(паре).
token (string)
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
Returns: 'Close positions'
CloseLongLimit(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, price, orderId, leverageforqty)
Close limit order for long position. (futures)
Лимитный ордер на продажу(в шорт) для закрытия лонговой позиции(reduceonly).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
price (float) : (float) price for limit order. Цена по которой должен быть установлен лимитный ордер.
orderId (string) : (string) if use order id you may change or cancel your order after or set it ''. Используйте OrderId если хотите изменить или отменить ордер в будущем.
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Limit Sell order reduce only (close long position)'. Лимитный ордер на продажу для снижения текущего лонга(в шорт не входит).
CloseLongMarket(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, leverageforqty)
Close market order for long position.
Рыночный ордер на продажу(в шорт) для закрытия лонговой позиции(reduceonly).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Market Sell order reduce only (close long position)'. Ордер на снижение/закрытие текущего лонга(в шорт не входит) по рыночной цене.
CloseShortLimit(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, price, orderId, leverageforqty)
Close limit order for short position.
Лимитный ордер на покупку(в лонг) для закрытия шортовой позиции(reduceonly).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
price (float) : (float) price for limit order. Цена по которой должен быть установлен лимитный ордер.
orderId (string) : (string) if use order id you may change or cancel your order after or set it ''. Используйте OrderId если хотите изменить или отменить ордер в будущем.
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Limit Buy order reduce only (close short position)' . Лимитный ордер на покупку (лонг) для сокращения/закрытия текущего шорта.
CloseShortMarket(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, leverageforqty)
Set Close limit order for long position.
Рыночный ордер на покупку(в лонг) для сокращения/закрытия шортовой позиции(reduceonly).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Market Buy order reduce only (close short position)'. Маркетного ордера на покупку (лонг) для сокращения/закрытия текущего шорта.
cancel_all_close(token, market, ticker_id)
token (string)
market (string)
ticker_id (string)
limit_tpsl_bybitfu(token, ticker_id, order_id, side, type_qty, quantity, price, tp_price, sl_price, leverageforqty)
Set multi order for Bybit : limit + takeprofit + stoploss
Выставление тройного ордера на Bybit лимитка со стоплоссом и тейкпрофитом
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
order_id (string)
side (bool) : (bool) "buy side" if true or "sell side" if false. true для лонга, false для шорта.
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
price (float) : (float) price for limit order by 'side'. Цена лимитного ордера
tp_price (float) : (float) price for take profit order.
sl_price (float) : (float) price for stoploss order
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: Set multi order for Bybit : limit + takeprofit + stoploss.
replace_limit_tpsl_bybitfu(token, ticker_id, order_id, side, type_qty, quantity, price, tp_price, sl_price, leverageforqty)
Change multi order for Bybit : limit + takeprofit + stoploss
Изменение тройного ордера на Bybit лимитка со стоплоссом и тейкпрофитом
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
order_id (string)
side (bool) : (bool) "buy side" if true or "sell side" if false. true для лонга, false для шорта.
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size, see at 'type_qty'. Размер ордера, базы или % в соответствии с 'type_qty'
price (float) : (float) price for limit order by 'side'. Цена лимитного ордера
tp_price (float) : (float) price for take profit order.
sl_price (float) : (float) price for stoploss order
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: Set multi order for Bybit : limit + takeprofit + stoploss.
long_stop(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, l_stop, leverageforqty)
Stop market order for long position
Рыночный стоп-ордер на продажу для закрытия лонговой позиции.
token (string)
market (string) : (string) 'binance' , 'binancefru' etc.. Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size. Размер ордера.
l_stop (float) : (float) price for activation stop order. Цена активации стоп-ордера.
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Stop Market Sell order (close long position)'. Маркетный стоп-ордер на снижения/закрытия текущего лонга.
short_stop(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, s_stop, leverageforqty)
Stop market order for short position
Рыночный стоп-ордер на покупку(в лонг) для закрытия шорт позиции.
token (string)
market (string) : (string) 'binance' , 'binancefru' etc.. Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size. Размер ордера.
s_stop (float) : (float) price for activation stop order. Цена активации стоп-ордера.
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Stop Market Buy order (close short position)'. Маркетный стоп-ордер на снижения/закрытия текущего шорта.
change_stop_l(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, l_stop, leverageforqty)
Change Stop market order for long position
Изменяем стоп-ордер на продажу(в шорт) для закрытия лонг позиции.
token (string)
market (string) : (string) 'binance' , 'binancefru' etc.. Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size. Размер ордера.
l_stop (float) : (float) price for activation stop order. Цена активации стоп-ордера.
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Change Stop Market Buy order (close long position)'. Смещает цену активации Маркетного стоп-ордер на снижения/закрытия текущего лонга.
change_stop_s(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, s_stop, leverageforqty)
Change Stop market order for short position
Смещает цену активации Рыночного стоп-ордера на покупку(в лонг) для закрытия шорт позиции.
token (string)
market (string) : (string) 'binance' , 'binancefru' etc.. Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string)
quantity (float) : (float) orders size. Размер ордера.
s_stop (float) : (float) price for activation stop order. Цена активации стоп-ордера.
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Change Stop Market Buy order (close short position)'. Смещает цену активации Маркетного стоп-ордер на снижения/закрытия текущего шорта.
open_long_position(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, l_stop, leverageforqty)
Cancel and close all orders and positions by ticker , then open Long position by market price with stop order
Отменяет все лимитки и закрывает все позы по тикеру, затем открывает лонг по маркету с выставлением стопа (переворот позиции, при необходимости).
token (string)
market (string) : (string) 'binance' , 'binancefru' etc.. Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size. Размер ордера.
l_stop (float) : (float). Price for activation stop loss. Цена активации стоп-лосса.
leverageforqty (int) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'command_all_close + LongMarket + long_stop.
open_short_position(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, s_stop, leverageforqty)
Cancel and close all orders and positions , then open Short position by market price with stop order
Отменяет все лимитки и закрывает все позы по тикеру, затем открывает шорт по маркету с выставлением стопа(переворот позиции, при необходимости).
token (string)
market (string) : (string) 'binance' , 'binancefru' etc.. Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) orders size. Размер ордера.
s_stop (float) : (float). Price for activation stop loss. Цена активации стоп-лосса.
leverageforqty (int) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'command_all_close + ShortMarket + short_stop'.
open_long_trade(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, l_stop, qty_ex1, price_ex1, qty_ex2, price_ex2, qty_ex3, price_ex3, leverageforqty)
Cancell and close all orders and positions , then open Long position by market price with stop order and take 1 ,take 2, take 3
Отменяет все лимитки и закрывает все позы по тикеру, затем открывает лонг по маркету с выставлением стопа и 3 тейками (переворот позиции, при необходимости).
token (string)
market (string) : (string) 'binance' , 'binancefru' etc.. Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
quantity (float) : (float) enter order size, see at type_qty. Размер ордера входа, согласно type_qty.
l_stop (float) : (float). Price for activation stop loss. Цена активации стоп-лосса.
qty_ex1 (float) : (float). Quantity for 1th take see at type_qty, if = 0 string for order dont set. Размер лимитного ордера для 1го тейка, согласно type_qty.. Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
price_ex1 (float) : (float). Price for 1th take , if = 0 string for order dont set. Цена лимитного ордера для 1го тейка. Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
qty_ex2 (float) : (float). Quantity for 2th take see at type_qty, if = 0 string for order dont set. Размер лимитного ордера для 2го тейка, согласно type_qty..Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
price_ex2 (float) : (float). Price for 2th take, if = 0 string for order dont set. Цена лимитного ордера для 2го тейка. Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
qty_ex3 (float) : (float). Quantity for 3th take see at type_qty, if = 0 string for order dont set. Размер лимитного ордера для 2го тейка, согласно type_qty..Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
price_ex3 (float) : (float). Price for 3th take, if = 0 string for order dont set. Цена лимитного ордера для 3го тейка. Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
leverageforqty (int)
Returns: 'cancel_all_close + LongMarket + long_stop + CloseLongLimit1 + CloseLongLimit2+CloseLongLimit3'.
open_short_trade(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, quantity, s_stop, qty_ex1, price_ex1, qty_ex2, price_ex2, qty_ex3, price_ex3, leverageforqty)
Cancell and close all orders and positions , then open Short position by market price with stop order and take 1 and take 2
Отменяет все лимитки и закрывает все позы по тикеру, затем открывает шорт по маркету с выставлением стопа и 3 тейками (переворот позиции, при необходимости).
token (string)
market (string) : (string) 'binance' , 'binancefru' etc.. Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string)
quantity (float)
s_stop (float) : (float). Price for activation stop loss. Цена активации стоп-лосса.
qty_ex1 (float) : (float). Quantity for 1th take see at type_qty, if = 0 string for order dont set. Размер лимитного ордера для 1го тейка, согласно type_qty.. Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
price_ex1 (float) : (float). Price for 1th take , if = 0 string for order dont set. Цена лимитного ордера для 1го тейка. Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
qty_ex2 (float) : (float). Quantity for 2th take see at type_qty, if = 0 string for order dont set. Размер лимитного ордера для 2го тейка, согласно type_qty..Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
price_ex2 (float) : (float). Price for 2th take, if = 0 string for order dont set. Цена лимитного ордера для 2го тейка. Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
qty_ex3 (float) : (float). Quantity for 3th take see at type_qty, if = 0 string for order dont set. Размер лимитного ордера для 2го тейка, согласно type_qty..Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
price_ex3 (float) : (float). Price for 3th take, if = 0 string for order dont set. Цена лимитного ордера для 3го тейка. Если 0, то строка для этого тейка не формируется
leverageforqty (int)
Returns: 'command_all_close + ShortMarket + short_stop + CloseShortLimit + CloseShortLimit(2)'.
Multi_LongLimit(token, market, ticker_id, type_qty, qty1, price1, qty2, price2, qty3, price3, qty4, price4, qty5, price5, qty6, price6, qty7, price7, qty8, price8, leverageforqty)
8 or less Buy orders with limit price and quantity.
До 8 Лимитных ордеров на покупку(в лонг).
token (string) : (integer or 0) token for trade in system, if = 0 then token part mess is empty. Токен, При значениb = 0 не включается в формирование строки алерта.
market (string) : (string) Spot 'binance' , 'bybit' . Futures ('binancefru','binancefro','bybitfu', 'bybitfi'). Строковая переменная названия биржи.
ticker_id (string) : (string) ticker in market ('btcusdt', 'ethusdt' etc...). Строковая переменная названия тикера (пары).
type_qty (string) : (string) type of quantity: 1. 'qty' or '' or na - standart (in coins), 2. 'quqty'- in assets (usdt,btc,etc..), - open position(futures) or buy (spot) in % of base 4. close% - close in % of position (futures) or sell (spot) coins in % for current quantity
qty1 (float)
price1 (float)
qty2 (float)
price2 (float)
qty3 (float)
price3 (float)
qty4 (float)
price4 (float)
qty5 (float)
price5 (float)
qty6 (float)
price6 (float)
qty7 (float)
price7 (float)
qty8 (float)
price8 (float)
leverageforqty (bool) : (bool) use leverage in qty. Использовать плечо при расчете количества или нет.
Returns: 'Limit Buy order'. Лимитный ордер на покупку (лонг).
Indicatori e strategie
UtilityLibrary "Utility"
dema(src, length)
src (float)
length (simple int)
tema(src, length)
src (float)
length (simple int)
hma(src, length)
src (float)
length (int)
zlema(src, length)
src (float)
length (simple int)
stochRSI(src, lengthRSI, lengthStoch, smoothK, smoothD)
src (float)
lengthRSI (simple int)
lengthStoch (int)
smoothK (int)
smoothD (int)
slope(src, length)
src (float)
length (int)
loxxfftLibrary "loxxfft"
This code is a library for performing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) operations. FFT is an algorithm that can quickly compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence. The library includes functions for performing FFTs on both real and complex data. It also includes functions for fast correlation and convolution, which are operations that can be performed efficiently using FFTs. Additionally, the library includes functions for fast sine and cosine transforms.
fastfouriertransform(a, nn, inversefft)
Returns Fast Fourier Transform
a (float ) : float , An array of real and imaginary parts of the function values. The real part is stored at even indices, and the imaginary part is stored at odd indices.
nn (int) : int, The number of function values. It must be a power of two, but the algorithm does not validate this.
inversefft (bool) : bool, A boolean value that indicates the direction of the transformation. If True, it performs the inverse FFT; if False, it performs the direct FFT.
Returns: float , Modifies the input array a in-place, which means that the transformed data (the FFT result for direct transformation or the inverse FFT result for inverse transformation) will be stored in the same array a after the function execution. The transformed data will have real and imaginary parts interleaved, with the real parts at even indices and the imaginary parts at odd indices.
realfastfouriertransform(a, tnn, inversefft)
Returns Real Fast Fourier Transform
a (float ) : float , A float array containing the real-valued function samples.
tnn (int) : int, The number of function values (must be a power of 2, but the algorithm does not validate this condition).
inversefft (bool) : bool, A boolean flag that indicates the direction of the transformation (True for inverse, False for direct).
Returns: float , Modifies the input array a in-place, meaning that the transformed data (the FFT result for direct transformation or the inverse FFT result for inverse transformation) will be stored in the same array a after the function execution.
fastsinetransform(a, tnn, inversefst)
Returns Fast Discrete Sine Conversion
a (float ) : float , An array of real numbers representing the function values.
tnn (int) : int, Number of function values (must be a power of two, but the code doesn't validate this).
inversefst (bool) : bool, A boolean flag indicating the direction of the transformation. If True, it performs the inverse FST, and if False, it performs the direct FST.
Returns: float , The output is the transformed array 'a', which will contain the result of the transformation.
fastcosinetransform(a, tnn, inversefct)
Returns Fast Discrete Cosine Transform
a (float ) : float , This is a floating-point array representing the sequence of values (time-domain) that you want to transform. The function will perform the Fast Cosine Transform (FCT) or the inverse FCT on this input array, depending on the value of the inversefct parameter. The transformed result will also be stored in this same array, which means the function modifies the input array in-place.
tnn (int) : int, This is an integer value representing the number of data points in the input array a. It is used to determine the size of the input array and control the loops in the algorithm. Note that the size of the input array should be a power of 2 for the Fast Cosine Transform algorithm to work correctly.
inversefct (bool) : bool, This is a boolean value that controls whether the function performs the regular Fast Cosine Transform or the inverse FCT. If inversefct is set to true, the function will perform the inverse FCT, and if set to false, the regular FCT will be performed. The inverse FCT can be used to transform data back into its original form (time-domain) after the regular FCT has been applied.
Returns: float , The resulting transformed array is stored in the input array a. This means that the function modifies the input array in-place and does not return a new array.
fastconvolution(signal, signallen, response, negativelen, positivelen)
Convolution using FFT
signal (float ) : float , This is an array of real numbers representing the input signal that will be convolved with the response function. The elements are numbered from 0 to SignalLen-1.
signallen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the length of the input signal array. It specifies the number of elements in the signal array.
response (float ) : float , This is an array of real numbers representing the response function used for convolution. The response function consists of two parts: one corresponding to positive argument values and the other to negative argument values. Array elements with numbers from 0 to NegativeLen match the response values at points from -NegativeLen to 0, respectively. Array elements with numbers from NegativeLen+1 to NegativeLen+PositiveLen correspond to the response values in points from 1 to PositiveLen, respectively.
negativelen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the "negative length" of the response function. It indicates the number of elements in the response function array that correspond to negative argument values. Outside the range , the response function is considered zero.
positivelen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the "positive length" of the response function. It indicates the number of elements in the response function array that correspond to positive argument values. Similar to negativelen, outside the range , the response function is considered zero.
Returns: float , The resulting convolved values are stored back in the input signal array.
fastcorrelation(signal, signallen, pattern, patternlen)
Returns Correlation using FFT
signal (float ) : float ,This is an array of real numbers representing the signal to be correlated with the pattern. The elements are numbered from 0 to SignalLen-1.
signallen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the length of the input signal array.
pattern (float ) : float , This is an array of real numbers representing the pattern to be correlated with the signal. The elements are numbered from 0 to PatternLen-1.
patternlen (int) : int, This is an integer representing the length of the pattern array.
Returns: float , The signal array containing the correlation values at points from 0 to SignalLen-1.
tworealffts(a1, a2, a, b, tn)
Returns Fast Fourier Transform of Two Real Functions
a1 (float ) : float , An array of real numbers, representing the values of the first function.
a2 (float ) : float , An array of real numbers, representing the values of the second function.
a (float ) : float , An output array to store the Fourier transform of the first function.
b (float ) : float , An output array to store the Fourier transform of the second function.
tn (int) : float , An integer representing the number of function values. It must be a power of two, but the algorithm doesn't validate this condition.
Returns: float , The a and b arrays will contain the Fourier transform of the first and second functions, respectively. Note that the function overwrites the input arrays a and b.
█ Detailed explaination of each function
Fast Fourier Transform
The fastfouriertransform() function takes three input parameters:
1. a: An array of real and imaginary parts of the function values. The real part is stored at even indices, and the imaginary part is stored at odd indices.
2. nn: The number of function values. It must be a power of two, but the algorithm does not validate this.
3. inversefft: A boolean value that indicates the direction of the transformation. If True, it performs the inverse FFT; if False, it performs the direct FFT.
The function performs the FFT using the Cooley-Tukey algorithm, which is an efficient algorithm for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse. The Cooley-Tukey algorithm recursively breaks down the DFT of a sequence into smaller DFTs of subsequences, leading to a significant reduction in computational complexity. The algorithm's time complexity is O(n log n), where n is the number of samples.
The fastfouriertransform() function first initializes variables and determines the direction of the transformation based on the inversefft parameter. If inversefft is True, the isign variable is set to -1; otherwise, it is set to 1.
Next, the function performs the bit-reversal operation. This is a necessary step before calculating the FFT, as it rearranges the input data in a specific order required by the Cooley-Tukey algorithm. The bit-reversal is performed using a loop that iterates through the nn samples, swapping the data elements according to their bit-reversed index.
After the bit-reversal operation, the function iteratively computes the FFT using the Cooley-Tukey algorithm. It performs calculations in a loop that goes through different stages, doubling the size of the sub-FFT at each stage. Within each stage, the Cooley-Tukey algorithm calculates the butterfly operations, which are mathematical operations that combine the results of smaller DFTs into the final DFT. The butterfly operations involve complex number multiplication and addition, updating the input array a with the computed values.
The loop also calculates the twiddle factors, which are complex exponential factors used in the butterfly operations. The twiddle factors are calculated using trigonometric functions, such as sine and cosine, based on the angle theta. The variables wpr, wpi, wr, and wi are used to store intermediate values of the twiddle factors, which are updated in each iteration of the loop.
Finally, if the inversefft parameter is True, the function divides the result by the number of samples nn to obtain the correct inverse FFT result. This normalization step is performed using a loop that iterates through the array a and divides each element by nn.
In summary, the fastfouriertransform() function is an implementation of the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm, which is an efficient algorithm for computing the DFT and its inverse. This FFT library can be used for a variety of applications, such as signal processing, image processing, audio processing, and more.
Feal Fast Fourier Transform
The realfastfouriertransform() function performs a fast Fourier transform (FFT) specifically for real-valued functions. The FFT is an efficient algorithm used to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse, which are fundamental tools in signal processing, image processing, and other related fields.
This function takes three input parameters:
1. a - A float array containing the real-valued function samples.
2. tnn - The number of function values (must be a power of 2, but the algorithm does not validate this condition).
3. inversefft - A boolean flag that indicates the direction of the transformation (True for inverse, False for direct).
The function modifies the input array a in-place, meaning that the transformed data (the FFT result for direct transformation or the inverse FFT result for inverse transformation) will be stored in the same array a after the function execution.
The algorithm uses a combination of complex-to-complex FFT and additional transformations specific to real-valued data to optimize the computation. It takes into account the symmetry properties of the real-valued input data to reduce the computational complexity.
Here's a detailed walkthrough of the algorithm:
1. Depending on the inversefft flag, the initial values for ttheta, c1, and c2 are determined. These values are used for the initial data preprocessing and post-processing steps specific to the real-valued FFT.
2. The preprocessing step computes the initial real and imaginary parts of the data using a combination of sine and cosine terms with the input data. This step effectively converts the real-valued input data into complex-valued data suitable for the complex-to-complex FFT.
3. The complex-to-complex FFT is then performed on the preprocessed complex data. This involves bit-reversal reordering, followed by the Cooley-Tukey radix-2 decimation-in-time algorithm. This part of the code is similar to the fastfouriertransform() function you provided earlier.
4. After the complex-to-complex FFT, a post-processing step is performed to obtain the final real-valued output data. This involves updating the real and imaginary parts of the transformed data using sine and cosine terms, as well as the values c1 and c2.
5. Finally, if the inversefft flag is True, the output data is divided by the number of samples (nn) to obtain the inverse DFT.
The function does not return a value explicitly. Instead, the transformed data is stored in the input array a. After the function execution, you can access the transformed data in the a array, which will have the real part at even indices and the imaginary part at odd indices.
Fast Sine Transform
This code defines a function called fastsinetransform that performs a Fast Discrete Sine Transform (FST) on an array of real numbers. The function takes three input parameters:
1. a (float array): An array of real numbers representing the function values.
2. tnn (int): Number of function values (must be a power of two, but the code doesn't validate this).
3. inversefst (bool): A boolean flag indicating the direction of the transformation. If True, it performs the inverse FST, and if False, it performs the direct FST.
The output is the transformed array 'a', which will contain the result of the transformation.
The code starts by initializing several variables, including trigonometric constants for the sine transform. It then sets the first value of the array 'a' to 0 and calculates the initial values of 'y1' and 'y2', which are used to update the input array 'a' in the following loop.
The first loop (with index 'jx') iterates from 2 to (tm + 1), where 'tm' is half of the number of input samples 'tnn'. This loop is responsible for calculating the initial sine transform of the input data.
The second loop (with index 'ii') is a bit-reversal loop. It reorders the elements in the array 'a' based on the bit-reversed indices of the original order.
The third loop (with index 'ii') iterates while 'n' is greater than 'mmax', which starts at 2 and doubles each iteration. This loop performs the actual Fast Discrete Sine Transform. It calculates the sine transform using the Danielson-Lanczos lemma, which is a divide-and-conquer strategy for calculating Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs) efficiently.
The fourth loop (with index 'ix') is responsible for the final phase adjustments needed for the sine transform, updating the array 'a' accordingly.
The fifth loop (with index 'jj') updates the array 'a' one more time by dividing each element by 2 and calculating the sum of the even-indexed elements.
Finally, if the 'inversefst' flag is True, the code scales the transformed data by a factor of 2/tnn to get the inverse Fast Sine Transform.
In summary, the code performs a Fast Discrete Sine Transform on an input array of real numbers, either in the direct or inverse direction, and returns the transformed array. The algorithm is based on the Danielson-Lanczos lemma and uses a divide-and-conquer strategy for efficient computation.
Fast Cosine Transform
This code defines a function called fastcosinetransform that takes three parameters: a floating-point array a, an integer tnn, and a boolean inversefct. The function calculates the Fast Cosine Transform (FCT) or the inverse FCT of the input array, depending on the value of the inversefct parameter.
The Fast Cosine Transform is an algorithm that converts a sequence of values (time-domain) into a frequency domain representation. It is closely related to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and can be used in various applications, such as signal processing and image compression.
Here's a detailed explanation of the code:
1. The function starts by initializing a number of variables, including counters, intermediate values, and constants.
2. The initial steps of the algorithm are performed. This includes calculating some trigonometric values and updating the input array a with the help of intermediate variables.
3. The code then enters a loop (from jx = 2 to tnn / 2). Within this loop, the algorithm computes and updates the elements of the input array a.
4. After the loop, the function prepares some variables for the next stage of the algorithm.
5. The next part of the algorithm is a series of nested loops that perform the bit-reversal permutation and apply the FCT to the input array a.
6. The code then calculates some additional trigonometric values, which are used in the next loop.
7. The following loop (from ix = 2 to tnn / 4 + 1) computes and updates the elements of the input array a using the previously calculated trigonometric values.
8. The input array a is further updated with the final calculations.
9. In the last loop (from j = 4 to tnn), the algorithm computes and updates the sum of elements in the input array a.
10. Finally, if the inversefct parameter is set to true, the function scales the input array a to obtain the inverse FCT.
The resulting transformed array is stored in the input array a. This means that the function modifies the input array in-place and does not return a new array.
Fast Convolution
This code defines a function called fastconvolution that performs the convolution of a given signal with a response function using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique. Convolution is a mathematical operation used in signal processing to combine two signals, producing a third signal representing how the shape of one signal is modified by the other.
The fastconvolution function takes the following input parameters:
1. float signal: This is an array of real numbers representing the input signal that will be convolved with the response function. The elements are numbered from 0 to SignalLen-1.
2. int signallen: This is an integer representing the length of the input signal array. It specifies the number of elements in the signal array.
3. float response: This is an array of real numbers representing the response function used for convolution. The response function consists of two parts: one corresponding to positive argument values and the other to negative argument values. Array elements with numbers from 0 to NegativeLen match the response values at points from -NegativeLen to 0, respectively. Array elements with numbers from NegativeLen+1 to NegativeLen+PositiveLen correspond to the response values in points from 1 to PositiveLen, respectively.
4. int negativelen: This is an integer representing the "negative length" of the response function. It indicates the number of elements in the response function array that correspond to negative argument values. Outside the range , the response function is considered zero.
5. int positivelen: This is an integer representing the "positive length" of the response function. It indicates the number of elements in the response function array that correspond to positive argument values. Similar to negativelen, outside the range , the response function is considered zero.
The function works by:
1. Calculating the length nl of the arrays used for FFT, ensuring it's a power of 2 and large enough to hold the signal and response.
2. Creating two new arrays, a1 and a2, of length nl and initializing them with the input signal and response function, respectively.
3. Applying the forward FFT (realfastfouriertransform) to both arrays, a1 and a2.
4. Performing element-wise multiplication of the FFT results in the frequency domain.
5. Applying the inverse FFT (realfastfouriertransform) to the multiplied results in a1.
6. Updating the original signal array with the convolution result, which is stored in the a1 array.
The result of the convolution is stored in the input signal array at the function exit.
Fast Correlation
This code defines a function called fastcorrelation that computes the correlation between a signal and a pattern using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method. The function takes four input arguments and modifies the input signal array to store the correlation values.
Input arguments:
1. float signal: This is an array of real numbers representing the signal to be correlated with the pattern. The elements are numbered from 0 to SignalLen-1.
2. int signallen: This is an integer representing the length of the input signal array.
3. float pattern: This is an array of real numbers representing the pattern to be correlated with the signal. The elements are numbered from 0 to PatternLen-1.
4. int patternlen: This is an integer representing the length of the pattern array.
The function performs the following steps:
1. Calculate the required size nl for the FFT by finding the smallest power of 2 that is greater than or equal to the sum of the lengths of the signal and the pattern.
2. Create two new arrays a1 and a2 with the length nl and initialize them to 0.
3. Copy the signal array into a1 and pad it with zeros up to the length nl.
4. Copy the pattern array into a2 and pad it with zeros up to the length nl.
5. Compute the FFT of both a1 and a2.
6. Perform element-wise multiplication of the frequency-domain representation of a1 and the complex conjugate of the frequency-domain representation of a2.
7. Compute the inverse FFT of the result obtained in step 6.
8. Store the resulting correlation values in the original signal array.
At the end of the function, the signal array contains the correlation values at points from 0 to SignalLen-1.
Fast Fourier Transform of Two Real Functions
This code defines a function called tworealffts that computes the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of two real-valued functions (a1 and a2) using a Cooley-Tukey-based radix-2 Decimation in Time (DIT) algorithm. The FFT is a widely used algorithm for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse.
Input parameters:
1. float a1: an array of real numbers, representing the values of the first function.
2. float a2: an array of real numbers, representing the values of the second function.
3. float a: an output array to store the Fourier transform of the first function.
4. float b: an output array to store the Fourier transform of the second function.
5. int tn: an integer representing the number of function values. It must be a power of two, but the algorithm doesn't validate this condition.
The function performs the following steps:
1. Combine the two input arrays, a1 and a2, into a single array a by interleaving their elements.
2. Perform a 1D FFT on the combined array a using the radix-2 DIT algorithm.
3. Separate the FFT results of the two input functions from the combined array a and store them in output arrays a and b.
Here is a detailed breakdown of the radix-2 DIT algorithm used in this code:
1. Bit-reverse the order of the elements in the combined array a.
2. Initialize the loop variables mmax, istep, and theta.
3. Enter the main loop that iterates through different stages of the FFT.
a. Compute the sine and cosine values for the current stage using the theta variable.
b. Initialize the loop variables wr and wi for the current stage.
c. Enter the inner loop that iterates through the butterfly operations within each stage.
i. Perform the butterfly operation on the elements of array a.
ii. Update the loop variables wr and wi for the next butterfly operation.
d. Update the loop variables mmax, istep, and theta for the next stage.
4. Separate the FFT results of the two input functions from the combined array a and store them in output arrays a and b.
At the end of the function, the a and b arrays will contain the Fourier transform of the first and second functions, respectively. Note that the function overwrites the input arrays a and b.
█ Example scripts using functions contained in loxxfft
Real-Fast Fourier Transform of Price w/ Linear Regression
Real-Fast Fourier Transform of Price Oscillator
Normalized, Variety, Fast Fourier Transform Explorer
Variety RSI of Fast Discrete Cosine Transform
STD-Stepped Fast Cosine Transform Moving Average
RsiLibLibrary "RsiLib"
TODO: add library description here
bullishDivergence(rsi, check_backward_length, rsi_threshold, rsi_overload_threshold, power_threshhold)
rsi (float)
check_backward_length (int)
rsi_threshold (float)
rsi_overload_threshold (float)
power_threshhold (int)
toolsLibrary "tools"
A library of many helper methods, plus a comprehensive print method and a printer object.
This is a newer version of the helpers library. This script uses pinescripts v5 latest objects and methods.
peterzorve-libraryLibrary "library"
fib_level (float)
fib_level (float)
fib_level (float)
fib_level (float)
dogi_body_ratio (float)
is_atr_stoploss_takeprofit(atr_multiplier, atr_length, reward_ratio)
atr_multiplier (float)
atr_length (simple int)
reward_ratio (float)
is_fixed_stoploss_takeprofit(stoploss_pips, reward_ratio)
stoploss_pips (float)
reward_ratio (float)
stoploss_pips (float)
is_atr_trailing_stoploss(atr_multiplier, break_even_pip)
atr_multiplier (float)
break_even_pip (int)
length (simple int)
is_trade_statistics(condition, entrypoint, stoploss, takeprofit)
condition (bool)
entrypoint (float)
stoploss (float)
takeprofit (float)
is_table_of_statistics(win_trades, lost_trades, even_trades, pips_won, pips_lost)
win_trades (int)
lost_trades (int)
even_trades (int)
pips_won (float)
pips_lost (float)
is_pine_info(lotsize, stoploss, takeprofit)
lotsize (float)
stoploss (float)
takeprofit (float)
is_support_and_resistance_strategy(look_back, look_forward)
look_back (int)
look_forward (int)
is_choral_strategy(smoothing_period, constant_d)
smoothing_period (int)
constant_d (float)
is_bollinger_band_strategy(length, dev_entry, dev_stoploss, dev_takeprofit)
length (int)
dev_entry (simple float)
dev_stoploss (simple float)
dev_takeprofit (simple float)
Console📕 Console Library
🔷 Introduction
This script is an adaptation of the classic JavaScript console script. It provides a simple way to display data in a console-like table format for debugging purposes.
While there are many nice console/logger scripts out there, my personal goal was to achieve inline functionality and visual object (label, lines) logging .
🔷 How to Use
◼ 1. Import the Console library into your script:
import cryptolinx/Console/1
- or -
Instead of the library namespace, you can define a custom namespace as alias.
import cryptolinx/Console/1 as c
◼ 2. Create and init a new `` object.
The `init()` method is used to initialize the console object with default settings. It can be used to customize it.
// When using the `var` keyword in a declaration, the logs will act as ever-forwarding.
// Without `var`, the `console` variable will be redeclared every time `bar` is called.
// var console =, prefix = '> ', show_no = true)
- or -
If you has set up an alias before.
var console =
◼ 3. Logging
// inline ✨
array testArray =, .0).log(console)
// basic
// inline ✨
var testLabel =, close, 'Label Text').log(console)
// basic
// It is also possible to use `().` for literals ✨.
int a = 100
testCalc = (5 * 100).log(console) + a.log(console) // SUM: 600
.log('SUM' + WS + testCalc.tostring())
◼ 4. Visibility
Finally, we need to call the `show()` method to display the logged messages in the console. // True by default. Simply turn it on or off
LibAndyLibrary "LibAndy"
TODO: add library description here
TODO: add function description here
x (float) : TODO: add parameter x description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
Whether this candle is green or not
Returns: Whether this candle is green or not
Whether this candle is red or not
Returns: Whether this candle is red or not
bsSeries (float)
PolynomialLibrary "Polynomial"
TODO: add library description here
PolyNomial(Dop, n, step, nonp)
TODO: add function description here
Dop (int)
n (int)
step (int)
nonp (int)
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
Branch CurveLibrary "branch"
Generates a branch made of segments with a starting angle
and a turning angle for each segment. The branch is generated from a starting point
and a number of nodes to generate. The length of each segment and angle of each segment
can be adjusted. The branch can be generated in 2D or 3D, render as you wish.
method branch(origin, nodes, segment_length, segment_growth, angle_start, angle_turn)
# Branch Generation.
- `origin`: CommonTypesMath.Vector3 - The starting point of the branch. If the z value is not zero, it will be used as the starting angle.
- `nodes`: int - The number of nodes to generate.
- `segment_length`: float - The length of each segment.
- `segment_growth`: float - The growth of each segment. 0 = no growth, 100 = double the length of the previous segment.
- `angle_start`: float - The starting angle of the branch in degrees.
- `angle_turn`: float - The turning angle of each segment in degrees.
Namespace types: CommonTypesMath.Vector3
origin (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : The starting point of the branch. If the z value is not zero, it will be used as the starting angle.
nodes (int) : The number of nodes to generate.
segment_length (float) : The length of each segment.
segment_growth (float) : The growth of each segment. 0 = no growth, 100 = double the length of the previous segment.
angle_start (float) : The starting angle of the branch in degrees.
angle_turn (float) : The turning angle of each segment in degrees.
@return segments The list of segments that make up the branch.
VolumeLibLibrary "VolumeLib"
Contains types and methods related to VOLUME
TODO: add function description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
length (simple int)
volumePower(volume_price, average_volume_price)
volume_price (float)
average_volume_price (float)
length (simple int)
OrderLibLibrary "OrderLib"
TODO: add library description here
view (orderView)
createOrderView(model, length, profit_color, loss_color, enter_color)
model (orderModel)
length (simple int)
profit_color (simple color)
loss_color (simple color)
enter_color (simple color)
createOrder(enter, tp, sl)
enter (float)
tp (float)
sl (float)
createOrderByRR(enter, sl, rr)
enter (float)
sl (float)
rr (float)
createOrderByRR(enter, sl, rr, commision_percent)
enter (float)
sl (float)
rr (simple float)
commision_percent (simple float)
enter (series__float)
sl (series__float)
tp (series__float)
enter (series__line)
sl (series__line)
tp (series__line)
AdxLibLibrary "AdxLib"
TODO: add library description here
create(di_length, adx_length)
di_length (simple int)
adx_length (simple int)
adx_length (simple int)
TextLibLibrary "TextLib"
TODO: Library with text / string functions
addText(before, value, separator)
before (string)
value (string)
separator (string)
addText(before, value1, value2, separator)
before (string)
value1 (string)
value2 (string)
separator (string)
LibreLibrary "Libre"
TODO: add library description here
toe (string)
OOOO(toe, toe1, toe2, toe3, toe4, toe5, init)
toe (string)
toe1 (string)
toe2 (string)
toe3 (string)
toe4 (string)
toe5 (string)
init (int)
toe (string)
toe (string)
HarmonicPatternTrackingLibrary "HarmonicPatternTracking"
Library contains few data structures and methods for tracking harmonic pattern trades via pinescript.
method draw(this)
Creates and draws HarmonicDrawing object for given HarmonicPattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: current HarmonicPattern object
method addTrade(this)
calculates HarmonicTrade and sets trade object for HarmonicPattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: bool true if pattern trades are valid, false otherwise
method delete(this)
Deletes drawing objects of HarmonicDrawing
Namespace types: HarmonicDrawing
this (HarmonicDrawing) : HarmonicDrawing object
Returns: current HarmonicDrawing object
method delete(this)
Deletes drawings of harmonic pattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: current HarmonicPattern object
Drawing objects of Harmonic Pattern
xa (series line) : xa line
ab (series line) : ab line
bc (series line) : bc line
cd (series line) : cd line
xb (series line) : xb line
bd (series line) : bd line
ac (series line) : ac line
xd (series line) : xd line
x (series label) : label for pivot x
a (series label) : label for pivot a
b (series label) : label for pivot b
c (series label) : label for pivot c
d (series label) : label for pivot d
xabRatio (series label) : label for XAB Ratio
abcRatio (series label) : label for ABC Ratio
bcdRatio (series label) : label for BCD Ratio
xadRatio (series label) : label for XAD Ratio
Trade tracking parameters of Harmonic Patterns
initialEntry (series float) : initial entry when pattern first formed.
entry (series float) : trailed entry price.
initialStop (series float) : initial stop when trade first entered.
stop (series float) : current stop updated as per trailing rules.
target1 (series float) : First target value
target2 (series float) : Second target value
target3 (series float) : Third target value
target4 (series float) : Fourth target value
status (series int) : Trade status referenced as integer
retouch (series bool) : Flag to show if the price retouched after entry
Display and trade calculation properties for Harmonic Patterns
fillMajorTriangles (series bool) : Display property used for using linefill for harmonic major triangles
fillMinorTriangles (series bool) : Display property used for using linefill for harmonic minor triangles
majorFillTransparency (series int) : transparency setting for major triangles
minorFillTransparency (series int) : transparency setting for minor triangles
showXABCD (series bool) : Display XABCD pivot labels
lblSizePivots (series string) : Pivot label size
showRatios (series bool) : Display Ratio labels
useLogScaleForScan (series bool) : Use log scale to determine fib ratios for pattern scanning
useLogScaleForTargets (series bool) : Use log scale to determine fib ratios for target calculation
base (series string) : base on which calculation of stop/targets are made.
entryRatio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate entry
stopRatio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate initial stop
target1Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate first target
target2Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate second target
target3Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate third target
target4Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate fourth target
Harmonic pattern object to track entire pattern trade life cycle
id (series int) : Pattern Id
dir (series int) : pattern direction
x (series float) : X Pivot
a (series float) : A Pivot
b (series float) : B Pivot
c (series float) : C Pivot
d (series float) : D Pivot
xBar (series int) : Bar index of X Pivot
aBar (series int) : Bar index of A Pivot
bBar (series int) : Bar index of B Pivot
cBar (series int) : Bar index of C Pivot
dBar (series int) : Bar index of D Pivot
przStart (series float) : Start of PRZ range
przEnd (series float) : End of PRZ range
patterns (bool ) : array representing the patterns
patternLabel (series string) : string representation of list of patterns
patternColor (series color) : color assigned to pattern
properties (HarmonicProperties) : HarmonicProperties object containing display and calculation properties
trade (HarmonicTrade) : HarmonicTrade object to track trades
drawing (HarmonicDrawing) : HarmonicDrawing object to manage drawings
AstroLibLibrary "AstroLib", or Astro Library, is a collection of public Pinescript functions & calculations for use in astrology & astronomy indicators. Unless noted otherwise, this library was written jointly by @badsector666 and @BarefootJoey.
Library "AstroLib"
txt (string)
JDNv2(t, withFraction)
t (float)
withFraction (bool)
t (float)
TimeInJDN (float)
atan2(y, x)
y (float)
x (float)
x (float)
x (float)
x (float)
x (float)
x (float)
x (float)
DegAtan2(y, x)
y (float)
x (float)
x (float)
x (float)
days (float)
DegDecimal(Degrees, Minutes, Seconds)
Degrees (float)
Minutes (float)
Seconds (float)
Rectangular(R, theta, phi, Index)
R (float)
theta (float)
phi (float)
Index (float)
rLength(x, y, z)
x (float)
y (float)
z (float)
spherical(x, y, z, Index)
x (float)
y (float)
z (float)
Index (float)
d (float)
requatorial(x, y, z, d, Index)
x (float)
y (float)
z (float)
d (float)
Index (float)
recliptic(x, y, z, d, Index)
x (float)
y (float)
z (float)
d (float)
Index (float)
sequatorial(R, theta, phi, d, Index)
R (float)
theta (float)
phi (float)
d (float)
Index (float)
secliptic(R, theta, phi, d, Index)
R (float)
theta (float)
phi (float)
d (float)
Index (float)
precess(d1, d2, DEC, RA, Index, ddec, dra)
d1 (float)
d2 (float)
DEC (float)
RA (float)
Index (float)
ddec (float)
dra (float)
riset(J2000, DEC, RA, GLat, GLong, Index)
J2000 (float)
DEC (float)
RA (float)
GLat (float)
GLong (float)
Index (float)
ssun(d, Index)
d (float)
Index (float)
rsun(d, Index)
d (float)
Index (float)
sun(d, Index)
d (float)
Index (float)
SunLongitude(d, Index)
d (float)
Index (float)
Sunrise(J2000, GLat, GLong, Index, altitudex)
J2000 (float)
GLat (float)
GLong (float)
Index (float)
altitudex (float)
smoon(dx, Index)
dx (float)
Index (float)
rmoon(d, Index)
d (float)
Index (float)
tmoon(d, GLat, GLong, Index)
d (float)
GLat (float)
GLong (float)
Index (float)
moon(d, Index)
d (float)
Index (float)
Element(d, pnum)
d (float)
pnum (int)
kepler(m, ecc, eps)
m (float)
ecc (float)
eps (float)
rplanet(d, pnumber, Index)
d (float)
pnumber (int)
Index (float)
planet(d, pnumber, Index)
d (float)
pnumber (int)
Index (float)
altaz(d, DEC, RA, GLat, GLong, Index)
d (float)
DEC (float)
RA (float)
GLat (float)
GLong (float)
Index (float)
prise(d, P, GLat, GLong, Index)
d (float)
P (int)
GLat (float)
GLong (float)
Index (float)
d (float)
Refraction(Temperature_C, Atmospheric_Pressure_mBar, Altitude_Deg)
Temperature_C (float)
Atmospheric_Pressure_mBar (float)
Altitude_Deg (float)
MoonRise(d, Longitude, Latitude, Index)
d (float)
Longitude (float)
Latitude (float)
Index (float)
dec (float)
sec (float)
deg (float)
coordinate (float)
convertDMS(lat, lng)
lat (float)
lng (float)
deg (float)
pnum (int)
pnum (int)
pnum (int)
pnum (int)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
virinchiaspectcol(deg, bull_col, bear_col)
deg (float)
bull_col (color)
bear_col (color)
virinchiaspectemo(deg, bull_emo, bear_emo)
deg (float)
bull_emo (string)
bear_emo (string)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
deg (float)
aspectsignprecision(deg, precision)
deg (float)
precision (int)
aspectsignprecisionV2(deg, precision)
deg (float)
precision (float)
aspectsignprecisionV2ext(deg, precision)
deg (float)
precision (float)
IPaspectsignprecision(planet1, planet2, precision)
planet1 (float)
planet2 (float)
precision (float)
IPaspectsignprecisionFull(planet1, planet2, precision)
planet1 (float)
planet2 (float)
precision (float)
IPaspectlineprecision(planet1, planet2, precision, style, width)
planet1 (float)
planet2 (float)
precision (float)
style (string)
width (int)
deg (float)
angle (float)
angle (float)
sidereal(deg, sidereal)
deg (float)
sidereal (bool)
JDN (float)
JDN(t, d, tz)
t (float)
d (float)
tz (float)
getsun(index, day, dayr, latitude, longitude, tz)
index (int)
day (float)
dayr (float)
latitude (float)
longitude (float)
tz (float)
getmoon(index, day, dayr, latitude, longitude)
index (int)
day (float)
dayr (float)
latitude (float)
longitude (float)
getplanet(planet, index, day, dayr, latitude, longitude, tz)
planet (int)
index (int)
day (float)
dayr (float)
latitude (float)
longitude (float)
tz (float)
MarkovAlgorithmLibrary "MarkovAlgorithm"
Markov algorithm is a string rewriting system that uses grammar-like rules to operate on strings of
symbols. Markov algorithms have been shown to be Turing-complete, which means that they are suitable as a
general model of computation and can represent any mathematical expression from its simple notation.
~ wikipedia
parse(rules, separator)
rules (string)
separator (string)
Returns: - `array _rules`: List of rules.
- `parse("|0 -> 0|| 1 -> 0| 0 -> ")`
apply(expression, rules)
Aplies rules to a expression.
expression (string) : `string`: Text expression to be formated by the rules.
rules (rule ) : `string`: Rules to apply to expression on a string format to be parsed.
Returns: - `string _result`: Formated expression.
- `apply("101", parse("|0 -> 0|| 1 -> 0| 0 -> "))`
apply(expression, rules)
expression (string)
rules (string)
Returns: - `string _result`: Formated expression.
- `apply("101", parse("|0 -> 0|| 1 -> 0| 0 -> "))`
String pair that represents `pattern -> replace`, each rule may be ordinary or terminating.
pattern (series string) : Pattern to replace.
replacement (series string) : Replacement patterns.
termination (series bool) : Termination rule.
new_line_dot_3Library "new_line"
TODO: plot line based on 3 points.
new_line(x_1, x_2, x_3, y_1, y_2, y_3)
TODO: plot line based on 3 points. (each different)
x_1 (int)
x_2 (int)
x_3 (int)
y_1 (float)
y_2 (float)
y_3 (float)
Returns: TODO: new line based on each different 3 values.
🔷 Introduction
This library is a custom library designed to work with real-time bars. It allows to easily calculate OHLC values for any source.
Personally, I use this library to accurately display the highest and lowest values on visual indicators such as my progress bars.
🔷 How to Use
◼ 1. Import the OHLC library into your TradingView script:
import cryptolinx/OHLC/1
- or -
Instead of the library namespace, you can define a custom namespace as alias.
import cryptolinx/OHLC/1 as src
◼ 2. Create a new OHLC source using the `new()` function.
varip mySrc = // It is required to use the `varip` keyword to init your ``
- or -
If you has set up an alias before.
varip mySrc =
In that case, your `` needs to be `na`, define your object like that
varip mySrc = na
◼ 3. Call the `hydrateOHLC()` method on your OHLC source to update its values:
float rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
- or -
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14).hydrateOHLC(mySrc)
◼ 4. The data is accessible under their corresponding names.
🔷 Note: This library only works with real-time bars and will not work with historical bars.
Lex_3CR_Functions_Library2Library "Lex_3CR_Functions_Library2"
This is a source code for a technical analysis library in Pine Script language,
designed to identify and mark Bullish and Bearish Three Candle Reversal (3CR) chart patterns.
The library provides three functions to be used in a trading algorithm.
The first function, Bull_3crMarker, adds a dashed line and label to a Bullish 3CR chart pattern, indicating the 3CR point.
The second function, Bear_3crMarker, adds a dashed line and label to a Bearish 3CR chart pattern.
The third function, Bull_3CRlogicals, checks for a Bullish 3CR pattern where the first candle's low is greater than the second candle's low and the second candle's low is less than the third candle's low.
If found, creates a line at the breakout point and a label at the fail point,
if specified. All functions take parameters such as the chart pattern's characteristics and output colors, labels, and markers.
Bull_3crMarker(bulllinearray, barnum, breakpoint, failpointB, failpoint, linecolorbull, bulllabelarray, labelcolor, textcolor, labelon)
Bull_3crMarker Adds a 3CR marker to a Bullish 3CR chart pattern
@description Adds a dashed line and label to a 3CR up chart pattern, indicating the 3CR (3 Candle Reversal) point.
bulllinearray (line )
barnum (int)
breakpoint (float)
failpointB (float )
failpoint (float)
linecolorbull (color)
bulllabelarray (label )
labelcolor (color)
textcolor (color)
labelon (bool)
Bear_3crMarker(bearlinearray, barnum, breakpoint, failpointB, failpoint, linecolorbear, bearlabelarray, labelcolor, textcolor, labelon)
Bear_3crMarker Adds a 3CR marker to a Bearish 3CR chart pattern
@description Adds a dashed line and label to a 3CR down chart pattern, indicating the 3CR (3 Candle Reversal) point.
bearlinearray (line )
barnum (int)
breakpoint (float)
failpointB (float )
failpoint (float)
linecolorbear (color)
bearlabelarray (label )
labelcolor (color)
textcolor (color)
labelon (bool)
Bull_3CRlogicals(low1, low2, low3, bulllinearray, bulllabelarray, failpointB, linecolorbull, labelcolor, textcolor, labelon)
Checks for a bullish three candle reversal pattern and creates a line and label at the breakout point if found
@description Checks for a bullish three candle reversal pattern where the first candle's low is greater than the second candle's low and the second candle's low is less than the third candle's low. If found, creates a line at the breakout point and a label at the fail point, if specified.
low1 (float)
low2 (float)
low3 (float)
bulllinearray (line )
bulllabelarray (label )
failpointB (float )
linecolorbull (color)
labelcolor (color)
textcolor (color)
labelon (bool)
Bear_3CRlogicals(high1, high2, high3, bearlinearray, bearlabelarray, failpointB, linecolorbear, labelcolor, textcolor, labelon)
Checks for a Bearish 3CR pattern and draws a bearish marker on the chart at the appropriate location
@description This function checks for a Bearish 3CR (Three-Candle Reversal) pattern, which is defined as the second candle having a higher high than the first and third candles, and the third candle having a lower high than the first candle. If the pattern is detected, a bearish marker is drawn on the chart at the appropriate location, and an optional label can be added to the marker.
high1 (float)
high2 (float)
high3 (float)
bearlinearray (line )
bearlabelarray (label )
failpointB (float )
linecolorbear (color)
labelcolor (color)
textcolor (color)
labelon (bool)
bullLineDelete(i, bulllinearray, failarray, bulllabelarray, labelon)
Removes a bullish line from a specified position in a line array, and optionally removes a label associated with that line
@description Removes a bullish line from a specified position in a line array, and optionally removes a label associated with that line.
i (int)
bulllinearray (line )
failarray (float )
bulllabelarray (label )
labelon (bool)
bearLineDelete(i, bearlinearray, failarray, bearlabelarray, labelon)
Removes a bearish line from a specified position in a line array, and optionally removes a label associated with that line
@description Removes a bearish line from a specified position in a line array, and optionally removes a label associated with that line.
i (int)
bearlinearray (line )
failarray (float )
bearlabelarray (label )
labelon (bool)
bulloffsetdelete(i, bulllinearray, failarray, bulllabelarray, labelon)
Removes a bullish line from a specified position in a line array, and optionally removes a label associated with that line
@description Removes a bullish line from a specified position in a line array, and optionally removes a label associated with that line.
i (int)
bulllinearray (line )
failarray (float )
bulllabelarray (label )
labelon (bool)
bearoffsetdelete(i, bearlinearray, failarray, bearlabelarray, labelon)
Removes a bearish line from a specified position in a line array, and optionally removes a label associated with that line
@description Removes a bearish line from a specified position in a line array, and optionally removes a label associated with that line.
i (int)
bearlinearray (line )
failarray (float )
bearlabelarray (label )
labelon (bool)
BullEntry_setter(i, bulllinearray, failpointB, entrystopB, entryB, entryboolB)
Checks if the specified value is greater than the break point of any bullish line in an array, and removes that line if true
@description Checks if the s pecified value is greater than the break point of any bullish line in an array, and removes that line if true.
i (int)
bulllinearray (line )
failpointB (float )
entrystopB (float )
entryB (float )
entryboolB (bool )
Bull3CRchecker(close1, bulllinearray, FailpointB, rsiB, bulllabelarray, labelt, bullcolored, directionarray, rsi, secondbullline, entrystopB, entryB, entryboolB)
close1 (float)
bulllinearray (line )
FailpointB (float )
rsiB (float )
bulllabelarray (label )
labelt (bool)
bullcolored (color)
directionarray (label )
rsi (float)
secondbullline (line )
entrystopB (float )
entryB (float )
entryboolB (bool )
Bear3CRchecker(close1, bearlinearray, FailpointB, bearlabelarray, labelt, bearcolored, directionarray, rsi, secondbearline, rsiB)
Checks if the specified value is less than the break point of any bearish line in an array, and removes that line if true
@description Checks if the specified value is less than the break point of any bearish line in an array, and removes that line if true.
close1 (float)
bearlinearray (line )
FailpointB (float )
bearlabelarray (label )
labelt (bool)
bearcolored (color)
directionarray (label )
rsi (float)
secondbearline (line )
rsiB (float )
Bulloffsetcheck(FailpointB, bulllabelarray, linearray, labelt, offset)
Checks the offset of bullish lines and deletes them if they are beyond a certain offset from the current bar index
@description Checks the offset of bullish lines and deletes them if they are beyond a certain offset from the current bar index
FailpointB (float )
bulllabelarray (label )
linearray (line )
labelt (bool)
offset (int)
Bearoffsetcheck(FailpointB, bearlabelarray, linearray, labelt, offset)
Checks the offset of bearish lines and deletes them if they are beyond a certain offset from the current bar index
@description Checks the offset of bearish lines and deletes them if they are beyond a certain offset from the current bar index
FailpointB (float )
bearlabelarray (label )
linearray (line )
labelt (bool)
offset (int)
Bullfailchecker(close1, FailpointB, bulllabelarray, linearray, labelt)
Checks if the current price has crossed above a bullish fail point and deletes the corresponding line and label
@description Checks if the current price has crossed above a bullish fail point and deletes the corresponding line and label
close1 (float)
FailpointB (float )
bulllabelarray (label )
linearray (line )
labelt (bool)
Bearfailchecker(close1, FailpointB, bearlabelarray, linearray, labelt)
Checks for bearish lines that have failed to trigger and removes them from the chart
@description This function checks for bearish lines that have failed to trigger (i.e., where the current price is above the fail point) and removes them from the chart along with any associated label.
close1 (float)
FailpointB (float )
bearlabelarray (label )
linearray (line )
labelt (bool)
rsibullchecker(rsiinput, rsiBull, secondbullline)
Checks for bullish RSI lines that have failed to trigger and removes them from the chart
@description This function checks for bullish RSI lines that have failed to trigger (i.e., where the current RSI value is below the line's trigger level) and removes them from the chart along with any associated line.
rsiinput (float)
rsiBull (float )
secondbullline (line )
rsibearchecker(rsiinput, rsiBear, secondbearline)
Checks for bearish RSI lines that have failed to trigger and removes them from the chart
@description This function checks for bearish RSI lines that have failed to trigger (i.e., where the current RSI value is above the line's trigger level) and removes them from the chart along with any associated line.
rsiinput (float)
rsiBear (float )
secondbearline (line )
MarkovChainLibrary "MarkovChain"
Generic Markov Chain type functions.
A Markov chain or Markov process is a stochastic model describing a sequence of possible events in which the
probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event.
Understanding Markov Chains, Examples and Applications. Second Edition. Book by Nicolas Privault.
method to_string(this)
Translate a Markov Chain object to a string format.
Namespace types: MC
this (MC) : `MC` . Markov Chain object.
Returns: string
method to_table(this, position, text_color, text_size)
Namespace types: MC
this (MC)
position (string)
text_color (color)
text_size (string)
method create_transition_matrix(this)
Namespace types: MC
this (MC)
method generate_transition_matrix(this)
Namespace types: MC
this (MC)
new_chain(states, name)
states (state )
name (string)
from_data(data, name)
data (string )
name (string)
method probability_at_step(this, target_step)
Namespace types: MC
this (MC)
target_step (int)
method state_at_step(this, start_state, target_state, target_step)
Namespace types: MC
this (MC)
start_state (int)
target_state (int)
target_step (int)
method forward(this, obs)
Namespace types: HMC
this (HMC)
obs (int )
method backward(this, obs)
Namespace types: HMC
this (HMC)
obs (int )
method viterbi(this, observations)
Namespace types: HMC
this (HMC)
observations (int )
method baumwelch(this, observations)
Namespace types: HMC
this (HMC)
observations (int )
Target node.
index (series int) : . Key index of the node.
probability (series float) : . Probability rate of activation.
State reference.
name (series string) : . Name of the state.
index (series int) : . Key index of the state.
target_nodes (Node ) : . List of index references and probabilities to target states.
Markov Chain reference object.
name (series string) : . Name of the chain.
states (state ) : . List of state nodes and its name, index, targets and transition probabilities.
size (series int) : . Number of unique states
transitions (matrix) : . Transition matrix
Hidden Markov Chain reference object.
name (series string) : . Name of thehidden chain.
states_hidden (state ) : . List of state nodes and its name, index, targets and transition probabilities.
states_obs (state ) : . List of state nodes and its name, index, targets and transition probabilities.
transitions (matrix) : . Transition matrix
emissions (matrix) : . Emission matrix
initial_distribution (float )
FunctionProbabilityViterbiLibrary "FunctionProbabilityViterbi"
The Viterbi Algorithm calculates the most likely sequence of hidden states *(called Viterbi path)*
that results in a sequence of observed events.
viterbi(observations, transitions, emissions, initial_distribution)
Calculate most probable path in a Markov model.
observations (int ) : array . Observation states data.
transitions (matrix) : matrix . Transition probability table, (HxH, H:Hidden states).
emissions (matrix) : matrix . Emission probability table, (OxH, O:Observed states).
initial_distribution (float ) : array . Initial probability distribution for the hidden states.
Returns: array. Most probable path.