Wasabi Tool: Yuan Currency CNH-CNY Spread (in Percent)Wasabi Tool: Yuan Currency CNH-CNY Spread (in Percent)
This indicator is to show the spread of the two Yuan currencies, the onshore Yuan and the offshore Yuan in percent(%).
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이 지표는 두가지 위안화인 중국내 Onshore 위안화인 CNY와 홍콩, 싱가포르, 런던, 룩셈부르크등지에서 거래되고 있는 Offshore 위안화 CNH의 스프레드 차이를 퍼센디지(%) 차이로 표현한 것입니다.
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Convert Yuan value symbols to USDIGNORE PREVIOUS SCRIPT/POST (titled: "yuan normiz")
If you like to look add symbols that are valued in China's Yuan and want to convert them to USD accurately then this is the perfect script for you.
"I'm not sure if this script is for me. Does my setup apply here?"
If either of these resemble your chart setup then this is for you:
Example 1: You have COINBASE:BTCUSD on your main chart often add to compare Bitstamp:btcusd and Okcoin:btccny.
Example 2: You have SPY or SPX (or DJIA etc) as your main chart but like to add other composites to compare like SSE(Shanghai Stock Exchange index) to your main chart.
This takes the symbol of your choice (default is BTCCHINA:BTCCNY) that is expressed in Yuan and divides it by the corresponding value of IDC's USDCNH ticker. Not the last value of USDCNH, but the respective tick mark----BTCCNY's close 3 months ago is divided by USDCNH's close 3 months ago.
yuan normizapply to symbols expressed/valued in Chinese Yuan to automatically divide the symbol by FX:USDCNH. For example, I like to apply OKCOIN:BTCCNY to my main BTCUSD chart to compare, but I'd like to have the value for BTCCNY converted to USD for each tick---whether USDCNY was 6.30 or 6.80.
This is a very narrow use script designed to be applied on top of of symbols (press the 'apply indicator' + sign button)