VolumeSpreadAnalysisLibrary "VolumeSpreadAnalysis"
A library for Volume Spread Analysis (VSA).
Calculates the spread of a bar.
_barIndex (int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (float) The spread of the bar.
Retrieves the volume of a bar.
_barIndex (int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (float) The volume of the bar.
Calculates the body of a bar.
_barIndex (simple int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (float) The body size of the bar.
Calculates the upper wick of a bar (upper shadow).
_barIndex (simple int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (float) The upper wick size of the bar.
Calculates the lower wick of a bar (lower shadow).
_barIndex (simple int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (float) The lower wick size of the bar.
calcForecastedSMA(_source, _length, _forecastedLevel)
Calculates the forecasted Simple Moving Average (SMA).
_source (float) : (series float) Source data for calculation.
_length (simple int) : (int) The length of the SMA.
_forecastedLevel (float) : (float) The forecasted level to include in the calculation.
Returns: (float) The forecasted SMA value.
calcForecastedEMA(_source, _length, _forecastedLevel)
Calculates the forecasted Exponential Moving Average (EMA).
_source (float) : (series float) Source data for calculation.
_length (simple int) : (int) The length of the EMA.
_forecastedLevel (float) : (float) The forecasted level to include in the calculation.
Returns: (float) The forecasted EMA value.
calcForecastedRMA(_source, _length, _forecastedLevel)
Calculates the forecasted Relative Moving Average (RMA).
_source (float) : (series float) Source data for calculation.
_length (simple int) : (int) The length of the RMA.
_forecastedLevel (float) : (float) The forecasted level to include in the calculation.
Returns: (float) The forecasted RMA value.
calcForecastedWMA(_source, _length, _forecastedLevel)
Calculates the forecasted Weighted Moving Average (WMA).
_source (float) : (series float) Source data for calculation.
_length (simple int) : (int) The length of the WMA.
_forecastedLevel (float) : (float) The forecasted level to include in the calculation.
Returns: (float) The forecasted WMA value.
Calculates the elapsed time percent of the current bar.
Returns: (float) The elapsed time percent.
calcForecastedSpread(multiplierAtMidpoints, multiplierAtPeaks)
Calculates the forecasted spread using elapsed time and dynamic multipliers, handling spread's non-linear nature.
multiplierAtMidpoints (float) : (float) The multiplier value at midpoints.
multiplierAtPeaks (float) : (float) The multiplier value at peaks.
Returns: (float) The forecasted spread value.
Calculates the forecasted volume using elapsed time, satisfying volume's linear nature.
Returns: (float) The forecasted volume value.
calcForecastedMA(_source, _length, _forecastedSource, _type)
Calculates the forecasted Moving Average (MA) based on the specified type.
_source (float) : (series float) Source data for calculation.
_length (simple int) : (int) The length of the MA.
_forecastedSource (float) : (float) The forecasted level to include in the calculation.
_type (simple string) : (string) The type of the MA ("SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA").
Returns: (float) The forecasted MA value.
calcMA(_source, _length, _type)
Calculates the Moving Average (MA) based on the specified type.
_source (float) : (series float) Source data for calculation.
_length (simple int) : (int) The length of the MA.
_type (simple string) : (string) The type of the MA ("SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA").
Returns: (float) The MA value.
Determines if the bar is bullish.
_barIndex (simple int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (bool) True if the bar is bullish, otherwise false.
Determines if the bar is bearish.
_barIndex (simple int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (bool) True if the bar is bearish, otherwise false.
Determines if there is a breakout above the previous bar.
_barIndex (simple int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a breakout, otherwise false.
Determines if there is a breakdown below the previous bar.
_barIndex (simple int) : (int) The index of the bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a breakdown, otherwise false.
Determines if the upper wick is a rejection wick.
_rejectionWick (simple float) : (float) The rejection wick percentage.
Returns: (bool) True if the upper wick is a rejection wick, otherwise false.
Determines if the lower wick is a rejection wick.
_rejectionWick (simple float) : (float) The rejection wick percentage.
Returns: (bool) True if the lower wick is a rejection wick, otherwise false.
setupDataVolume(_data, _mult_Low, _mult_High, _mult_Ultra, _maLengthVolume, _maTypeVolume)
Sets up data for volume levels.
_data (map) : (map) The map to store the levels.
_mult_Low (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for low level.
_mult_High (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for high level.
_mult_Ultra (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for ultra level.
_maLengthVolume (simple int) : (int) The length for MA.
_maTypeVolume (simple string) : (string) The type for MA.
Returns: (void) Nothing.
setupDataSpread(_data, _mult_Low, _mult_High, _mult_Ultra, _maLengthSpread, _maTypeSpread)
Sets up data for spread levels.
_data (map) : (map) The map to store the levels.
_mult_Low (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for low level.
_mult_High (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for high level.
_mult_Ultra (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for ultra level.
_maLengthSpread (simple int) : (int) The length for MA.
_maTypeSpread (simple string) : (string) The type for MA.
Returns: (void) Nothing.
setupDataForecastVolume(_dataForecast, _mult_Low, _mult_High, _mult_Ultra, _maLengthVolume, _predictedLevelVolume, _maTypeVolume)
Sets up data for volume and spread levels for forecast.
_dataForecast (map)
_mult_Low (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for low level.
_mult_High (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for high level.
_mult_Ultra (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for ultra level.
_maLengthVolume (simple int) : (int) The length for MA.
_predictedLevelVolume (float) : (float) The predicted level for MA.
_maTypeVolume (simple string) : (string) The type for MA.
Returns: (void) Nothing.
setupDataForecastSpread(_dataForecast, _mult_Low, _mult_High, _mult_Ultra, _maLengthSpread, _predictedLevelSpread, _maTypeSpread)
Sets up data for spread levels for forecast.
_dataForecast (map)
_mult_Low (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for low level.
_mult_High (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for high level.
_mult_Ultra (simple float) : (float) The multiplier for ultra level.
_maLengthSpread (simple int) : (int) The length for MA.
_predictedLevelSpread (float) : (float) The predicted level for MA.
_maTypeSpread (simple string) : (string) The type for MA.
Returns: (void) Nothing.
isVolumeLow(_data, _barIndex)
Determines if the volume is low.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume levels.
_barIndex (int)
Returns: (bool) True if the volume is low, otherwise false.
isVolumeNormal(_data, _barIndex)
Determines if the volume is normal.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume levels.
_barIndex (int)
Returns: (bool) True if the volume is normal, otherwise false.
isVolumeHigh(_data, _barIndex)
Determines if the volume is high.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume levels.
_barIndex (int)
Returns: (bool) True if the volume is high, otherwise false.
isVolumeUltra(_data, _barIndex)
Determines if the volume is ultra.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume levels.
_barIndex (int)
Returns: (bool) True if the volume is ultra, otherwise false.
isSpreadLow(_data, _barIndex)
Determines if the spread is low.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with spread levels.
_barIndex (int)
Returns: (bool) True if the spread is low, otherwise false.
isSpreadNormal(_data, _barIndex)
Determines if the spread is normal.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with spread levels.
_barIndex (int)
Returns: (bool) True if the spread is normal, otherwise false.
isSpreadHigh(_data, _barIndex)
Determines if the spread is high.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with spread levels.
_barIndex (int)
Returns: (bool) True if the spread is high, otherwise false.
isSpreadUltra(_data, _barIndex)
Determines if the spread is ultra.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with spread levels.
_barIndex (int)
Returns: (bool) True if the spread is ultra, otherwise false.
Determines text string representing the volume area level.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume levels.
Returns: (string) Text string of Low, Normal, High, or Ultra.
Determines text string representing the spread area level.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with spread levels.
Returns: (string) Text string of Low, Normal, High, or Ultra.
calcBarColor(_value, _level)
Calculates the color based level.
_value (float) : (float) The value to check.
_level (float) : (float) The value level for comparison.
Returns: (color) The color for the bar.
bullPinBar(_maxBodyPercent, _minWickPercent)
Determines if the bar is a bull pin bar.
_maxBodyPercent (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage.
_minWickPercent (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage.
Returns: (bool) True if the bar is a bull pin bar, otherwise false.
bearPinBar(_maxBodyPercent, _minWickPercent)
Determines if the bar is a bear pin bar.
_maxBodyPercent (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage.
_minWickPercent (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage.
Returns: (bool) True if the bar is a bear pin bar, otherwise false.
Determines if the bar is a doji.
_maxBodyPercent (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage.
Returns: (bool) True if the bar is a doji, otherwise false.
spinningTopBar(_minWicksPercent, _emaLength)
Determines if the bar is a spinning top.
_minWicksPercent (simple float) : (float) The minimum wicks percentage.
_emaLength (simple int) : (int) The length for EMA calculation.
Returns: (bool) True if the bar is a spinning top, otherwise false.
highWaveBar(_minBodyPercent, _minWickPercent, _bars)
Determines if the bar is a high wave bar.
_minBodyPercent (simple float) : (float) The minimum body percentage.
_minWickPercent (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage.
_bars (simple int) : (int) The number of bars for comparison.
Returns: (bool) True if the bar is a high wave bar, otherwise false.
consolidationBar(_data, _spread, _bars)
Determines if the bars are in consolidation.
_data (map) : (map) The data map with spread levels.
_spread (simple float) : (float) The spread percentage for comparison.
_bars (simple int) : (int) The number of bars for comparison.
Returns: (bool) True if the bars are in consolidation, otherwise false.
S_DownThrust(_data, _bullPinBarMaxBody, _bullPinBarMinWick)
Determines if there is a sign of strength (DownThrust).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_bullPinBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for bull pin bar.
_bullPinBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for bull pin bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (DownThrust), otherwise false.
S_SellingClimax(_data, _rejectionWick)
Determines if there is a sign of strength (Selling Climax).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_rejectionWick (simple float) : (float) The rejection wick percentage.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (Selling Climax), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of strength (No Effort Bearish Result).
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (No Effort Bearish Result), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of strength (Bearish Effort No Result).
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (Bearish Effort No Result), otherwise false.
S_InverseDownThrust(_data, _bearPinBarMaxBody, _bearPinBarMinWick)
Determines if there is a sign of strength (Inverse DownThrust).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_bearPinBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for bear pin bar.
_bearPinBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for bear pin bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (Inverse DownThrust), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of strength (Failed Selling Climax).
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (Failed Selling Climax), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of strength (Bull Outside Reversal).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (Bull Outside Reversal), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of strength (End of Falling Market).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (End of Falling Market), otherwise false.
S_PseudoDownThrust(_bullPinBarMaxBody, _bullPinBarMinWick)
Determines if there is a sign of strength (Pseudo DownThrust).
_bullPinBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for bull pin bar.
_bullPinBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for bull pin bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (Pseudo DownThrust), otherwise false.
S_NoSupply(_bullPinBarMaxBody, _bullPinBarMinWick)
Determines if there is a sign of strength (No Supply).
_bullPinBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for bull pin bar.
_bullPinBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for bull pin bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of strength (No Supply), otherwise false.
W_UpThrust(_data, _bearPinBarMaxBody, _bearPinBarMinWick)
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (UpThrust).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_bearPinBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for bear pin bar.
_bearPinBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for bear pin bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (UpThrust), otherwise false.
W_BuyingClimax(_data, _rejectionWick)
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (Buying Climax).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_rejectionWick (simple float) : (float) The rejection wick percentage.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (Buying Climax), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (No Effort Bullish Result).
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (No Effort Bullish Result), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (Bullish Effort No Result).
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (Bullish Effort No Result), otherwise false.
W_InverseUpThrust(_data, _bullPinBarMaxBody, _bullPinBarMinWick)
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (Inverse UpThrust).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_bullPinBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for bull pin bar.
_bullPinBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for bull pin bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (Inverse UpThrust), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (Failed Buying Climax).
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (Failed Buying Climax), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (Bear Outside Reversal).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (Bear Outside Reversal), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (End of Rising Market).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (End of Rising Market), otherwise false.
W_PseudoUpThrust(_bearPinBarMaxBody, _bearPinBarMinWick)
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (Pseudo UpThrust).
_bearPinBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for bear pin bar.
_bearPinBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for bear pin bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (Pseudo UpThrust), otherwise false.
W_NoDemand(_bearPinBarMaxBody, _bearPinBarMinWick)
Determines if there is a sign of weakness (No Demand).
_bearPinBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for bear pin bar.
_bearPinBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for bear pin bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a sign of weakness (No Demand), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Quiet Doji).
_dojiBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for doji bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Quiet Doji), otherwise false.
N_BalancedDoji(_data, _dojiBarMaxBody)
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Balanced Doji).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_dojiBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for doji bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Balanced Doji), otherwise false.
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Strong Doji).
_dojiBarMaxBody (simple float) : (float) The maximum body percentage for doji bar.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Strong Doji), otherwise false.
N_QuietSpinningTop(_spinningTopBarMinWicks, _spinningTopBarEmaLength)
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Quiet Spinning Top).
_spinningTopBarMinWicks (simple float) : (float) The minimum wicks percentage for spinning top bar.
_spinningTopBarEmaLength (simple int) : (int) The length for EMA calculation.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Quiet Spinning Top), otherwise false.
N_BalancedSpinningTop(_data, _spinningTopBarMinWicks, _spinningTopBarEmaLength)
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Balanced Spinning Top).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_spinningTopBarMinWicks (simple float) : (float) The minimum wicks percentage for spinning top bar.
_spinningTopBarEmaLength (simple int) : (int) The length for EMA calculation.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Balanced Spinning Top), otherwise false.
N_StrongSpinningTop(_spinningTopBarMinWicks, _spinningTopBarEmaLength)
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Strong Spinning Top).
_spinningTopBarMinWicks (simple float) : (float) The minimum wicks percentage for spinning top bar.
_spinningTopBarEmaLength (simple int) : (int) The length for EMA calculation.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Strong Spinning Top), otherwise false.
N_QuietHighWave(_highWaveBarMinBody, _highWaveBarMinWick, _highWaveBarBars)
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Quiet High Wave).
_highWaveBarMinBody (simple float) : (float) The minimum body percentage for high wave bar.
_highWaveBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for high wave bar.
_highWaveBarBars (simple int) : (int) The number of bars for comparison.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Quiet High Wave), otherwise false.
N_BalancedHighWave(_data, _highWaveBarMinBody, _highWaveBarMinWick, _highWaveBarBars)
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Balanced High Wave).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_highWaveBarMinBody (simple float) : (float) The minimum body percentage for high wave bar.
_highWaveBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for high wave bar.
_highWaveBarBars (simple int) : (int) The number of bars for comparison.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Balanced High Wave), otherwise false.
N_StrongHighWave(_highWaveBarMinBody, _highWaveBarMinWick, _highWaveBarBars)
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Strong High Wave).
_highWaveBarMinBody (simple float) : (float) The minimum body percentage for high wave bar.
_highWaveBarMinWick (simple float) : (float) The minimum wick percentage for high wave bar.
_highWaveBarBars (simple int) : (int) The number of bars for comparison.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Strong High Wave), otherwise false.
N_Consolidation(_data, _consolidationBarSpread, _consolidationBarBars)
Determines if there is a neutral signal (Consolidation).
_data (map) : (map) The data map with volume and spread levels.
_consolidationBarSpread (simple float) : (float) The spread percentage for consolidation bar.
_consolidationBarBars (simple int) : (int) The number of bars for comparison.
Returns: (bool) True if there is a neutral signal (Consolidation), otherwise false.
Multi-Chart Widget [LuxAlgo]The Multi-Chart Widget tool is a comprehensive solution crafted for traders and investors looking to analyze multiple financial instruments simultaneously. With the capability to showcase up to three additional charts, users can customize each chart by selecting different financial instruments, and timeframes.
Users can add various widely used technical indicators to the charts such as the relative strength index, Supertrend, moving averages, Bollinger Bands...etc.
The tool offers traders and investors a comprehensive view of multiple charts simultaneously. By displaying up to three additional charts alongside the primary chart, users can analyze assets across different timeframes, compare their performance, and make informed decisions.
Users have the flexibility to choose from various customizable chart types, including the recently added "Volume Candles" option.
This tool allows adding to the chart some of the most widely used technical indicators, such as the Supertrend, Bollinger Bands, and various moving averages.
In addition to the charting capabilities, the tool also features a dynamic statistic panel that provides essential metrics and key insights into the selected assets. Users can track performance indicators such as relative strength, trend, and volatility, enabling them to identify trends, patterns, and trading opportunities efficiently.
A brief overview of the indicators featured in the statistic panel is given in the sub-section below:
🔹Dual Supertrend
The Dual Supertrend is a modified version of the Supertrend indicator, which is based on the concept of trend following. It generates buy or sell signals by analyzing the asset's price movement. The Dual Supertrend incorporates two Supertrend indicators with different parameters to provide potentially more accurate signals. It helps traders identify trend reversals and establish trend direction in a more responsive manner compared to a single Supertrend.
🔹Relative Strength Index
The Relative Strength Index is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI oscillates between 0 and 100 and is typically used to identify overbought or oversold conditions in a market. Traditionally, RSI values above 70 are considered overbought, suggesting that the asset may be due for a reversal or correction, while RSI values below 30 are considered oversold, indicating potential buying opportunities.
Volatility in trading refers to the degree of variation or fluctuation in the price of a financial instrument, such as a stock, currency pair, or commodity, over a certain period of time. It is a measure of the speed and magnitude of price changes and reflects the level of uncertainty or risk in the market. High volatility implies that prices are experiencing rapid and significant movements, while low volatility suggests that prices are relatively stable and are not changing much. Traders often use volatility as an indicator to assess the potential risk and return of an investment and to make informed decisions about when to enter or exit trades.
🔹R-Squared (R²)
R-squared, also known as the coefficient of determination, is a statistical measure that indicates the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable(s). In other words, it quantifies the goodness of fit of a regression model to the observed data. R-squared values range from %0 to %100, with higher values indicating a better fit of the model to the data. An R-squared of 100% means that all movements of a security are completely explained by movements in the index, while an R-squared value of %0 indicates that the model does not explain any of the variability in the dependent variable.
In simpler terms, in investing, a high R-squared, from 85% to 100%, indicates that the stock’s or fund’s performance moves relatively in line with the index. Conversely, a low R-squared (around 70% or less) indicates that the fund's performance tends to deviate significantly from the movements of the index.
🔹Mini Chart(s) Generic Settings
Mini Charts Separator: This option toggles the visibility of the separator lines.
Number Of Bars: Specifies the number of bars to be displayed for each mini chart.
Horizontal Offset: Determines the distance at which the mini charts will be displayed from the primary chart.
🔹Mini Chart Settings: Top - Middle - Bottom
Mini Chart Top/Middle/Bottom: Toggle the visibility of the selected mini chart.
Symbol: Choose the financial instrument to be displayed in the mini chart. If left as an empty string, it will default to the current chart instrument.
Timeframe: This option determines the timeframe used for calculating the mini charts. If a timeframe lower than the chart's timeframe is selected, the calculations will be based on the chart's timeframe.
Chart Type: Selection from various chart types for the mini charts, including candles, volume candles, line, area, columns, high-low, and Heikin Ashi.
Chart Size: Determines the size of the mini chart.
Technical Indicator: Selection from various technical indicators to be displayed on top of the mini charts.
Note : Chart sizing is relative to other mini charts. For example, If all the mini charts are sized to x5 relative to each other, the result will be the same as if they were all sized as x1. This is because the relative proportions between the mini charts remain consistent regardless of their absolute sizes. Therefore, their positions and sizes relative to each other remain unchanged, resulting in the same visual representation despite the differences in absolute scale.
🔹Supertrend Settings
ATR Length: is the lookback length for the ATR calculation.
Factor: is what the ATR is multiplied by to offset the bands from price.
Color: color customization option.
🔹Moving Average Settings
Type: is the type of the moving average, available types of moving averages include SMA (Simple Moving Average), EMA (Exponential Moving Average), RMA (Root Mean Square Moving Average), HMA (Hull Moving Average), WMA (Weighted Moving Average), and VWMA (Volume Weighted Moving Average).
Source: Determines what data from each bar will be used in calculations.
Length: The time period to be used in calculating the Moving Average.
Color: Color customization option.
🔹Bollinger Bands Settings
Basis Type: Determines the type of Moving Average that is applied to the basis plot line.
Source: Determines what data from each bar will be used in calculations.
Length: The time period to be used in calculating the Moving Average which creates the base for the Upper and Lower Bands.
StdDev: The number of Standard Deviations away from the Moving Average that the Upper and Lower Bands should be.
Color: Color customization options for basis, upper and lower bands.
🔹Mini Chart(s) Panel Settings
Mini Chart(s) Panel: Controls the visibility of the panel containing the mini charts.
Dual Supertrend: Toggles the display of the evaluated dual super trend, based on the super trend settings provided below the option. The definitions for the options are the same as stated above for the super trend.
Relative Strength Index: Toggles the display of the evaluated RSI, based on the source and length settings provided below the option.
Volatility: Toggles the display of the calculated Volatility, based on the length settings provided below the option.
R-Squared: Toggles the display of the calculated R-Squared (R²), based on the length settings provided below the option.
The tool allows users to display mini charts featuring various types of instruments alongside the primary chart instrument. However, there's a limitation: the selected primary chart instrument must have an ACTIVE market status. Alternatively, if the primary chart instrument is not active, the mini chart instruments must belong to the same exchange and have the same type as the primary chart instrument.
OrderFlow Absorption IndicatorWhat it Does
The OrderFlow Absorption Indicator marks areas where the price absorbs a large volume of aggressive market trades. This indicates areas where price may bounce back due to large limit (resting) orders absorbing significant aggressor volume (market orders). Absorption can also be seen as "preventing" or "stopping" the other side from breaking through a price level (e.g. bids stopping an influx of sell market orders). Absorption may signal a change in sentiment, potentially leading to a pullback or reversal.
An Example of Absorption
Of course, it is not always the case that such bullish absorption will initiate a trend as the example above. The OrderFlow Absorption Indicator merely serves as a tool for spotting possible absorption points in the market which you can incorporate into your trading arsenal.
How it Works
The indicator actively monitors price changes and records volume accumulated at a price level. If the price bounces back to at least where it was before the current price move, the indicator records this as absorption, provided it meets the Volume Requirement and optional Time Requirement.
How to Use it
1. Set Parameters
Choose your desired tick size and volume filter value. If unsure, refer to the table on the top right of the chart for recommended values. An automatic volume limit filter mode is also available.
Automatic Limit Mode : Enable this mode to have the indicator automatically select a volume filter value. It calculates the standard deviation of the last n minutes of volume and multiplies it by a volume multiplier. You can adjust these parameters.
Higher Volume Filter : Setting a higher volume filter value results in fewer, but higher quality detections, reducing noise.
2. Enabling the Time Limit
Enabling the time limit further improves detection quality by filtering out price levels that can defend against quick, sudden aggressive orders, acting as confirmation and indicating strong sentiment and resilient liquidity.
3. Enabling Historical Data Absorption
The indicator can also detect absorption in historical data, though less accurately than in real-time due to OHLCV aggregation.
You can select the granularity of historical data.
Lower granularity (e.g., 1 second) : Provides more accurate detections but may slow down the indicator.
Higher granularity : Improves speed but reduces detection accuracy.
Other Features
Hovering : When hovering over an absorption point, the interface reveals the price where the absorption occurred, along with the volume absorbed by the bids and asks, as well as the volume filter value used.
Delta Mode : In Delta mode, the system calculates the difference between the volume absorbed by bids and asks, revealing points only when the absolute value of this difference exceeds the volume filter value. Especially useful for larger tick sizes.
If the indicator doesn't mark anything, it means the traded volume hasn't exceeded the set volume filter value within the specified price intervals(tick size) and time limit. Adjust these settings as necessary.
Volume Indıcator [JP & Dia]The volume indicator refers to the total amount of a financial instrument that has been traded within a specific time frame. This can include shares, contracts, or lots. Market exchanges track and provide this data. The volume indicator is one of the oldest and most widely used indicators in trading. It is typically represented by colored columns, with green indicating up volume and red indicating down volume, along with a moving average. Unlike other indicators, the volume indicator is not based on price. A high volume suggests a strong interest in a particular instrument at its current price, while a low volume suggests the opposite.
When there is a sudden increase in trading volume, it indicates a higher likelihood of the price changing. This often occurs during news events. Strong trending movements are often accompanied by increased trading volume, which can be seen as a measure of strength. Traders would typically expect to see high buying volume at a support level and high selling volume at a resistance level. There are various ways to incorporate volume into a trading strategy, and many traders combine it with other analysis techniques.
Timeframe Selection: Choose the timeframe for which you want to analyze the volume.
Volume Display Options: Toggle the display of today’s, yesterday’s, and the day before yesterday’s volume data.
Text Color: Select the color for the text in the volume table.
Volume Data Retrieval: The script fetches volume data for the selected timeframe and the daily volume for the current and previous two days.
Percentage Change Calculation: Calculates the percentage change in volume between days to identify significant increases or decreases.
Volume Table: A table is created to display the volume data and percentage changes, updating in real-time with each new bar.
Discovery IndexThe Discovery Index is an original technical indicator which attempts to display directional market pressure and momentum based on accumulated candle-over-candle measurements.
Discovery , in this context, is the act of finding (discovering) New Highs and Lows.
> What is 'Discovery'
Not to be confused with "Price Discovery", the term for setting the spot price of an asset.
The term 'Discovery' in Discovery Index is used based on the literal definition of 'Discovery', such as, the action of finding what was previously unknown.
Given this definition,
Discovery is the difference between highs or lows only when the current high is higher than the previous high or the current low is lower than the previous low.
Below is a visual example of exactly where Discovery is seen from each candle.
Since discovery is only based on points of the candle, and not specifically the direction of the candle; it is possible for discovery to occur in both directions from the same candle.
It is also possible for no discovery to occur from a candle.
> Calculation
The Discovery Index is the Net Total of discovery data over a specified length of bars.
Discovery Index = Sum of Upwards Discovery + Sum of Downwards Discovery
Note: Upwards Discovery is always Positive, and Downwards Discovery is always Negative. By adding both together, their Net Total is produced. This value is the "Discovery Index".
Wick Calculation Example
> Volume Discovery
Using Volume for the Discovery Index Calculation allows for a different dimension to be added to the data for new analysis opportunities.
While volume data is only a single value, by accumulating this data over time, we are able to fabricate a candle body from the data by accounting for the direction of the chart candles.
This allows for the Calculation of the Discovery Index based on volume data.
Volume Example
> Display
The display uses a "Candlestick histogram" display. The bodies and wicks from the display represent the discovery data from the respective points in each candle. (Wick Discovery & Candle Body Discovery).
This style of histogram allows for the display of both data sources, preserving the accuracy and distinction between each type, while also providing a clean display.
> Considerations
Discovery index is not an Oscillator, since there are no upper or lower boundaries to its rotations.
There are not (at this time) any "Over-bought" or "Over-sold" Areas, this is partially due to the previous consideration since any levels for these could potentially change from chart to chart. Additionally, it would generally be better to read the data based on the context of the current market.
Non-directional movements effect the Discovery Index as well. Since Discovery does not occur from every bar, the Index reflects hesitations as well as movements in market direction.
With the option to input a symbol, the Discovery Index Indicator is not constrained to one chart ticker for its calculation and could help to see shifts between different symbols, making it easier to compare different assets.
With the separation of wicks and candle body data, a stronger move may be observed by its full-bodied movements, while a potentially more speculative move may be seen from large wick movements. Since wicks are often interpreted as either, Rejection for reversal OR as Testing for continuation, the interpretation for Wick Discovery generally varies based on context.
Discovery Index ⇾ Divergences! Due to its calculation, price (and/or volume) data is displayed in such a way that makes it useful as a tool for identifying divergence opportunities.
Remember, this indicator is lookback based. An immediate significant change from the data source (if not offset by a similar opposite change) will be represented for multiple bars after its occurrence. Due to this, data is likely to be skewed or biased from these occurrences for a period of time after.
Throughout development, "Discovery" has been shortened to just "Disco", therefore, this indicator is also an attempt to bring Disco Back.
Volume Breaker Blocks [UAlgo]The "Volume Breaker Blocks " indicator is designed to identify breaker blocks in the market based on volume and price action. It is a concept that emerges when an order block fails, leading to a change in market structure. It signifies a pivotal point where the market shifts direction, offering traders opportunities to enter trades based on anticipated trend continuation.
🔶 Key Features
Identifying Breaker Blocks: The indicator identifies breaker blocks by detecting pivot points in price action and corresponding volume spikes.
Breaker Block Sensitivity: Traders can adjust breaker block detection sensitivity, length to be used to find pivot points.
Mitigation Method (Close or Wick): Traders can choose between "Close" and "Wick" as the mitigation method. This choice determines whether the indicator considers closing prices or wicks in identifying breaker blocks. Selecting "Close" implies that breaker blocks will be considered broken when the closing price violates the block, while selecting "Wick" implies that the wick of the candle must violate the block for it to be considered broken.
Show Last X Breaker Blocks: Users can specify how many of the most recent breaker blocks to display on the chart.
Visualization: Volume breaker blocks are visually represented on the chart with customizable colors and text labels, allowing for easy interpretation of market conditions. Each breaker block is accompanied by informational text, including whether it's bullish or bearish and the corresponding volume, aiding traders in understanding the significance of each block.
🔶 Disclaimer
Educational Purpose: The "Volume Breaker Blocks " indicator is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation to engage in trading activities.
Risk of Loss: Trading in financial markets involves inherent risks, including the risk of loss of capital. Users should carefully consider their financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment objectives before engaging in trading activities.
Accuracy Not Guaranteed: While the indicator aims to identify potential reversal points in the market, its accuracy and effectiveness may vary. Users should conduct thorough testing and analysis before relying solely on the indicator for trading decisions.
Past Performance: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Historical data and backtesting results may not accurately reflect actual market conditions or future performance.
Volatility and Volume by Hour EXT(Extended republication, use this instead of the old one)
The goal of this indicator is to show a “characteristic” of the instrument, regarding the price change and trading volume. You can see how the instrument “behaved” throughout the day in the lookback period. I've found this useful for timing in day trading.
The indicator creates a table on the chart to display various statistics for each hour of the day.
Explanation of the columns:
1. Volatility Percentage (Volat): This column shows the volatility of the price as a percentage. For example, a value of "15%" means the price movement was 15% of the total daily price movement within the hour.
2. Hourly Point Change (PointCh): This column shows the change in price points for each hour in the lookback period. For example, a value of "5" means the price has increased by 5 points in the hour, while "-3" means it has decreased by 3 points.
3. Hourly Point Change Percentage (PrCh% (LeverageX)): This column shows the percentage change in price points for each hour, adjusted with leverage multiplier. Displayed green (+) or red (-) accordingly. For example, a value of "10%" with a leverage of 2X means the price has effectively changed by 5% due to the leverage.
4. Trading Volume Percentage (TrVol): This column shows the percentage of the daily total volume that was traded in a specific hour. For example, a value of "10%" would mean that 10% of the day's total trading volume occurred in that hour.
5. Added New! - Relevancy Check: The indicator checks the last 24 candle. If the direction of the price movement was the same in the last 24 hour as the statistical direction in that hour, the background of the relevant hour in the second column goes green.
For example: if today at 9 o'clock the price went lower, so as at 9 o'clock in the loopback period, the instrument "behaves" according to statistics . So the statistics is probably more relevant for today. The more green background row the more relevancy.
1. Lookback period: The lookback period is the number of previous bars from which data is taken to perform calculations. In this script, it's used in a loop that iterates over a certain number of past bars to calculate the statistics. TIP: Select a period the contains a trend in one direction, because an upward and a downward trend compensate the price movement in opposite directions.
2. Timezone: This is a string input that represents the user's timezone. The default value is "UTC+2". Adjust it to your timezone in order to view the hours properly.
3. Leverage: The default value is 10(!). This input is used to adjust the hourly point change percentage. For FOREX traders (for example) the statistics can show the leveraged percentage of price change. Set that according the leverage you trade the instrument with.
Use at your own risk, provided “as is” basis!
Hope you find it useful! Cheers!
Volume Surge Analysis [UAlgo]The "Volume Surge Analysis " indicator is designed to detect significant volume surges in the market. By analyzing volume relative to its moving average and incorporating a comparison of the true range of price movements, this script highlights potential bullish and bearish volume spikes. Traders can utilize these signals to identify moments of heightened market activity that may indicate strong buying or selling pressure.
Volume Multiplier: Customizable setting to define the threshold for what constitutes a volume surge.
Volume SMA Length: Adjustable length for the Simple Moving Average (SMA) of volume.
Price Movement Analysis
Enhances the volume analysis by adding an additional layer of context, helping to confirm whether a volume surge is associated with buying or selling pressure.
True Range Calculation: Measures the range of price movement to understand volatility.
Positive Movement (DM+): Calculated when the current high minus the previous high is greater than the previous low minus the current low. This helps identify strong upward movements.
Negative Movement (DM-): Calculated when the previous low minus the current low is greater than the current high minus the previous high. This helps identify strong downward movements.
Integration with Volume Analysis: By combining the volume analysis with price movement analysis, the script can more accurately determine whether a volume surge is likely driven by bullish or bearish sentiment. This integration helps filter out false signals and provides more reliable indications of market activity.
Median Volume Comparison: Compares the current volume against the median volume multiplied by the volume multiplier to identify significant volume spikes.
Bullish and Bearish Surge Signals: Plots circles above or below bars where significant volume surges occur, indicating potential bullish or bearish movements.
Color Customization: Options to set specific colors for bullish and bearish signals to enhance visual clarity.
Bar Coloring: Optional feature to change the color of bars based on detected volume surges.
Alerts: Configurable alerts for bullish and bearish volume spikes to notify traders in real-time.
Bullish Volume Surges ( Teal Circles ): These circles appear above the bar when the current volume exceeds the median volume by the specified Volume Multiplier, and the smoothed Positive Directional Index (PDI) is greater than the smoothed Negative Directional Index (NDI). This suggests a potential uptrend with strong buying pressure.
Bearish Volume Surges ( Red Circles ): These circles appear below the bar when the current volume exceeds the median volume by the specified Volume Multiplier, and the smoothed NDI is greater than the smoothed PDI. This suggests a potential downtrend with strong selling pressure.
Overall, the "Volume Surge Analysis " indicator serves as a valuable tool for traders seeking to identify potential trend reversals or strong continuations based on with an above-average rise in volume and directional momentum.
This indicator is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Trading involves substantial risk, and it is essential to conduct your own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any trading decisions.
KillZones & Sessions [TradingFinder] Volume | Asia, London & NY🔵 Introduction
🟣 Session
The forex market operates 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, with only Saturdays and Sundays being off; traders often focus on one of the forex trading sessions instead of trying to trade in all markets 24 hours a day.
Trading sessions are time intervals during which a specific financial market is active and trades are conducted. The Asia, London, and New York sessions are the most important trading sessions throughout the 24-hour period, during which a significant amount of money and liquidity enters the market.
🟣 Kill Zone
Traders in financial markets profit from the difference between the price at which they buy or sell and the current market price. Traders have different time horizons for trading.
Among these, some traders engage in daily or even hourly trading and must operate during times when the market has desirable trading volumes and significant price movements.
Kill zones are segments of a session with higher trading volumes and price fluctuations compared to the rest of the session.
🔵 How to Use
🟣 Session Time
The "Asia Session" consists of two sessions: "Sydney" and "Tokyo." The beginning of this session, according to the "UTC" time zone, is at 23:00 and ends at 06:00. Similarly, the beginning of the "Asia KillZone," according to the "UTC" time zone, is at 23:00, and it ends at 03:55.
The "London Session" consists of two sessions: "Frankfurt" and "London." The beginning of this session, according to the "UTC" time zone, is at 07:00, and it ends at 14:25. Similarly, the beginning of the "London KillZone," according to the "UTC" time zone, is at 07:00, and it ends at 09:55.
The beginning of the "New York am" session, according to the "UTC" time zone, is at 14:30, and it ends at 19:25. Similarly, the beginning of the "New York am KillZone," according to the "UTC" time zone, is at 14:30, and it ends at 16:55.
The beginning of the "New York pm" session, according to the "UTC" time zone, is at 19:30, and it ends at 22:55. Similarly, the beginning of the "New York pm KillZone," according to the "UTC" time zone, is at 19:30, and it ends at 20:55.
Important : To prevent session overlap, the working hours of each session have slightly changed.
🔵 Features
🟣 Simultaneous Session and Kill Zone
With this indicator, you can simultaneously view the kill zone and session. High and low lines are used to indicate sessions, while filled areas with color represent kill zones. If you do not want to see kill zones, you can turn off the display settings.
🟣 Candle, Time, and Volume
Using the "More Info" feature, you can see the number of candles, elapsed time, and traded volume within the colored filled area.
🔵 Settings
•Show More Info: To display "More Info," you need to turn on this feature and turn it off whenever you don't need it.
• You can also customize these settings for each session separately :
o Display or hide session.
o Choose session color.
o Set session time range.
o Display or hide kill zone.
o Set kill zone time range.
Volume Spectrum Candles"Volume Spectrum Candles" is a visually intuitive trading indicator that enhances candlestick charts by incorporating trading volume directly into the color of each candle.
Purpose and Utility:
This tool assigns a unique color gradient to candlesticks, which varies from light to dark based on the volume of trades executed. This feature allows traders to immediately recognize and differentiate periods of varying trading activity at a glance.
Target User:
It is specifically designed for traders who integrate volume analysis into their trading strategies, offering a seamless blend of visual cues and technical data.
By providing a visual representation of volume intensity, traders can more effectively identify key market movements, helping to determine optimal entry and exit points. The color gradation adds a layer of quick analysis, making it easier to spot trends in trading volume without the need for additional indicators.
Application and Versatility:
Whether used by day traders to capture short-term price movements or by long-term investors to gauge broader market sentiment, "Volume Spectrum Candles" serves as a valuable addition to any trading setup.
Volume Profile with Node Detection [LuxAlgo]The Volume Profile with Node Detection is a charting tool that allows visualizing the distribution of traded volume across specific price levels and highlights significant volume nodes or clusters of volume nodes that traders may find relevant in utilizing in their trading strategies.
The volume profile component of the script serves as the foundation for node detection while encompassing all the essential features expected from a volume profile. See the sub-sections below for more detailed information about the indicator components and their usage.
🔹 Peak Volume Node Detection
A volume peak node is identified when the volume profile nodes for the N preceding and N succeeding nodes are lower than that of the evaluated one.
Displaying peak volume nodes along with their surrounding N nodes (Zones or Clusters) helps visualize the range, typically representing consolidation zones in the market. This feature enables traders to identify areas where trading activity has intensified, potentially signaling periods of price consolidation or indecision among market participants.
🔹 Trough Volume Node Detection
A volume trough node is identified when the volume profile nodes for the N preceding and N succeeding nodes are higher than that of the evaluated one.
🔹 Highest and Lowest Volume Nodes
Both the highest and lowest volume areas play significant roles in trading. The highest volume areas typically represent zones of strong price acceptance, where a significant amount of trading activity has occurred. On the other hand, the lowest volume areas signify price levels with minimal trading activity, often indicating zones of price rejection or areas where market participants have shown less interest.
🔹 Volume profile
Volume profile is calculated based on the volume of trades that occur at various price levels within a specified timeframe. It divides the price range into discrete price intervals, typically known as "price buckets" or "price bars," and then calculates the total volume of trades that occur at each price level within those intervals. This information is then presented graphically as a histogram or profile, where the height of each bar represents the volume of trades that occurred at that particular price level.
🔹 Volume Nodes
Volume Peaks: Toggles the visibility of either the "Peaks" or "Clusters" on the chart, depending on the specified percentage for detection.
Node Detection Percent %: Specifies the percentage for the Volume Peaks calculation.
Volume Troughs: Toggles the visibility of either the "Troughs" or "Clusters" on the chart, depending on the specified percentage for detection.
Node Detection Percent %: Specifies the percentage for the Volume Troughs calculation.
Volume Node Threshold %: A threshold value specified as a percentage is utilized to detect peak/trough volume nodes. If a value is set, the detection will disregard volume node values lower than the specified threshold.
Highest Volume Nodes: Toggles the visibility of the highest nodes for the specified count.
Lowest Volume Nodes: Toggles the visibility of the lowest nodes for the specified count.
🔹 Volume Profile - Components
Volume Profile: Toggles the visibility of the volume profile with either classical display or gradient display.
Value Area Up / Down: Color customization option for the volume nodes within the value area of the profile.
Profile Up / Down Volume: Color customization option for the volume nodes outside of the value area of the profile.
Point of Control: Toggles the visibility of the point of control, allowing selection between "developing" or "regular" modes. Sets the color and width of the point of control line accordingly.
Value Area High (VAH): Toggles the visibility of the value area high level and allows customization of the line color.
Value Area Low (VAL): Toggles the visibility of the value area low level and allows customization of the line color.
Profile Price Labels: Toggles the visibility of the Profile Price Levels and allows customization of the text size of the levels.
🔹 Volume Profile - Display Settings
Profile Lookback Length: Specifies the length of the profile lookback period.
Value Area (%): Specifies the percentage for calculating the value area.
Profile Placement: Specify where to display the profile.
Profile Number of Rows: Specify the number of rows the profile will have.
Profile Width %: Adjusts the width of the rows in the profile relative to the profile range.
Profile Horizontal Offset: Adjusts the horizontal offset of the profile when it is selected to be displayed on the right side of the chart.
Value Area Background: Toggles the visibility of the value area background and allows customization of the fill color.
Profile Background: Toggles the visibility of the profile background and allows customization of the fill color.
Thanks to our community for recommending this script. For more conceptual scripts and related content, we welcome you to explore by visiting >>> LuxAlgo-Scripts .
Volume Flow ImbalanceVolume Flow Imbalance (VFI) Indicator
The Volume Flow Imbalance (VFI) indicator is designed to provide traders with insights into the market's buying and selling pressure by calculating the imbalance between buy and sell volumes over a user-defined lookback period. This indicator is particularly useful for identifying potential pivot points and market sentiment shifts.
How to Use :
Setup Parameters :
Lookback Period: Set the number of bars over which the imbalance is calculated. Increasing this number provides a broader view of market trends.
Lower Timeframe Data: Optionally enable this feature to analyze volume data from lower timeframes, offering a more granified view of volume flows.
Interpreting the Indicator :
The VFI outputs a value that represents the net imbalance between buying and selling volumes. Positive values indicate a predominance of buying volume, suggesting bullish conditions, while negative values suggest bearish conditions with more selling volume.
The indicator also provides dynamic threshold lines based on the standard deviation of the calculated imbalances, helping to visually identify extreme conditions where reversals might occur.
Application :
Apply the VFI to any chart to assess the balance of trade volumes in real-time.
Use the indicator in conjunction with other technical analysis tools to confirm trends or potential reversals.
Tips :
Adjust the lookback period based on the volatility and trading volume of the asset to optimize performance.
The VFI is best used in liquid markets where volume data is a reliable indicator of market activity.
By providing a clear measure of how much buying and selling is occurring relative to the past, the VFI helps traders make informed decisions based on underlying market dynamics.
PriceCatch Volume Analysis Fixed RangeHi TV Community.
It's been sometime since I published any script / utility. But today, I am back with a new script.
Volume Analysis
Studying volume when in trade or before taking one is very important as seasoned traders would tell you. So, this script helps you to look at volume over a specific interval from current bar. You will have to set the look-back period in the settings dialog.
The script will then show over that period :
Number of Up and Down bars
Volume Ratio of Up Volume over Down Volume
Actual Up and Down Volume
Percentage of Up Volume to Down Volume
I use this information in all my trades and hope that you will also find this Script useful.
To my knowledge, I have not seen another volume analysis script that helps see volume in the way this script does.
This script does not give any buy or sell signal if that is what you are looking for. But if you see that Up Volume is 3 times Down Volume, then that should mean something to you. So also when price is slipping down.
I am sharing this Script without any warranties as to its usability. Use it only if you like it. As always when it comes to trading you and you alone are responsible for your actions.
All the best with your trades.
sVPSA - standardized Volume Price Spread AnalysisDear Analysts and Traders,
I want to introduce my new indicator - sVPSA - standardized Volume Price Spread Analysis. For me, this script is helpfully in Technical Analysis mainly with Wyckoff and VSA methodologies. Maybe You are in circle of people who used my previous script - normalized Volume Price Spread Analysis. I work with him a lot of time, but I come to a conclusion that I can do better...
Theory concept...
What is a big volume? How big was this spread? It was extreme high or just high? How to do an answer for this and a lot other questions related to this subject? My thoughts was directed to statistics. In my first script I used to x/max normalized data. It was good, but susceptible for high deviation events. So, I choose standardization method with smaller sensitivity on violent events - z-Score standardization Description of z-Score formula:
Z = (x-mean)/standard deviation
Probability of event are descriptive by probability density function - The Normal Distribution.
This is base of script methodology, let’s go deeper in indicator.
X axis is time, date. Y axis is standard deviation. Narrow bar represent price spread, wide one is volume. Colors are corresponding to deviation, blue < sigma, green > sigma, red > 2*sigma and fuchsia > 3*sigma. Appearance is full editable.
Data collection starts from left to right. There is two possibilities to use, constans number of bars or visible data range, also indicator permit to overscore linear regression from data. There is a possibility to set an alert.
Short introduction how put an interpretation on visualized data.
For this example I used constans value of data collection, 52 bars. So, from left I see great, fuchsia volume bar with low spread. This record respond Celsius withdrawals pause. This is bar with the biggest volume on presented chart, more than four sigmas. Spread value is near one sigma. I should consider this via one of Wyckoffs laws - effort vs result. I see a three bars in turn, they tenor tells me that bear market is possible near end. Accumulation structure near new year, spring test and bullish momentum bar near march are approval of this idea. Next high spread bars have volume near mean value. Effort is low but result is great. Interesting is last bar, with -2,8 deviation of volume. I see the lowest volume value on chart, so he’s deviation is strong to negative side. This script require a little of practise and can be a potent tool in Technical Analysis.
If You have a concept how to improve my script or You experience bug, please, send me feedback.
I hope that You consider my work as useful.
I wish You great trades and faultless analysis.
Smart Money Interest Index [AlgoAlpha]🌟 Smart Money Interest Index by AlgoAlpha 🌟
Welcome to the innovative Smart Money Interest Index indicator, designed meticulously by AlgoAlpha to revolutionize the way you trade! 📈🧠 This indicator is engineered to decipher the activities of smart money investors relative to the less informed (dumb money) and dynamically display their dominance in the trading landscape through a sophisticated visual index. 🚀💹
🔑 Key Features:
- Smart vs. Dumb Money Analysis: Tracks and compares the movements of smart money (informed investors) and dumb money (general public) within the market to identify potential investment signals.
- Relative Strength Index (RSI) Based Ratios: Utilizes RSI for both smart and dumb money to create a ratio that indicates buying or selling pressures.
- Dynamic Normalization: Employs a long-term peak normalization over a customizable period to ensure the index remains relevant regardless of market conditions.
- Visual Thresholds and Signals: Highlights significant shifts in market dynamics with color-coded thresholds, making it easier to spot changes at a glance.
🛠 How to Use the Smart Money Interest Index:
🔹 🚀 Step 1: Adding the Indicator
- Add the indicator to your favourites.
- Customize the settings according to your analysis needs:
- `Index Period`, `Volume Flow Period`, `Normalization Period`, `High Interest Threshold`
🔹 📊 Step 2: Interpretation of the Index
- Monitor the index plot; a rising index suggests increasing smart money interest, potentially indicating a buying opportunity.
- A value above the high interest threshold (in yellow) highlights significant interest by smart money, suggesting a good time to buy.
🔹 🔔 Step 3: Setting Alerts
- Configure alerts to notify you when the index crosses above the set threshold, enabling you to capitalize on trading opportunities timely and efficiently.
📐 Basic Logic Overview:
The Smart Money Interest Index by AlgoAlpha provides a unique metric that contrasts the investment behaviors of informed (smart money) and general (dumb money) investors. Utilizing the Relative Strength Index (RSI), this indicator evaluates the trading pressure exerted by both groups over specified periods, then forms a ratio of these activities to identify dominance in buying or selling trends. For example, when we see dumb money selling and smart buying, this suggests that the conditions for buying the asset is optimal as smart money is willing to buy the dip. The outputs are normalized against the highest values observed in a user-defined term to maintain consistency through varying market conditions. When the index exceeds a certain threshold, it suggests that smart money presence is particularly strong, possibly indicating that smart money is looking to enter positions on the asset. This tool serves as a sophisticated visual guide to understanding market dynamics and making well-informed trading decisions based on the activities of market-savvy investors. Smart money activity is identified during areas of low volume and the opposite for dumb money, the indicator uses the NVI and PVI metrics as its foundation for smart and dumb money analysis.
📊 Enhance Your Trading Strategy:
Leverage the Smart Money Interest Index to gain deeper insights into market dynamics and enhance your decision-making process with a powerful, data-driven approach. Whether you're looking to identify entry points or set strategic exits, this tool is designed to provide you with the competitive edge you need in the fast-paced world of trading. 🌐✨
Transform your trading with the power of smart money analysis—start using the Smart Money Interest Index today! 🚀🔔
Volumetric Fair Value Gaps [AlgoAlpha]🎯 Introducing the Volumetric Fair Value Gaps by AlgoAlpha 🎯
Embrace the power of volume and price action with the Volumetric Fair Value Gaps (VFVG) indicator, designed meticulously by AlgoAlpha. This innovative tool enhances your charting capabilities by highlighting fair value gaps in real-time, facilitating superior market entry and exit decisions. 🚀📈
🔍 Key Features:
🔹 Fair Value Gap Detection: Utilizes price action and volume to identify significant fair value gaps, offering potential high-probability trading opportunities.
🔹 Adjustability: Customize the sensitivity with 'FVG Noise Reduction Length' and 'Noise Reduction Factor' to match the volatility and characteristics of the asset being traded.
🔹 Visual Appeal: Displays bullish gaps in a soothing Bullish Color and bearish gaps in a striking Bearish Color, making it easy to spot and analyze trends on the fly.
🔹 Overlay Feature: Plots directly on the price chart for seamless integration and analysis.
🌟 Quick Guide to Using the Volumetric Fair Value Gaps Indicator:
🛠 Add the Indicator: Add the indicator to favourites and set it up with your desired settings.
📊 Market Analysis: Watch for the appearance of colored boxes (blue for bearish, gray for bullish) which represent the fair value gaps. These are high-probability areas for reversals or continuations. FVGs with higher volume are implied to induce a stronger reaction on price.
🔔 Alerts: Set up alerts to notify you when new gaps are detected, ensuring you never miss out on potential trades!
🛠 How It Works:
The Volumetric Fair Value Gaps (VFVG) indicator identifies significant price gaps that are not just based on price action but are also substantiated by volume, which are often overlooked in typical analyses. It operates by comparing the current candle’s price range against historical averages and is calculated over a user-defined period, displayed with volume for further insights. For a gap to be recognized as significant (either bullish or bearish), it must exceed a certain size relative to these averages, which can be adjusted for sensitivity using the provided settings. Bullish gaps are identified when the current low is higher than the second previous high after surpassing the threshold, and bearish gaps are marked when the current high is below the second previous low, similarly surpassing the threshold. This dual-confirmation (volume and price deviation) approach minimizes false signals and enhances the reliability of identified gaps.
Maximize your trading strategy with the VFVG Indicator by AlgoAlpha and turn those gaps into opportunities! 🌈✨
Market Structure Volume Distribution [LuxAlgo]The Market Structure Volume Distribution tool allows traders to identify the strength behind breaks of market structure at defined price ranges to measure de correlation of forces between bulls and bears visually and easily.
This tool has three main features: market structure highlighting, grid levels, and volume profile. Each feature is covered more in depth below:
🔹 Market Structure
The basic unit of market structure is a swing point, the period of the swing point is user-defined, so traders can identify longer-term market structures. Price breaking a prior swing point will confirm the occurrence of a market structure.
The tool will plot a line after a market structure is confirmed, by default the lines on bullish MS will be green (indicative of an uptrend), and red in case of bearish MS (indicative of a downtrend).
🔹 Grid Levels
The Grid visually divides the price range contained inside the tool execution window, into equal size rows, the number of rows is user-defined so users can divide the full price range up to 100 rows.
The main objective of this feature is to help identify the execution window and the limits of each row in the volume profile so traders can know in a simple look what BoMS belongs to each row.
There is however another use for the grid, by dividing the range into equal-sized parts, this feature provides automatic support and resistance levels as good as any other.
Grid provides a visual help to know what our execution window is and to associate MS with their rows in the profile. It can provide S/R levels too.
🔹 Volume Profile
The volume profile feature shows in a visually easy way the volume behind each MS aggregated by rows and divided into buy and sell volume to spot the differences in a simple look.
This tool allows users to spot the liquidity associated with the event of a market structure in a specific price range, allowing users to know which price areas where associated with the most trading activity during the occurrence of a market structutre.
🔹 Data Gathering
Execute on all visible range: Activate this to use all visible bars on the calculations. This disables the use of the next parameter "Execute on the last N bars". Default false.
Execute on the last N bars: Use last N bars on the calculations. To use this parameter "Execute on all visible range" must be disabled. Values from 20 to 5000, default 500.
Pivot Length: How many bars will be used to confirm a pivot. The bigger this parameter is the fewer breaks of structure will detect. Values from 1, default 2
🔹 Profile
Profile Rows: Number of rows in the volume profile. Values from 2 to 100, default 10.
Profile Width: Maximum width of the volume profile. Values from 25 to 500, default 200.
Profile Mode: How the volume will be displayed on each row. "TOTAL VOLUME" will aggregate buy & sell volume per row, "BUY&SELL VOLUME" will separate the buy volume from the sell volume on each row. Default BUY&SELL VOLUME.
🔹 Style
Buy Color: This is the color for the buy volume on the profile when the "BUY&SELL VOLUME" mode is activated. Default green.
Sell Color: This is the color for the sell volume on the profile when the "BUY&SELL VOLUME" mode is activated. Default red.
Show dotted grid levels: Show dotted inner grid levels. Default true.
Periodic Activity Tracker [LuxAlgo]The Periodic Activity Tracker tool periodically tracks the cumulative buy and sell volume in a user-defined period and draws the corresponding matching bars and volume delta for each period.
Users can select a predefined aggregation period from the following options: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
This tool provides a simple and clear way of analyzing volumes for each aggregated period and is made up of the following elements:
Buy and sell volumes by period as red and green lines with color gradient area
Delta (difference) between buy & sell volume for each period
Buy & sell volume bars for each period
Separator between lines and bars, and period tags below each pair of bars for ease of reading
On the chart above we can see all the elements displayed, the volume level on the lines perfectly matches the volume level on the bars for each period.
In this case, the tool has the default settings so the anchor period is set to Daily and we can see how the period tag (each day of the week) is displayed below each pair of bars.
Users can disable the delta display and adjust the bar size.
🔹 Reading The Tool
In trading, assessing the strength of the bulls (buyers) and bears (sellers) is key to understanding the current trading environment. Which side, if any, has the upper hand? To answer this question, some traders look at volume in relation to price.
This tool provides you with a view of buy volume versus sell volume, allowing you to compare both sides of the market.
As with any volume tool, the key is to understand when the forces of the two groups are balanced or unbalanced.
As we can observe on the chart:
NOV '23: Buy volume greater than sell volume, both moving up close together, flat delta. We can see that the price is in range.
DEC '23: Buy volume bigger than Sell volume, both moving up but with a bigger difference, bigger delta than last month but still flat. We can see the price in the range above last month's range.
JAN '24: Buy and sell volume tied together, no delta whatsoever. We can see the price in range but testing above and below last month's range.
FEB '24: Buy volume explodes higher and sell volume cannot keep up, big growing delta. Price explodes higher above last month's range.
Traders need to understand that there is always an equal number of buyers and sellers in a liquid market, the quality here is how aggressive or passive they are. Who is 'attacking' and who is 'defending', who is using market orders to move prices, and who is using limit orders waiting to be filled?
This tool gives you the following information:
Lines: if the top line is green, the buyers are attacking, if it is red, the sellers are attacking.
Delta: represents the difference in their strength, if it is above 0 the buyers are stronger, if it is below 0 the sellers are stronger.
Bars: help you to see the difference in strength between buyers and sellers for each period at a glance.
🔹 Anchor Period
By default, the tool is set to Hourly. However, users can select from a number of predefined time periods.
Depending on the user's selection, the bars are displayed as follows:
Hourly : hours of the current day
Daily : days of the current week
Weekly : weeks of the current month
Monthly : months of the current year
On the chart above we can see the four periods displayed, starting at the top left and moving clockwise we have hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly.
🔹 Chart TimeFrame
The chart timeframe has a direct impact on the visualization of the tool, and the user should select a chart timeframe that is compatible with the Anchor period in the tool's settings panel.
For the chart timeframe to be compatible it must be less than the Anchor period parameter. If the user selects an incompatible chart timeframe, a warning message will be displayed.
As a rule of thumb, the smaller the chart timeframe, the more data the tool will collect, returning indications for longer-term price variations.
These are the recommended chart timeframes for each period:
Hourly : 5m charts or lower
Daily : 1H charts or lower
Weekly : 4H charts or lower
Monthly : 1D charts or lower
🔹 Warnings
This chart shows both types of warnings the user may receive
At the top, we can see the warning that is given when the 'Bar Width' parameter exceeds the allowed value.
At the bottom is the incompatible chart timeframe warning, which prompts the user to select a smaller chart timeframe or a larger "Anchor Period" parameter.
🔹 Data Gathering
Anchor period: Time period representing each bar: hours of the day, days of the week, weeks of the month, and months of the year. The timeframe of the chart must be less than this parameter, otherwise a warning will be displayed.
🔹 Style
Bars width: Size of each bar, there is a maximum limit so a warning will be displayed if it is reached.
Volume color
Delta: Enable/Disable Delta Area Display
Delta ZigZag [LuxAlgo]The Delta ZigZag indicator is focused on volume analysis during the development of ZigZag lines. Volume data can be retrieved from a Lower timeframe (LTF) or real-time Tick data.
Our Delta ZigZag publication can be helpful in detecting indications of a trend reversal or potential weakening/strengthening of the trend.
This indicator by its very nature backpaints, meaning that the displayed components are offset in the past.
The ZigZag line is formed by connecting Swings , which can be set by adjusting the Left and Right settings.
Left is the number of bars for evaluation at the left of the evaluated point.
Right is the number of bars for evaluation at the right of the evaluated point.
A valid Swing is a value higher or lower than the bars at the left/right .
A higher Left or Right set number will generally create broader ZigZag ( ZZ ) lines, while the drawing of the ZZ line will be delayed (especially when Right is set higher). On the other hand, when Right is set at 0, ZZ line are drawn quickly. However, this results in a hyperactive switching of the ZZ direction.
To ensure maximum visibility of values, we recommend using " Bars " from the " Bar's style " menu.
🔹 Volume examination
The script provides two options for Volume examination :
Examination per ZigZag line
Examination per bar
Bullish Volume is volume associated with a green bar ( close > open )
Bearish Volume is volume associated with a red bar ( close < open )
Neutral Volume (volume on a " close == open" bar) is not included in this publication.
🔹 Examination per ZigZag line
As long as the price moves in the same direction, the present ZZ line will continue. When the direction of the price changes, the bull/bear volume of the previous ZZ line is evaluated and drawn on the chart.
The ZZ line is divided into two parts: a bullish green line and a bearish red line.
The intercept of these two lines will depend on the ratio of bullish/bearish volume
This ratio is displayed at the intercept as % bullish volume (Settings -> Show % Bullish Volume)
* Note that we cannot draw between 2 bars. Therefore, if a ZZ line is only 1 bar long, the intercept will be at one of those 2 bars and not in between. The percentage can be helpful in interpreting bull/bear volume.
In the example above (2 most right labels), you can see that an overlap of 2 labels is prevented, ensuring the ability to evaluate the bullish % volume of the ZZ line .
The percentage will be colored green when more than 50%, red otherwise. The color will fade when the direction is contradictory; for example, 40% when the ZZ line goes up or 70% when the ZZ line falls.
More details can be visualized by enabling " Show " and choosing 1 of 3 options:
Average Volume Delta/bar
Average Volume/bar
Normalised Volume Delta
For both 'averages', the sum of " Volume "/" Volume Delta " of every bar on the ZZ line is divided by the number of bars (per ZZ line ).
The " Normalised Volume Delta " is calculated by dividing the sum of " Delta Volume " by the sum of " Volume " (neutral volume not included), which is displayed as a percentage.
All three options will display a label at the last point of the ZZ line and be coloured similarly: green when the ratio bullish/bearish volume of the ZZ line is bullish and red otherwise. Here, the colour also fades when it is bullish, but the ZZ line falls or when it is bearish with a rising ZZ line .
A tooltip at each label hints at the chosen option.
You can pick one of the options or combine them together.
🔹 Examination per bar
Besides information about what's happening during the ZZ line , information per bar can be visualized by enabling " Show Details " in Settings .
Split Volume per bar : show the sum of bullish (upV) and bearish (dnV) volume per bar
Volume (bar) : Total Volume per bar (bullish + bearish volume, neutral volume not included)
Δ Volume (bar) : Show Delta Volume (bullish - bearish volume)
🔹 Using Lower Timeframe Data
The ZigZag lines using LTF data are colored brighter. Also note the vertical line where the LTF data starts and the gap between ZZ lines with LTF data and without.
When " LTF " is chosen for the " Data from: " option in Settings , data is retrieved from Lower Timeframe bars (default 1 minute). When the LTF setting is higher than the current chart timeframe, the LTF period will automatically be adjusted to the current timeframe to prevent errors.
As there is a 100K limit to the number of LTF intrabars that can be analyzed by a script, this implies the higher the difference between LTF and current TF; the fewer ZZ lines will be seen.
🔹 Using real-time tick data
The principles are mostly the same as those of LTF data. However, in contrast with LTF data, where you already have LTF ZZ lines when loading the script, real-time tick data-based ZZ lines will only start after loading the chart.
Changing the settings of a ticker will reset everything. However, returning to the same settings/ticker would show the cached data again.
Here, you can see that changing settings reset everything, but returning after 2 minutes to the initial settings shows the cached data. Don't expect it to be cached for hours or days, though.
The timeframe used for LTF data should always be the same or lower than the current TF; otherwise, an error occurs. This snippet prevents the error and adjusts the LTF to the current TF when LTF is too high:
res = input.timeframe('1')
res := timeframe.from_seconds( math.min( timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period), timeframe.in_seconds(res) ) )
Data from: LTF (Lower TimeFrame) or Ticks (Real-time ticks)
Res: Lower TimeFrame (only applicable when choosing LTF )
Option: choose " high/low " or " close " for Swing detection
🔹 ZigZag
Left: Lookback period for Swings
Right: Confirmation period after potential Swing
🔹 ZigZag Delta
Show % Bullish Volume : % bullish volume against total volume during the ZZ line
Average Volume Delta/bar
Average Volume/bar
Normalised Volume Delta
See USAGE for more information
🔹 Bar Data
Split Volume per bar: shows the sum of bullish ( upV ) and bearish ( dnV ) volume per bar
Volume (bar): Total Volume per bar (bullish + bearish volume, neutral volume not included)
Δ Volume (bar): Show Volume Delta (bullish - bearish volume)
Fourier Smoothed Hybrid Volume Spread AnalysisIndicator id:
(only relevant to those that use API requests)
The Fourier Smoothed Hybrid Volume Spread Analysis (FSHVSA) indicator is an innovative trading tool designed to fuse volume analysis with trend detection capabilities, offering traders a comprehensive view of market dynamics.
This indicator stands apart by integrating the principles of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and volume spread analysis, enhanced with a layer of Fourier smoothing to distill market noise and highlight trend directions with unprecedented clarity.
This smoothing process allows traders to discern the true underlying patterns in volume and price action, stripped of the distractions of short-term fluctuations and noise.
The core functionality of the FSHVSA revolves around the innovative combination of volume change analysis, spread determination (calculated from the open and close price difference), and the strategic use of the EMA (default 10) to fine-tune the analysis of spread by incorporating volume changes.
Trend direction is validated through a moving average (MA) of the histogram, which acts analogously to the Volume MA found in traditional volume indicators. This MA serves as a pivotal reference point, enabling traders to confidently engage with the market when the histogram's movement concurs with the trend direction, particularly when it crosses the Trend MA line, signalling optimal entry points.
It returns 0 when MA of the histogram and EMA of the Price Spread are not align.
The FSHVSA plots a positive trend when a positive Volume smoothed Spread and EMA of Volume smoothed price is above 0, and a negative when negative Volume smoothed Spread and EMA of Volume smoothed price is below 0. When this conditions are not met it plots 0.
The FSHVSA is unique because it applies DFT for data smoothing, effectively filtering out the minor fluctuations and leaving traders with a clear picture of the market's true movements. The DFT's ability to break down market signals into constituent frequencies offers a granular view of market dynamics, highlighting the amplitude and phase of each frequency component. This, combined with the strategic application of Ehler's Universal Oscillator principles via a histogram, furnishes traders with a nuanced understanding of market volatility and noise levels, thereby facilitating more informed trading decisions.
My detailed description of the indicator and use cases which I find very valuable.
What is the meaning of price spread?
In finance, a spread refers to the difference between two prices, rates, or yields. One of the most common types is the bid-ask spread, which refers to the gap between the bid (from buyers) and the ask (from sellers) prices of a security or asset.
We are going to use Open-Close spread.
What is Volume spread analysis?
Volume spread analysis (VSA) is a method of technical analysis that compares the volume per candle, range spread, and closing price to determine price direction.
What does this mean?
We need to have a positive Volume Price Spread and a positive Moving average of Volume price spread for a positive trend. OR via versa a negative Volume Price Spread and a negative Moving average of Volume price spread for a negative trend.
What if we have a positive Volume Price Spread and a negative Moving average of Volume Price Spread ?
It results in a neutral, not trending price action.
Thus the indicator returns 0.
In the next Image you can see that trend is negative on 4h, neutral on 12h and neutral on 1D. That means trend is negative .
I am sorry, the chart is a bit messy. The idea is to use the indicator over more than 1 Timeframe.
What is approximation and smoothing?
They are mathematical concepts for making a discrete set of numbers a
continuous curved line.
Fourier and Euler approximation of a spread are taken from aprox library.
Key Features:
Noise Reduction leverages Euler's White noise capabilities for effective Volume smoothing, providing a cleaner and more accurate representation of market dynamics.
Choose between the innovative Double Discrete Fourier Transform (DTF32) and Regular Open & Close price series.
Mathematical equations presented in Pinescript:
Fourier of the real (x axis) discrete:
x_0 = array.get(x, 0) + array.get(x, 1) + array.get(x, 2)
x_1 = array.get(x, 0) + array.get(x, 1) * math.cos( -2 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) - array.get(y, 1) * math.sin( -2 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) + array.get(x, 2) * math.cos( -4 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) - array.get(y, 2) * math.sin( -4 * math.pi * _dir / 3 )
x_2 = array.get(x, 0) + array.get(x, 1) * math.cos( -4 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) - array.get(y, 1) * math.sin( -4 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) + array.get(x, 2) * math.cos( -8 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) - array.get(y, 2) * math.sin( -8 * math.pi * _dir / 3 )
Fourier of the imaginary (y axis) discrete:
y_0 = array.get(x, 0) + array.get(x, 1) + array.get(x, 2)
y_1 = array.get(x, 0) + array.get(x, 1) * math.sin( -2 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) + array.get(y, 1) * math.cos( -2 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) + array.get(x, 2) * math.sin( -4 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) + array.get(y, 2) * math.cos( -4 * math.pi * _dir / 3 )
y_2 = array.get(x, 0) + array.get(x, 1) * math.sin( -4 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) + array.get(y, 1) * math.cos( -4 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) + array.get(x, 2) * math.sin( -8 * math.pi * _dir / 3 ) + array.get(y, 2) * math.cos( -8 * math.pi * _dir / 3 )
Euler's Smooth with Discrete Furrier approximated Volume.
a = math.sqrt(2) * math.pi / _devided
b = math.cos(math.sqrt(2) * 180 / _devided)
c2 = 2 * math.pow(a, 2) * b
c3 = math.pow(a, 4)
c1 = 1 - 2 * math.pow(a, 2) * math.cos(b) + math.pow(a, 4)
filt := na(filt ) ? 0 : c1 * (w + nz(w )) / 2.0 + c2 * nz(filt ) + c3 * nz(filt )
First option:
Leverage the script to identify Bullish and Bearish trends, shown with green and red triangle.
Combine Different Timeframes to accurately determine market trend.
Second option:
Pull the data with API sockets to automate your trading journey.
plot(close, title="ClosePrice", display=display.status_line)
plot(open, title="OpenPrice", display=display.status_line)
plot(greencon ? 1 : redcon ? -1 : 0, title="position", display=display.status_line)
Use ClosePrice, OpenPrice and "position" titles to easily read and backtest your strategy utilising more than 1 Time Frame.
Indicator id:
(only relevant to those that use API requests)
AI Adaptive Money Flow Index (Clustering) [AlgoAlpha]🌟🚀 Dive into the future of trading with our latest innovation: the AI Adaptive Money Flow Index by AlgoAlpha Indicator! 🚀🌟
Developed with the cutting-edge power of Machine Learning, this indicator is designed to revolutionize the way you view market dynamics. 🤖💹 With its unique blend of traditional Money Flow Index (MFI) analysis and advanced k-means clustering, it adapts to market conditions like never before.
Key Features:
📊 Adaptive MFI Analysis: Utilizes the classic MFI formula with a twist, adjusting its parameters based on AI-driven clustering.
🧠 AI-Driven Clustering: Applies k-means clustering to identify and adapt to market states, optimizing the MFI for current conditions.
🎨 Customizable Appearance: Offers adjustable settings for overbought, neutral, and oversold levels, as well as colors for uptrends and downtrends.
🔔 Alerts for Key Market Movements: Set alerts for trend reversals, overbought, and oversold conditions, ensuring you never miss a trading opportunity.
Quick Guide to Using the AI Adaptive MFI (Clustering):
🛠 Customize the Indicator: Customize settings like MFI source, length, and k-means clustering parameters to suit your analysis.
📈 Market Analysis: Monitor the dynamically adjusted overbought, neutral, and oversold levels for insights into market conditions. Watch for classification symbols ("+", "0", "-") for immediate understanding of the current market state. Look out for reversal signals (▲, ▼) to get potential entry points.
🔔 Set Alerts: Utilize the built-in alert conditions for trend changes, overbought, and oversold signals to stay ahead, even when you're not actively monitoring the charts.
How It Works:
The AI Adaptive Money Flow Index employs the k-means clustering machine learning algorithm to refine the traditional Money Flow Index, dynamically adjusting overbought, neutral, and oversold levels based on market conditions. This method analyzes historical MFI values, grouping them into initial clusters using the traditional MFI's overbought, oversold and neutral levels, and then finding the mean of each cluster, which represent the new market states thresholds. This adaptive approach ensures the indicator's sensitivity in real-time, offering a nuanced understanding of market trend and volume analysis.
By recalibrating MFI thresholds for each new data bar, the AI Adaptive MFI intelligently conforms to changing market dynamics. This process, assessing past periods to adjust the indicator's parameters, provides traders with insights finely tuned to recent market behavior. Such innovation enhances decision-making, leveraging the latest data to inform trading strategies. 🌐💥
High Volume AlertThe High Volume Alert Script is developed for all traders focusing on volume analysis in their trading strategies, providing alerts for unusually high trading volumes during specified trading sessions.
Volume Moving Average Calculation:
Average Volume = Moving Average(Volume) = Sum of last the x last candles Volume
Where n is the user-defined period for the moving average calculation (denoted as movingaverageinput in the script. This moving average serves as the baseline to compare current volume levels against historical averages.
High Volume Detection:
HighVolume = CurrentVolume >= (MA(Volume) x HighVolumeRatio)
Here, HighVolumeRatio is a user-defined multiplier that sets the threshold for what is considered high volume. If the current volume exceeds this threshold (the product of the moving average of volume and the HighVolumeRatio ), the script identifies this as a high-volume event.
Session Filtering:
The script further refines these alerts by ensuring they only trigger during the specified trading session, enhancing relevance for traders interested in specific market hours. This session is defined by the sess and timezone parameters.
Visualisation and Alerts:
If high volume is detected (HighVolume = True), the script colors the volume bar with the highVolumeColor . If the option is selected, it also changes the color of the candlestick to either highVolumeCandleColorUp (for bullish candles) or highVolumeCandleColorDown (for bearish candles), depending on the price movement within the high-volume period. An alert is generated through the alertcondition function when high volume is detected during the specified session, notifying the trader of potentially significant market activity.
Application in Trading:
This indicator serves traders who prioritize volume as a leading indicator of potential price movement. High trading volumes may indicate the presence of significant market activity, often associated with events like news releases, market openings, or large trades, which can precede price movements.
Originality and Practicality:
This script is self-developed, aiming to fill the gap in automatic ratio adjusted volume alerts within the TradingView environment.
The High Volume Alert Script is an essential tool for traders who integrate volume analysis into their strategy, offering tailored alerts and visual cues for high volume periods.
Compliance and Limitations:
The script complies with TradingView scripting standards, ensuring no lookahead bias and maintaining real-time data integrity. However, its utility depends on the availability on volume data, and please be aware that forex pairs never offer real volume data, this tool is best used with a exchange traded symbol.
Volume Breakout [Afnan]Introducing the Relative Volume / Volume Breakout Multiplier (RVI) , RVI is specifically designed for traders who incorporate volume breakout analysis into their trading strategies, particularly breakout traders.
This indicator provides a unique perspective on volume dynamics by quantifying the extent of volume breakouts in relation to the Simple Moving Average (SMA). It offers an upgraded version of the default volume indicator on TradingView, with the added feature of Relative Volume.
For example, if the volume SMA is 100M and the current volume is 200M, the indicator will return a breakout number of 2.0, indicating that the current volume is twice that of the volume SMA. Conversely, if the volume SMA is 100M and the current volume is 50M, the indicator will return a value of 0.50, indicating that the current volume is half of the volume SMA.
This tool can be a very helpful for breakout traders, helping them identify potential trading opportunities and assess volume strength more effectively. this indicator is a must-have in the toolkit of any trader who focuses on volume breakout analysis.
Remember, every tool we use, every analysis we perform, is a step towards becoming better traders. So, let’s embrace this journey of continuous learning and improvement together. As the saying goes, “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." Let’s step into the future with confidence, armed with the right tools and the right mindset.
Lastly, a big thank you for your support, your likes, and your comments. They mean a lot! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Together, let’s make trading a rewarding experience!