Issue status

Issue status is the current standing or condition of a financial security. It provides information about the state of the bond in the market or within the issuing entity.


In the context of bonds or financial securities, an issue status of "Current" indicates that the bond is currently active and in good standing. The issuer is meeting its obligations, making interest payments to bondholders as scheduled, and the bond has not yet reached maturity or been redeemed. Investors holding bonds with a current issue status can expect to receive their interest payments according to the terms of the bond agreement.


An issue status of "Defaulted" signifies that the issuer of the bond has failed to meet its financial obligations, such as making interest payments or repaying the principal amount to bondholders. When a bond is in default, it indicates a breach of the bond agreement, and investors may face challenges in receiving the full amount owed to them. Defaulted bonds are considered high-risk investments, and investors may incur losses if the issuer is unable to fulfill its obligations.


An issue status of "Matured" indicates that the bond has reached its maturity date, and the issuer is required to repay the principal amount to bondholders. When a bond matures, the issuer redeems the bond at par value, and the bond ceases to exist. Investors holding bonds with a matured issue status will receive the principal amount back, concluding the investment.


An issue status of "Redeemed" means that the issuer has repaid the principal amount of the bond to bondholders before the bond's scheduled maturity date. Bond redemption can occur for various reasons, such as refinancing, early repayment, or call provisions in the bond agreement. When a bond is redeemed, investors receive the principal amount back along with any accrued interest up to the redemption date. Bond redemption may result in investors reinvesting the proceeds in other securities or assets.