APPL Market reached a point of reversal!

Nothing is guaranteed, but to start I would take a small short position in the stock., as this develop we, we see what else we can do
Trade attivo
News are terrible - market goes up!! Many are puzzled and rely on common sense, however reality is that market reacts with a delay. Having said that I am still not fully commited to a complete reversal, this is why I said open a small short position, I'd buy a put, or sell a futures contract(s) to offset potential risk to APPL stock position (hope reader understands me!) I reveiwed long term charts with care, and can say with confidence we can go either way. If common sense finally prevails this market is going down the drain and APPL will lead the way. But, it's been a long while since I had seen any common sense in the US.
We shall see shortly.... Trends are much easier to observe as opposed to timing the reversal points, so don't think bad of me!
Trend Analysis

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