Bought at 2.04, sold at 2.24, +0.20 profit, +9.8% return.
Bought at 2.31, sold at 2.29, -0.02 loss, -0.87% loss.
Bought at 2.17, sold at 2.50, +0.33 profit, +15.2% return.
Bought at 2.08, sold at 2.10, +0.02 profit, +0.96% return.
Bought at 2.13, sold at 2.17, +0.04 profit, +1.99% return.
Win/Loss Ratio: 4:1
Reward/Risk Ratio: ((9.8 + 15.2 + 0.96 + 1.99)/4) / 0.87 ~= 8:1
Total Return (if reinvested): 1.098 * 0.983 * 1.152 * 1.0096 * 1.0199 ~= 1.28x
Yearly Return (if strategy repeated): 1.28*260/5 ~= 66.6x
Notes: Everything about this is unusual. 28% in 5 trading days is grossly unheard of as a consistent strategy. A Win/Loss ratio of 4:1 is usually only possible with heavy statistical analysis. A Reward/Risk ratio of 8:1 is a bit overly cautious and not wholly accurate as a stop loss since I set sell limits and watched the market instead of setting stops.