Does BB hold warnings for tech giants?

Di holeyprofit
BB invented the smart phone, and that concept really caught on. But it didn't reflect in the BB stock. BB was once very top of the game. But things changed.

One has to wonder if similar fates are in store for mega stocks like AAPL and MSFT.

While this seems crazy based on what we're used to seeing from these stocks, it also would have seemed crazy for BB at the time of the high. Look at the final spike out of the high. Scroll your chart so you can only see the last bull candle and the first bear candle, and ask yourself - would this not have looked exactly the same at the high?



Both of these have now made the moves I expected to see in big top in SPX.
Like a bat out of hell?

I'm starting to think it's a lot more possible we might have big highs in now.

If we do what we should see is the sell-off continue for a while, a big bull trap and then upon the failure of the next rally to make a new high (Forming a head and shoulders, probably) we enter into a real bear market.
Trend Analysis

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