BTC.D Bitcoin Dominance OVERBOUGHT.

BTC.D Daily Chart Analysis
3:00PM EST

Bitcoin has been on a tear in recent months with shorts being squeezed out of the market and new money flowing in. While Bitcoin could remain bullish temporarily, what is certain is that other crypto assets have been neglected. Some holding other crypto assets may have converted their assets into BTC which led to further BTC gains, however, the momentum of bitcoin dominance is waning as depicted on this chart. There is a majorly bearish rising wedge forming, divergence on the RSI with dominance increasing with RSI decreasing, and there has been MAJOR hype in the Bitcoin space about the BAKKT futures market - which long term traders will tell you "Buy the News and Sell the Event." In other words, BAKKT is already likely baked in to the Bitcoin price.

It seems that while nobody has a crystal ball, the over-hyped Bitcoin will eventually diminish in popularity as smart money moves to assets that have larger potential for gains while the hype wears off of their current play. By contrast, while Bitcoin is up over 300 percent since December, their are other assets that have a foothold in the commercial markets that can be considered undervalued at this point. Institutions and traders alike will see these opportunities and play them - all while hyping their current play in order to get out and find liquidity. While there are no clear indicators that this has yet began, we at MarketMotives speculate that this will be the next big play. A #flippening 2.0, if you will. The technicals are starting to show signs of exhaustion for the crypto market leader - only time will tell if the alts will rise again as they're afforded the credit they deserve. But one thing is certain, not all crypto assets will receive the same attention they did last alt season. Only those that have a strong foothold with real use cases and those that have a strong community will rise again from the shadows. At least that is what we believe to be true - what do you think?


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