So the 13K has been seen, there is a chance now, that the top has been set! 13.200 is also stil, what i mentioned yesterday, to form a H&S. It is hanging around the highs, that is a strong sign. It has made a tripple top at the 13.000 level, untill now it is still forming a bullish upwards triangle, that could also bring us to 13.500, but for now, i expect a top form around these levels, to make a new big drop back to the 9K lows and maybe even lower. I have started to open shorts from 12.600 12.700 yesterday and have added every 100 points higher, also at 13.000. I will continue to add up to 13.200. I will have a big short position, but divided at all those prices, BTC has surprised me to many times to have a position that's to big. Money managment is to important to stay truly focused on the trades and not on the money!