How to trade with Analysis

Di Woi
It's much easier setting up moving averages indicators on charts to guide in trading. And this is how to do: First go to and type in any currency you would like to trade in. As the graph pops up, you need to click on indicators and then on settings, choose moving averages exponential and set the candle quantity to 13 and give that line a color Red. Do the same for another moving average line but set the candle quantity to 34 this time and the color to Blue. Basically you need to buy when the 13 candle line (Red) is significantly below the 34 candle line (Blue). And then sell when the Red line is high above the Blue line. This trick I learned from Trevon James' Youtube video called "Never lose a trade again". Check it out and try doing the steps on yourself and you should get confident trading. You do not need to be a trading expert, this video is at beginners level and even I had no prior experience using charts before watching this video. So I highly recommend it to you guys. Till next time, Cheers!
Technical IndicatorsTrend Analysis

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