Trend Analysis:
The current trend is defined by the last price and it's relationship to specific moving averages.
Check the MA strategy for more specific suggestions.
Weekly: The relationship to the primary trend MA is bearish. The price in relationship to the other averages suggest close current positions.

Price Action:
Weekly: The average price range currently is 1549.7 points/ticks/pips. Prices are currently .2x the normal trading range. Prices are trading within the mean range for activity. This generally indicates a consolidation of strength/indecision in the market regarding direction.
Prices are currently caught in consolidation between 22789.6 and 24764.8.
While in consolidation the trade range may decrease to 957.282 points/ticks/pips.

Standard Deviation
Weekly: Standard deviation suggests a range from 21435.2 to 27495.1 for the following week.

Calculated Price Strength:
The strength of the trend in conjunction with specific averages
Weekly: Trend strength suggests a trade range of 23507.49 to 25422.91 for the following week.

Price Projection:
The price action has generated a projection signal for the underlying.
Weekly: Price currently displays (if strength and attitude continue) a desire to move toward 25104.48
If strength and attitude continue, it could take between 1 to 2 trade periods (weeks) to reach the projection.

Indicators Summary.
A collection of technical indicators whose directional attitude has been summarized.
Weekly: Out of the cumulative indicators monitored, 80.00% are bullish, 0.00% are bearish, 20.00% are neutral

The CCI indicator trading strategy suggest the following:
Weekly: Strongly bullish - shorts closed.

Confirmation Signal
6 indicators combined to confirm entry/exit.
Weekly Bearish - Close/Cover directional trades, profit taking/trend switch in process.
Chart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis

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