The only on point ETH Analysis on this site?!

Di Sherem
Check out my last analysis. I said I would be laddering positions down to this 275-300 ETH area. My point C target on my chart wasn't perfect, but it was pretty dang close. You're Welcome.

RSI oversold on the Daily, ETH

Current Conditions:
On the Daily:
RSI is confirming the bottom.
MACD is almost ready to cross
On the 6 Hour:
Broken Trendline
Strong RSI
Strong MACD

Don't sell to soon, we are targetting this 500-550 area for a move. This will give us a similar magnitude move that we had this last April.

LTC has confirmed a move up. BCH has confirmed a move up. BTC is just about there and is lagging behind. This is expected as some of the drivers for this move are the crosses like eth/btc, so people will sell btc to buy eth, thus, keeping btc flat and driving up eth.

If we move sideways from here, it looks to me like a IH&S structure could happen.
volume profile gives us a lot of clearance on this chart,
Also note that we will run into resistance in this 450 area, but by then we will be so far in profit it won't matter and can use stops to protect positions and let the market dictate what happens.

Happy Trading,
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Something to keep in mind here as we get this weekend volatility with no volume. If we go back to April and analyze what happened there we can see a lot of similar price action. Check out the April fractal compare to what it's doing now. Very Similar and we still have a few days to go to complete that cycle. And what a coincidence... proshares etf decision falls right on about the end of this 11 day cycle.


Same set up is happening on ETH/BTC as well.
My point C got moved when I was adjusting my bars, you know from my past analysis it sits on my 275 point. Apologies for the adjustment there.
Here it is back where it should be
BTC's break is quite bullish. ETH is lagging behind. We need it to break 320 for a substantial move to the upside. ETH/BTC hasn't even started to take off yet, when that happens we'll get our move in ETH.
We are still long on this pair. Couple things to keep in mind here. 1st, on a weekly chart we formed a doji and inside candle. If we get a substantial move higher we could get a weekly macd cross. You can see we are starting to level off there, which is a good sign.


I zoomed in and drew as many minor down ward trendlines as I could find. It seems we have broken all of them, except one. We'll see what happens here.

We have now broken that final downward trendline. However, ETH/BTC remains getting hammered and is keeping ETH from any type of move up. It is surprising we haven't had more of a move up, especially since alt's have been pumping quite a bit. The worry here is that a continuation pattern is forming and if we break to the downside it could be bad news. This 270-275 area is pretty critical to hold

Chart PatternsETHEthereum (Cryptocurrency)ETHUSDethusdlongETHUSDTTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis

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